This ones Ok, not hilarious though
Doh, Doh, Doh, Doh, Doh...etc
Self explanitary
Gee, I dunno
Chief Wigum at his best
Ahhhh Guess who
apu Apu pronouncing his whole name
aquarium Frozen bananas, aquariums it doesn't make sense does it?
asskiss He has never actually said this but someone cleverly dubbed it
AYCarum Take one guess
baby Texas would, would they
badfathr Patty and Selma baggin' out Homer (again!)
Bah Good old Monty
Barney Barney.......Social Skills?!?
beavers Chief Wigum still has that meemory of when he and.........
beerkill This noise thingy is pretty laughy type?:)
BikiniZone Who's Bikini zone is it though?
BlimpyBoy Hey there you fat bastard
Boobies Take one guess what hes drooling over
boogieman Who believes in that guy?
boproble Bart up to his usual prank!
brain If anyone noes what a Q-chip is tell me
brownies Barney at a brownies meeting
burntake Monty up to his pissweak self
burp Pretty damn obvious
burrito The names Rito, Burt Rito
byebye Good 4 when you're closing your computer down but it was obviously dubbed off the radio or TV