Skateboarding - Tim

Tim Lei Tony Marantis Knedi Glenn Niko Jovan Snotgun Del Chris Back to Sk8 main

Gid'aye mate
Name: Tim "Alex the Kidd" Burnie
Years skating: 4
Stance: Goofy (what a spaz!)
Lives: Brisbane, Australia
Born: 1981
Hometown: Mangere East, Auckland, New Zealand
Other interests: Playing army soldiers with Ross and wearing Auzzie cowboy hats

Advanced hair...a yeah! yeah!

When Tim comes home from a hard days skating, he recommends
using Timotay shampoo and conditioner
Gosh, I'm so beautiful (...I mean, just look at my hair)

Tim, pop shove-it to backside boardslide

			Timmy T of "Coast to Coast" skateboards 
			has extreme concentration on his face 
     			(yeah! fuck yeah! V.P.M '99) 
			as he performs a pop shove-it to
			backside boardslide at a bench outside 
			a toilet at One Tree Hill, Auckland, NZ.