Welcome to Kathy L's
OutLook Express Stationery Collections, Stationery How-Tos and Stationery Links.
(Yes! the stationery I have here IS compatible with both OE4 & OE5 and no..none of it scrolls ;) )

Click here to see my Stationery Collections The Outlook Express Stationery Collections Page contains doorways to my downloadable stationery collections grouped by type of Occasion (Anniversary, Birthday, Get Well, Sympathy, Thank You; Wedding etc.) and Holiday as well as Collections from my talented and generous Stationery contributors.
Click here to go to my Outlook Express Shationery tips and How-Tos page The Outlook Express Stationery Tips & How-To's Page contains the answers to some frequently asked Outlook Express questions, such as how to make a signature; how to embed sounds; how to collect, use & even make simple stationery, and more.
Click here to go to my Stationery Links pages The Outlook Express Stationery Links Page links to my comprehensive links area as well as to individual pages of links to other stationery collections and tutorial sites, PSP sites, and sites for Art collections, gifs & backgrounds, fonts and midis.
Click here to return home to The LaPier Homepage Believe it or not, this is but one section of The LaPier Homepage. In addition to this Stationery section, there are sections for Chips Challenge; The msn Over40s NG tribute; a tribute to the Broken Line Game; My huge Links area; information about us, our cats, our old boat restoration; midis and more.

To a one page outline of our web site pages

Wondering how you got here, and how to get back? Or maybe you're just having trouble trying to remember where that certain piece of stationery was. This 'map' may help.
Please Note : The Stationery offered on these pages is for private email or Ng use only. It is not intended for use on other web-sites or for commercial gain in any way. Please respect the creators efforts and take care to give proper credit when you use it. Thanks. The management. :-)


Once we upgraded to the 'new' IE4.0 with Outlook Express in October of 1997, the folks at the now defunct msn Over40's Newsgroup had great fun figuring out how to play with it. It was like the blind leading the blind, but we shared all we learned with everyone else on the board, and between us all we learned some pretty neat tricks.

A few of us found the stationery NG as soon as it was created, and came back home to the 40's board to tell the rest of us about it. Several of us started 'lurking' there and marveled at some of the stationery creations that were being produced.

One lady in particular, Shaun, was producing the most marvelous stationery by placing images in the left margin of her stationery. She also made little matching email buttons for her stationery creations.

She was asked so frequently for instructions on how to make it that she wrote up some instructions that she could post in response. You'll find those instructions on my Stationery How-Tos and Tips, along with others. The linking button is above..

Of course we weren't satisfied to stop there. We also wanted to know how to embed sound into our email and newsgroup messages. Here Marfer and others also came to our aid.

Then came the typewriting script, the lake effect, animation creation....etc etc etc.

Since that time, several of the 40's Group became pretty knowledgable themselves. While the 40's board was not primarily a 'stationery board', and wouldn't have wanted to become one (there are already plenty of good ones out there), we did enjoy sharing our creations with each other. The 40's Group had gained a bit of a reputation for passing information on to folks who come to the board with questions.

New folks were constantly stopping by the old Over40's NG and asking the how-tos. With the generous consent of many, I've put the answers to the most frequently asked questions here . The Stationery How-To's button above will take you there..

You can find out more about these folks on the Tibute to the Over40s Web Page.There you'll find photos and short bios of many of the good folks who were there.. All of the folks whose collections I display on the Stationery Collections page can be found there. The link below will take you there.

click here to go to our 40's Pages

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To access the stationery NewGroup where we found Shaun and so many other helpful stationery aficionados click below:

click here to go to THE Stationery NesGroup

I'm honored to have received the following awards and Features:

Award for Excellence in Stationery or Related Resources

Featured week of January 12th, 1999

Our site has also made it into the Fortune City "Top 100 Sites' list during the list's first week of existence! (December, 1999) and we've remained there ever since! . Thanks to our many loyal returning viewers. We show up even higher in the list in our FortuneCity category, "Computers and Internet".

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This page has been visited times
since it's creation on 10/23/98

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