F a m i l y  S c r o l l















Before Ordering

  • Determine quantity of photos/documents to be scanned
  • Determine the quantity of CD duplicates you want
  • Determine audio & video recordings to be digitized
    • Determine approximate total time length
  • Determine quantity of photos to be enhanced
  • Determine photos to be printed in hard copy
    • Determine quantity
    • Determine size (up to 8" x 10")
  • Decide if you want a family website established
  • Determine your preferred shipping carrier

When Ready to Order

  • Call Family Scroll at 1-602-418-6041 for an estimate
  • Make downpayment
    • Usually half of estimate with remainder due before we ship
  • If you live near the office you can also bring in your photos

After Ordering

  • Send us your photos
    • Label photos on back or on masking tape on the back
    • If no names provided, images will be labeled thus: Image01,...
    • If you desire, insure your shipment
  • Clearly identify all other forms of media you want digitized
    • Name the audio & video clips, etc.


Family Scroll provides services only.

We do not charge for CDs and their jewel cases, only for the service of storing on this media.

Due to the nature of this service there is no sales tax and all sales are final.