F a m i l y  S c r o l l



























Digitizing and storing on Compact Disc

Scanning photos and documents

    • Quantities of 1 to 99:         95 cents each
    • Quantities of 100 to 199:   85 cents each
    • Quantities of 200 to 299:   75 cents each
    • Quantities of 300 to 999:   65 cents each
    • Adding text / captions:      10 cents each

Data Storage on compact disc

    • 1 - 25 MB:       $1.00 per MB
    • 25 - 650 MB:   $25.00 flat fee

Enhancing and Restoring photographs

Digital enhancement and removal of defects

    • $35.00 per hour

Hard Copy Prints

    • Per 8-1/2" x 11" photographic paper page: $5.00

Digitizing Audio & Video recordings

Digital mastering and recording

    • $35.00 per hour

Web Page Design

HTML coding, uploading files, URL site establishment

    • $35.00 per hour plus site fees (if any)

Shipping & Handling

UPS, Fedex, Express Mail, etc.

    • $5.00 handling plus carrier charges


Family Scroll provides services only.

We do not charge for CDs and their jewel cases, only for the service of storing on this media.

Due to the nature of this service all sales are final.