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Slave positions
These positions are termed 'Basic' because they occur in the
Books and in IRC-Gor. They are by no means all inclusive,
and there is an advanced positioning format which is taught
to red silked kajir and very experienced yellow silked kajir.
The positions outlined in this section likely have variances that
you find throughout ircGor and RL. However, these are the
commonly understood usages and positions taken, suitable for
any kajira to be proficient in.
Understand that positions which are taught here are those
which are particular mark of the Karian School of Training for
white and yellow silked kajirae. They are, as much as
possible, substantiated by Book reference. IRC-Gor variations
are shown, and every effort is made to ensure that this is a
complete list of positions known. Each City has it's own
variations to any given position which will give a kajir away
as being trained in a given City. Likewise, within the City,
there are variations in the Training Houses. Beyond that,
there are numerous schools of philosophy of kajir training
which all influence the matter. And finally, each Master will
have his own particular preferences. The bottom line here is
that there is no absolute correct way to perform any position,
even by referencing to the Books, which clearly state that
these variations exist. So long as the position is pleasing,
the Master is pleased with the performance of the kajira, then
all is acceptible.
Its important to remember you are the eyes and ears of the one
you are serving; be sure to describe your own movements, how
your body lies, your skin tone, eye and hair colour, the
effects of the silks you are wearing (if any), sounds, and
especially, your own inner reactions that you are experiencing
as you move into these positions.