Kathy L's Site Map

The LaPier HomePage
(The Geocities Site)

KathyL's Outlook Express Stationery & Tips
(The FC Site)

Kathy & David LaPier's msn HomePage

  1. About Us
    Kasia & Erics Wedding Page
    Katya's Page added 4/18/2001
  2. Our Cats
  3. Midi's
  4. What's New
  5. The Moon Dance
  6. Outlook Express ~ Links to the FC Site
  7. Links Pages KathyL's Comprehensive Links page
    Links~All-in-One Sites
    Links~Art Images
    Links~Book Sites
    Links~Boston Sites
    Links~Collectibles Sites
    Links~Cooking & Recipe Sites
    Links~Entertainment Sites (Movies etc)
    Links~Free Fonts Sites
    Fonts NOT to Remove
    Links~Freeware & Shareware sites
    Links~Friend's Homepages
    ...Including links to 2 of 'my' pages :
    Daniel's Page
    Jake's Page
    Links~Fun Stuff (For good time surfing!)
    Links~Gifs & Animations for free sites
    Links~Government Links
    Links~Greeting Cards (virtual variety)
    Links~Investment Information Links
    Links~Magazines (On-Line reading !)
    Links~Medical Sites
    Links~Midi Collections Sites
    Links~Midi Search Sites (Find that certain midi !)
    Links~msn & Internet Explorer Sites
    Links~OutLook Express Stationery Sites
    Links~Newspapers (find your Newspaper on line!)
    Links~Newsstations (Major TV news stations online)
    Links~Paint Shop Pro (Where to get it & How to use it)
    Links~Phonebooks (find that number or email online)
    Links~Puter Info (Have a problem with your computer?)
    Links~Reference (Have some research to do?)
    Links~Search Engines (Find it on the internet!)
    Links~Travel Plans (Find the lowest airfare!)
    Links~ TV Station Sites (I Have em all!)
    Links~Wavs (free wavs <sounds>)
    Links~Windows95/98 (Helpful sites & free accessories)
  8. Over 40s Page ~ My Tribute to the wonderful folks at the now defunct MSN Over40s NewsGroup <latest Update>
    Alan's Page
    Barb(Ontario) Page
    BarbaraL's Page
    Bev's Page
    bobbi's Page
    Brav's Page <new 7/26/00>
    CarolJ's Page <updated 8/5/2000>
    Doc Cindy's Page
    Debz Page
    Dee's Page
    Don's Page
    Ernest's Page
    Iain <Bearz> Page
    Jesse's Page
    Jo-Ann's Page
    Joe's Page<updated 8/5/2000>
    Karla's Page
    KathyL's Page <updated 8/5/2000><Hey! That's me! ;-)>
    Linda's Page
    Marty's Page
    MJ's Page
    Mr. Bill's Page
    Pat B's Page
    Robin L's Page <updated 8/13/00>
    Russ' Page
    Smudger's Page
    Suze's Page <updated 8/13/00>
    Terri's Page
    Tom's Page <new 7/26/00>
    *Tony's Page
    Vee's Page
    Veronica's Page <new 8/13/00>
    Shaun's Page
    and from the newer<also now gone>Peers 40's NG..
    Angie's Page
    Bovetek's Page
    Debbie's Page
    Isabella's page
    Jill (Cowpatty)'s Page
    Jim's Page
    Major Kat's Page
    Mary's Page <new 8/21/00>
    Nanette's Page
    Phyllis (PB)'s Page
    RJ's Page
    Seth's Page
    Sharon's Page<updated 8/13/00>
    Charter Chipsters
    Aside from being able to download two chats with the creator of Chips Challemge, Chuck Sommerville, here you'll find bio pages of the original msn Charter Chipsters, as well as their scores and perinent links.
    Chuck Sommerville's Page
    Alice's Page
    Maybelle's Page
    Limo John's Page
    Barbara L's Page
    KathyL's Page
    Ruben's Page
    Kevin's Page
    Jay's Page
    Charter Chipster's Scorecard
  9. The Broken Line
  10. David's Stuff
  11. Kathy's Stuff
    Enoch Wood English Scenery Transferware
    ...~* A comparison of E. Wood mfg. periods
    Boston Historical Staffordshire
    Kathy L's Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne Madness
..I.Stationery Collections (Instructions explaining how to download and use the stationery, along with a link to winzip, follow the various stationery type button-links)
  1. Holiday Stationery (A list of this years Patriotic Holidays and their dates, follow the list of various Holiday Button-Links)
    New Years Stationery
    Valentine's Stationery
    Mardi Gras Stationery
    St. Patrick's Day Stationery
    Easter Stationery
    Mother's Day Stationery
    Father's Day Stationery
    Halloween Stationery
    Thankgiving Day Stationery
    Christmas Stationery
    Patriotic Stationery
  2. Occasion Stationery
    Afternoon Tea Stationery
    Anniversary Stationery (a list of both traditional & modern Anniversary gifts follows the stationery selections)
    Announcement Stationery * This new section has caregories for several types of announcements (These categories will be created ASAP. So far I only have one done :
    Announcing a New Baby
    Birthday Stationery (a list of each month's birthstone follows the stationery selections)
    Congratulations Stationery ( Congrats for awards, achievements, graduation, retirement, new home, general etc.)
    Get Well Stationery
    Children's Stationery (This one has just begun. Stationery suitable to use for & by kids)
    Sympathy Stationery
    Thank You Stationery
    Wedding Stationery
  3. Seasonal Stationery
    Winter Stationery
    Spring & Summer Stationery
    Autumn Stationery
  4. Selections from our Stationery Creators
    from Barbara L
    from Bev B
    from bobbi
    from Carol J
    from Iain aka Bearz
    from Isabella
    from Jo Ann
    from Kathy L (hey! That's me!) ;-)
    from Suze
    from Shaun Capovilla ~ in fond memory

.II. Stationery Tips & "How To's"

  1. How to save Stationery.
  2. How to save images or sounds from OE4 or OE5 messages.
  3. How to create simple stationery in FrontPage Express.
  4. How to embed sounds in OE4 or OE5 messages.
  5. How to create stationery that doesn't repeat (tile) across the page.
  6. How to use block coding.
  7. How to make & use Signatures in OE messages.
  8. How to "hyper-link" email addresses or site-URL's within OE messages.

III. Stationery Links :
This page has links to six relevant link pages from the '
Comprehensive Links Area" of the LaPier Home Page. (First Column).

IV. "HOME" : The LaPier Home Page

.V. "Our 2nd HOME" Kathy & David LaPier's msn site

VI. Site Map (You're Here!)

VII. What's New (links to & from the "What's New & What's Next" page at The LaPier Home Page .(First Column).

VIII. An explanation of how this site came to be.

.IX. Tribute to the msn Over 40's NG (Links to an area of the LaPier Home Page. (First Column).

..X. The Original Stationery NG (a link to the actual News Group).

.XI. Awards & Features

XII. Guest Book (Links back to the LaPier Home Page. (First Column).

XIII. Stationery Web Rings

VIV. Kalamkia page

A Sad Note :

TalkCities, which was hosting the msn free homepages, very unceremoniously closed shop and went home without any notification to the thousands of folks who had built their home pages there.


Much of what we had there was a duplication of what was on our Geocities site, so our loss wasn't as severe as what many suffered.


The two sections we had there which weren't on any of our other pages, namely the david's Stff pages and the Kathy's stuff Pages (which housed my Yorktowne collection, my Enoch Woods English Scenery collection and my Historical boston transferware collection) have been rebuilt onto our geocities site.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Free Homepage hosted by Geocities

Free Homepage Hosted by Fortune Cities



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since it's creation on 01/27/2000


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