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This RingSurf Net Ring is owned by Save Our Children

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Children's Protection Campaign WebRing
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Join the Child Safety Web Ring
Child Safety Web Ring
This Child Safety Web Ring site is owned by Erica M. Rammel
And maintained by Myrtle's Free Stuff and Sweepstakes
proud members of the Child Safety Web Ring
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Do you recognize one of these people?
Please contact the F B I if you do!!!!!!!

Click on the face of one and see all information!
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Faces of Fear Web RingNext Faces of Fear Ring
Faces of Fear site is owned by
Erica M. Rammel.
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This Java Applet Banner will run continuously, displaying the 13 Missing Children Alert Cases. Clicking on the photograph will bring up the Alert
Page with more information, and the ability to print posters. Clicking
on the Marquee Message will connect to the NCMEC home page.

The image seen will change every ten minutes.
Currently the 12 most recently reported missing children
are kept in this queue. Clicking on the NCMEC logo will bring
you to the home page; clicking anywhere else will bring you to
the full details of the missing child's record. There is also
included a link to view the entire queue of 12 children.

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This RingSurf Children Missing Ring Net Ring
owned by Save Our Children.

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