PSX List
CD & Cover
DC List

[email protected]

Q: How much does the Playstation games cost?

A: The price is 60 kroner pr. game and 50 kroner if you buy  min.10 games

Q: How much does the Dreamcast games cost?

A: The price is 100 kroner pr. game and 90 kroner if you buy min.10  games.

Q: Are your games copyed?

A: The games are not burned (CDR) they are made in a factory and  looks like originale games,  with colour print on the cd and for the cd  box.

Q: How do I order the games?

A: When you know what games you want, then just send a E-mail to [email protected] with your  adress and the games you want, and Dreamprice will write back to confirm your order.

Q: How do I pay for the games?

A: You will make a money tranfer to my bank account.

Q: Who will pay for the money tranfer and the P&P (fragt/porto)?

A: I will pay for the P&P(fragt/porto) and you will pay for  the money tranfer.

The money tranfer costs around 50 kroner in Denmark and around 100  kroner in Sweden..

Q: How long does it take from I order the games and untill I recive  them?

A: It takes from 4-10 days depending on the day you order the  games.

Sweden 4-5 working days.      Denmark 5-10 working days

Q: When do I pay for the games?

A : I used to send the games first to people and then they would  pay when they recived the games...                

But because some people like XXXXX in Sweden  dont pay at all, then i had the change the rules.

So from now on i am sorry to  say that it is pay first...sorry

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