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Bahá'i Chronology

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A Brief History of the Bahá'í Faith

The Historic or Apostolic Age:
*The first epoch: the Báb
*The second epoch: Bahá'u'lláh
*The third epoch: 'Abdu'l-Bahá
The Formative Age:
*The first epoch: 1921 to 1947
*The second epoch: 1947 to 1963
*The third epoch: 1963 to 1986
*The fourth epoch: 1986 to present
*Pronunciation Guide
*Other Information


Bahá'í History can be divided into seven periods thus far. The first three periods form the Apostolic or Heroic Age. The first epoch centers around the youthful and gentle Báb [meaning the Gate, also known as the Forerunner of the Ancient Beauty], Whose brief tumultuous Ministry prepared the way for the long-awaited coming of the promised Messenger of God. The second epoch is centered about the majestic, powerful and awe-inspiring figure of Bahá'u'lláh [meaning the Glory of God, also known by the titles: The Blessed Perfection, The Ancient Beauty], the Promised One of all religions. Having given up a life of extreme wealth and ease, He promoted the Message of the Báb, only later to learn that He Himself was the Promised One foretold by the Báb and by the religions of the past. Enduring 40 years of exiles and imprisonments, and under nearly impossible circumstances, surrounded by enemies and their plots, lies and intrigues, He revealed God's Message for this Day. The third epoch revolves around the ministry of 'Abdu'l-Bahá [meaning servant of the Glory, i.e. of the Glory of God] and eldest son of Bahá'u'lláh. Sharing His Father's exiles and imprisonments, 'Abdu'l-Bahá became the perfect example of His Father's Teachings and today is known as the Exemplar and Interpreter of the Bahá'í Faith, The Most Great Branch, The Master, and The Center of Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant.

The last four periods comprise the Formative Age. The first epoch of the Formative Age "witnessed the birth and the primary stages in the erection of the framework of the Administrative Order of the Faith". "That epoch was characterized by a twofold process aiming at the consolidation of the administrative structure of the Faith and the extension of the range of its institutions." --Citadel of Faith, p. 5. The second epoch extended that twofold process, extending the range of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Divine Plan and culminating with the election of the Universal House of Justice. The third epoch, characterized by rapid growth, concluded with the beginning of the Faith's emergence from obscurity into the larger arena of public notice, fueled in no small part by the persecution of the Bahá'í's in the land of It's birth. The fourth (and present) epoch began with the increased maturation of the administrative institutions from the local spiritual assemblies up to and including the Universal House of Justice which is now engaged in a vast expansion of the World Center. This epoch will also witness the complete emergence of the Faith from obscurity and vastly greater involvement in the social and economic development of the world.

This brief guide provides a chronological view of the more significant events in the history of the religion. The chronology has been pieced together from a broad array of historical sources which will one day be listed at the end.

Shoghi Effendi's system of transliteration is used throughout to most accurately display Persian and Arabic names. HTML does not permit full accuracy in this regard, as it does not support all the necessary characters. Here is a brief pronunciation guide to assist the reader:

Bahá'u'lláh is pronounced:  Ba (as in back) - haw - o (as in short) - law.  Wherever you see á, think a as in arm. ' indicates a pause. Mírzá is pronounced: Meerzaw. Whenever you see í, think ee as in meet. Bahá'í would therefore be Ba - haw - (brief pause) - ee; in this context the í means of, as in follower of. Quddús is pronounced: Khodoos. Whenever you see ú think oo as in moon. Don't worry too much about the Q - it is a guttural sound that doesn't come naturally to Anglophones . Unless you have heard Arabic or Persian, just treat it like a K.

First Epoch of the Heroic Age: 1844-1853: The Ministry of the Báb, the Forerunner

1817: 12 Nov, Birth of Bahá'u'lláh [Mírzá Husayn-'Alí] in Tihrán, to one of the wealthiest families in Persia.  Bahá'u'lláh (i.e. Glory of God), never having attended school, is taught calligraphy, riding, classical poetry and a good reading knowledge of the Qur'án which was customary for a nobleman's son at that time.

1819: Mírzá `Alí Muhammad, who later assumed the title of Báb (i.e. 'Gate'), was born 20th of October in Shíráz, in the south of Persia. He was a Siyyid, that is, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.

1821-1829: Greek War of Independence: Britain, France, and Russia support Greece against its Ottoman rulers in 1827

1823-1829-1830/1831-1846: Roman Catholic Popes Leo XII, Pius VIII, and Gregory XVI

1828: The passing of Mírzá Muhammad Ridá, the Father of the Báb. The Báb is placed in the care of His maternal uncle, Hají Mirzá Siyyid 'Alí, a merchant of Shíráz and later one of the Seven Martyrs of Tihrán.

1830: July Revolution in France creates unrest across Europe

Pre-1844: Bahá'u'lláh becomes known as "The Father of the Poor" for His generosity and care of the needy. His father dies in 1839. Bahá'u'lláh was asked to take His father's place in the government but Bahá'u'lláh refuses the position.

1844: 'Edict of Toleration' is given by Sultan of Turkey allowing Jews to return to their 'homeland': end of 1,260 'days' prophecy, 2,300 'days' prophecy, 3 and 1/2 times (3 and 1/2 years) prophecy,and 2,520 'days' of the Abomination of Desolation prophecy, and the "seven-times" prophecy of 2,520 lunar 'days'; Mírzá `Alí Muhammad, who afterwards assumed the title of Báb (i.e. 'Gate') declares on May 23rd to Mullá Husayn at 2 hours, 11 minutes after sunset (technically, 23 May - new day begins after sunset), that he is the promised one (Mahdi) of Islam in Shiraz, Persia thereby creating the Babi religion: he also instituted a new calendar. In those days belief in the imminent appearance of a Divine Messenger was especially prevalent among a sect known as the Shaykhís, and it was to a distinguished divine belonging to this sect, called Mullá Husayn Bushru'i, that the Báb first announced His mission. The exact date of this announcement is given in the Bayán, one of the Báb's Writings, as two hours and eleven minutes after sunset on the eve preceding the fifth day of the month of Jamádiyu'l-Avval 1260 A.H.: Abbás Effendi also known as `Abdu'l-Bahá (Bahá'u'lláh's son) was born in the course of the same night; Aug, The Báb instructed Mullá Husayn to journey through Persia and Iraq and deliver a scroll to One Who is worthy. The reputation of Bahá'u'lláh convinces him that He is the intended recipient. Bahá'u'lláh reads the scroll and immediately becomes a follower of the Báb; 12 Dec, The Báb, accompanied by His foremost disciple Quddús, undertakes a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina where a few days later He made His first public declaration of His divine mission; the Telegraph is invented by Samuel F.B. Morse: he demonstrates his telegraph by sending a message to Baltimore from the chambers of the Supreme Court in Washington, DC saying "What hath God wrought?"

1845: June, Quddús returns to Shíráz. Sounds the call to prayer with the addition of words from the Báb, causes commotion among the populace, especially the clergy; 7 July, The Báb is publicly interrogated, struck in the face and released into the custody of His uncle; July/Aug, The Sháh commands the erudite Vahíd to investigate the Báb's claims. Vahíd becomes a leading disciple. Hujjat, another dignitary of the realm, also becomes a leading disciple. Several thousand townspeople join. The anxiety among the clergy increases.

1846: 23 Sep, The Báb is arrested in Shíráz at the house of His uncle but released on the condition that He leaves the area; Sept/Oct, The Báb sojourns in Isfahán, is accorded honours by the people. Death warrant issued by the local high clergy. The Báb journeys to Kashan and Tabríz, receives enthusiastic reception by the people; Dec, Mullá 'Aliy-i-Bastámí dies in Istanbul naval dockyards - first martyr of the Bábí Dispensation.

1846-1878: Roman Catholic Pope Pius IX

1847: 1 Apr, Bahá'u'lláh sends a letter and gifts to the Báb; May/June, The Báb arrives in Tabriz en route to Máh-Kú, stays for 40 days and is well received by the populace; July, The Sháh, prompted by his top advisor, Hájí Mírza Aqásí, has the Báb incarcerated at the fortress of Máh-Kú in the mountains of Adhirbayjan for nine months. The local populace, at first hostile, comes to revere Him. The Báb reveals one of His great works, the Bayán; Dec, Bahá'u'lláh is imprisoned for a few days for assisting in the escae of a Bábí prisoner. Shaykh Sálih-i-Karímí, an imprisoned Bábí, becomes the first Bábí martyr on Persian soil; Communist Manifesto is written by Karl Marx in Germany

1848-1849: Revolutions rage across Europe

1848: 20 Mar, Mulla Husayn arrives at Máh-kú to see the Báb; 10 April, Due to the great influence He was having with the people of the area, the Báb is transferred to prison in Chiríq, a Kurdish area hostile to Persians. Here too many leading citizens become followers.; 26 Jun-17 July, Conference of Badasht. Organized, directed and hosted by Bahá'u'lláh and attended by 81 of the Báb's leading followers, the Bábí Faith for the first time becomes understood by It's followers as a religion distinct from Islam. Bahá'u'lláh bestows a new name upon each participant and with no contact, the Báb later confirms and uses those same names [note: the new names are the ones being used in this account]. Táhirih [the pure] pronounces the equality of women and publicly removes her veil. Bahá'u'lláh reconciles the participants following this great controversy, facilitating their understanding of this new religion.; July, Interrogation of the Báb in Tabríz where He makes a dramatic public declaration of His Station. He is returned to Chiríq.; 21 Jul, Mullá Husayn hoists the Black Standard and marches from Mashad with 202 fellow disciples to assist Quddús in Mazindaran; 4 Sep, Muhammad Shah, intending to order death of Bahá'u'lláh, dies, succeeded by 17-year old Násiri'd-Dín Sháh. Hájí Mírza Aqásí, chief antagonist of the Báb [the Antichrist of the Bábí Faith], is expelled from the capital; 10 Oct, Mullá Husayn and 71 fellow disciples are besieged at Shaykh Tabarsí, eventually to be surrounded by twenty thousand soldiers; Nov, Quddús arrives at Fort Tabarsí after Mullá Husayn had secured his release from Sárí. The number of disciples besieged is now 202;  Dec, Bahá'u'lláh imprisoned and tortured in Amul; In France the February Revolution installs a republican government (2nd Republic) in place of the monarchy with Louis Napoleon as President

1848-1916: Francis Joseph I rules Austria

1849: 2 Feb, Mullá Husayn is shot and killed; 19-20 Feb, The famous Seven Martyrs of Tihrán are martyred; 10 May, The siege at Shaykh Tabarsí ends in betrayal when a promise of "no harm", signed on a Qur'án, is broken. The Bábís are tortured, mutilated and massacred; 16 May, Martyrdom of Quddús in Bárfurúsh after public torture. Soon after, A force of 5000 men begin extermination of Bábís, confiscating possessions, destroying houses, grizzly tortures, mutilations and executions - all inspired by religious fanaticism inflamed by the clergy.

1850-1851: 1800 Bábís martyred in Zanján including men, women and children.

1850: 29 Dec, Hujjat is martyred; 29 June, Vahíd is mutilated and killed in Nayríz.; 9 Jul, Attempted execution of the Báb in Tabríz by a firing squad of 750 soldiers in front of 20,000 witnesses fails. The Bab (ie. 'Gate') vanishes in the smoke and is found later completing His final instructions to His amanuensis. The leader of the first firing squad refuses to try again. A second attempt is made using a new leader at noon, this time successfully. A gale force wind, earthquake, cholera and famine immediately follow. One third of the firing squad later die in an earthquake, the remainder are executed for mutiny. The bodies of the Báb and Anís are retrieved as directed by Bahá'u'lláh and years later interred at the Shrine of the Báb on the slope of Mt. Carmel, Israel. By this time, the Bábí Faith is in Irán and Iráq.

1851: 28 Aug, Bahá'u'lláh arrives in Karbilá, Iráq - the start of a 10 month pilgrimage. Continues to spread the Báb's Teachings.

1852-1870: (Louis) Napoleon III rules as Emperor of France

1852: 15 Aug, Two crazed Bábís attempt to kill Násiri'd-Dín Sháh. They are executed on the spot. Nationwide reign of terror sweeps Persia. Anyone suspected of being Bábí are killed in unspeakably gruesome and inhumane manners. Many European diplomats witness and record the events. The nominee of the Báb, Mírzá Yahyá, half-brother of Bahá'u'lláh, flees [note: the Báb appointed him as His figurehead to deflect attention away from Bahá'u'lláh]. Upon hearing news of the assassination attempt, Bahá'u'lláh rides to the military post in Níyávarán. He is arrested and marched in chains, bare headed and bare footed to the Síyáh-Chál of Tihrán [literally meaning the Black Pit, it was "an abominable pit that had once served as a reservoir of water for one of the public baths" of Tihrán]. Here He was surrounded by criminals with His feet in mighty stocks and neck weighed done by a mighty chain, a chain so infamous that it had it's own name. Tahirih is executed. Her last words: "You can kill me as soon as you like, but you cannot stop the emancipation of women". Bahá'u'lláh is now the sole survivor from among the leaders of the Bábí Faith. No one would sign His death warrant out of fear that His execution would spark riots throughout Persia. Instead, it was hoped that he would die in this loathsome prison. This was not to be.

1852: In the Síyáh-Chál, in October, Bahá'u'lláh (i.e. Glory of God), like the experience Jesus had with the Dove, receives His Intimation that He is the Messenger of God for this Day. He leads the prisoners in song so loud that the Sháh hears the singing from his palace. One by one, most of the other Bábís chained with Him are executed. By now, an approximate total of 20,000 Bábís had been martyred. Bahá'u'lláh is poisoned, but survives. Bahá'u'lláh's family and Russian Minister Prince Dolgorouki demonstrate the complete innocence of Bahá'u'lláh in the matter of the assassination attempt. Bahá'u'lláh is released after four months of imprisonment, carrying the deep marks of the chains throughout the remainder of His days. 'Abdu'l-Bahá recognizes the full impact of the station of His Father. Bahá'u'lláh bestows upon His Son the designation "Mystery of God".

Second Epoch of the Heroic Age: 1853-1892: The Ministry of Bahá'u'lláh

1853: 12 Jan, Bahá'u'lláh is banished, chooses Baghdád, in the province of Iraq, Ottoman Empire, for His place of exile. This may be likened to the exodus of Moses and the exile of Abraham. His wealth is confiscated and properties pillaged. His youngest son is left behind with relatives because of the lack of provisions and the harsh winter travel. The journey included 'Abdu'l-Bahá age 9 and Bahíyyih Khánum age 7, and two brothers Mírzá Musa and Mírzá Muhammad Quli; 8 Apr, Bahá'u'lláh arrives in Baghdád. Mírzá Aqá Ján is the first to recognize Him as the Promised One. Bahá'u'lláh achieves great fame because of the love He shows the people and because of the great Writings He reveals. He is shown veneration by the populace. Mírzá Yahyá, prodded by Siyyid Muhammad [the Antichrist of the Bahá'í Faith], begins to discredit Bahá'u'lláh out of jealousy

Bahá'u'lláh's Exiles

1854: 10 Apr, Bahá'u'lláh leaves for the mountains of Kurdistan (Sulaymáníyyih), Iraq,  so that He would not be a source of disunity among the Bábís. This sojourn reminds us of Christ's walk in the wilderness. Here he stays nearly two years in isolation, except for brief visits to a local town for provisions. Villagers who have contact with Him spread word of Him and are magnetized with His love. Meanwhile, under Mírzá Yahyá's direction, the Bábí community degenerates. Out of desperation, 25 men claimed to be the Promised One foretold by the Báb. 'Abdu'l-Bahá, heartbroken by His Father's absence, passes time by copying and memorizing the Báb's Writings.

1854-1856: Crimean War

1856: 19 Mar, Fame of a man in the mountains of Kurdistán, had reached Baghdád. Bahá'u'lláh's family realized this man is Bahá'u'lláh and pleads for His return. He does return to Baghdád on this day and begins to rebuild the Bábí community. The community grows in size and respect.; Bahá'u'lláh reveals The Seven Valleys.

1857: Bahá'u'lláh reveals The Four Valleys

1858: Bahá'u'lláh reveals the Hidden Words

1859: Charles Darwin writes "The Origin of Species Through Natural Selection"

1860: Bahá'u'lláh applies for Ottoman nationality - obtains Turkish passports. Bahá'u'lláh's attendant is convinced to murder Him as He bathed, but struck by awe in His presence and remorse, he flees. Later, the same man approaches Bahá'u'lláh with a pistol, but again, in His presence, drops the pistol and flees. Famous meeting occurs between Bahá'u'lláh and clergy of several different faiths, in which the clergy concedes Bahá'u'lláh's knowledge and wisdom. They ask Him to perform a miracle as a final proof. Bahá'u'lláh agrees, but says they must all agree to one miracle (for the Cause of God is not a sideshow with hourly miracles) and put in writing that upon completion of the miracle, they must confess the truth of His Cause. The clergy could not agree on a miracle and drop the challenge. 'Abdu'l-Bahá, now 15, visits the local mosques and has dialog with the learned and Himself becomes famous for His wisdom. Mirza Mihdi joins Bahá'u'lláh; First Jewish neighborhood since the expulsion by the Romans is built outside Jerusalem's walls (Mishkenot Sha'ananim)

1861: Abolition of serfdom in Russia

1861-1865: The American civil war between the north (United States of America) and the south (Confederate States of America): The American civil war ends with the north being successful and slavery being abolished

c1862: Bahá'u'lláh reveals The Book of Certitude (Kitáb-i-Iqán)

1863: 26 Mar, Bahá'u'lláh reveals the Tablet of the Holy Mariner, in which He reveals gloomy predictions. Prompted by the stirrings of the clergy and the Persian Consul General of Baghdád, Bahá'u'lláh was invited to Istanbul on March 26th and given a sum of money for the journey by the Governor of Baghdád. Bahá'u'lláh accepts the invitation but gives all the money to the poor; 22 April, Somewhere during the next twelve days, the public declaration of the mission of Bahá'u'lláh in the Garden of Ridván [meaning Paradise, then known as the Garden of  Najíbíyyih] occurs in Baghdád on the shores of the Tigris River, nineteen years after the Báb's declaration, which fulfills the Báb's prophecy. This is the official beginning of the Bahá'í Dispensation and is celebrated each year as the first day of Ridvan. He makes three important announcements: forbids the use of the sword, says there will be no other Manifestations of God for 1000 years, and proclaims that all of the attributes of God have now been made manifest. This 12 day time period is celebrated as the Ridvan Festival; 30 April, Bahá'u'lláh's family joins Him, celebrated today as the ninth Day of Ridvan. During April Bahá'u'lláh asks Mírzá Yahyá to teach in Persia. Instead he flees for Constantinople; 3 May, Bahá'u'lláh, 11 family members and 26 disciples depart for Constantinople at noon. During the journey, they are accorded enthusiastic receptions wherever they stopped, being preceded by the government cavalry, flags flying and drums beating; 13 Aug,  Bahá'u'lláh departs by steamer from the port of Sámsun to Constantinople; 16 Aug, Arrival in Constantinople [the Sublime Porte] at noon. The house provided was too small. Within a month they were relocated to larger quarters. The Persian government is extremely upset with the courteousness and kindness shown by the Sultan toward Bahá'u'lláh, Who was received as a guest. Finally the Sultan was unable to resist the political pressure and issues the edict of banishment to the remote Adrianople (modern day Edirne). Bahá'u'lláh sends His first of many letters to the Kings and rulers of the world, to Sultan 'Abdu'l-'Azíz; Sept, Bahá'u'lláh's 18 month old daughter Sadhijiyyih dies; 19 Oct, Bahá'u'lláh reveals the Tablet of the Bell; 12 Dec, Arrival in Adrianople [the Land of Mystery] after a bitterly cold 12 day journey. Here, Bahá'u'lláh publicly announces His mission, that he is the 'promised one' of all religions (tenth avatar for Hindus/reincarnation of Krishna, the fifth Buddha for Buddhists, the Messiah for Jews, and the return of Christ for Christians and Muslims) thereby creating the Bahá'í Faith, both to His followers and to the world in letters to the Kings, rulers, religious leaders and mankind in general including elected officials. Most Bábís accept Him and become known as Bahá'ís. Note that Bahá'u'lláh's presence in Constantinople and Adrianople were the first time in recorded world history that a Manifestation of God set foot on European soil. Here, His revelation rose to its zenith; He is shown great respect by local officials, the diplomatic corps, and religious communities. Among those addressed by Bahá'u'lláh at this time were: Napoleon III, the Czar, Queen Victoria, the Pope, the Sultan and the Shah. In most cases, Bahá'u'lláh declares His Mission and makes demands of the ruler and states the consequences should He be rejected. All but Queen Victoria reject Him, and all but Queen Victoria succumb to defeat and humiliation, including Pope Pius IX.

1864: Bahá'u'lláh is poisoned by His half brother, Mírzá Yahyá. He was seriously ill for a month and was left with a shaking hand until the end of His life. (Today, you can see the effects of the poisoning in the penmanship of Bahá'u'lláh, preserved in the Bahá'í archives in Haifa.). Mírzá Yahyá has the well poisoned which provided water to Bahá'u'lláh's companions.

1865: Les Religions et les Philosophies dans l' Asie Centrale by the Comte de Gobineau is published, making the West aware of the Báb. 'Abdu'l-Bahá becomes known by all as "The Master";  some time later Bahá'u'lláh reveals the Tablet of Ahmad for Ahmad-i-Yazdí, a resident of Baghdád, who travels throughout Persia confirming that Bahá'u'lláh is the Promised One of all ages (part of the proof he gave was a written statement by the Báb "which declared that 'He Whom God shall make manifest' would bear the name Bahá")

1866: March, Bahá'u'lláh reveals the Surih of Command for Mírzá Yahyá calling on his allegiance. Yahyá responds by proclaiming that he is the Chosen One; 14 Nov, The great star fall occurs as predicted in Matt 24:29; Dynamite is invented by Alfred Nobel; the first transatlantic cable is laid

1867: Sept, Yahya challenges Bahá'u'lláh to appear with him in a public challenge but himself fails to appear. Some time after, Bahá'u'lláh reveals the Surih of Kings in which He collectively addresses all monarchs: Bahá'u'lláh wrote His famous letter to the Sultán of Turkey, many of the crowned heads of Europe, the Pope, and the Sháh of Persia. Later, in His Kitáb-i-Aqdas He addressed other sovereigns, the rulers and Presidents of America, the leaders of religion in general and the generality of mankind. To all, He announced His mission and called upon them to bend their energies to the establishment of true religion, just government and international peace. In His letter to the Sháh He powerfully pleaded the cause of the oppressed Bahá'í's and asked to be brought face to face with those who had instigated their persecution. Needless to say, this request was not complied with: Badí, the young and devoted Bahá'í who delivered the letter of Bahá'u'lláh, was seized and martyred with fearful tortures, hot bricks being pressed on his flesh, the first Tablet to Napoleon III, the Lawh-i-Sultan and the Tablet of the Branch which foreshadows 'Abdu'l-Bahá's future station. Nabil-i-A'zam is sent to Iraq and Iran to inform the Bábís of the advent of Bahá'u'lláh; Austro-Hungarian Empire is established with Francis Joseph I as Emperor; the Dominion of Canada is established

1868: 26 July, Sultan 'Abdu'l-'Aziz orders perpetual banishment of Bahá'u'lláh; 12 Aug, Mírzá Yahyá [who had been given the title Subh-i-Azal (Morning of Eternity) by the Báb), responded to Bahá'u'lláh's public claim by also claiming he was a messenger of God. Due to the plotting,scheming and intrigues by Mírzá Yahyá (who was the constant willing tool of Siyyid Muhammad), the Sultan banishes Bahá'u'lláh and His companions to 'Akká, while Mírzá Yahyá and his party (the Azalís) are sent to Cyprus. Bahá'u'lláh and 66 of His followers departs from Adrianople, initially for Gallipoli. Additionally, the government decided that four of the Azalís would accompany the Bahá'í group and vice versa. Siyyid Muhammad was one of the four to accompany Bahá'u'lláh. The lies and calumnies by Mírzá Yahyá and Siyyid Muhammad damaged the prestige of the Faith in the eyes of its western admirers such as E. G. Browne and A.L.M. Nicolas (the French Diplomat and translator of the Persian and Arabic Bayáns). Yahyá later died with no followers left to give him a burial as either a Bábí or Bahá'í; 21 Aug, Bahá'u'lláh departs from Gallipoli by steamer for Haifa and then by sail to 'Akká; 31 Aug, Arrival in 'Akká [the Most Great Prison, today known as Acre, Israel], a prison city for which it was said at that time that should a bird fly over it, the bird would surely fall to the ground dead for its foul air. During the first short while, almost all the prisoners became ill with malaria, dysentery or other sicknesses. 'Abdu'l-Bahá tended to all the sick even though he himself contracted an illness. Bahá'u'lláh predicts that one day He will pitch His tent on Mt. Carmel. Three succumbed to their illnesses; 2 Sep, The Governor of 'Akká visits the "desperate criminals" and is deeply impressed by 'Abdu'l-Bahá. He is moved to improve their conditions. Another visitor states that "such pure and sanctified souls had never before been seen in 'Akká". Meanwhile, Siyyid Muhammad and Aqá Ján Big, the source of all the lies to the authorities, convinced some guards to move their quarters to overlook the land gate so that they could identify anyone who arrived if they were Bahá'í and thus warning the guards, the pilgrims who had walked for weeks would be turned back without even a glimpse of Bahá'u'lláh through His cell window.

1868-1870: Bahá'u'lláh sends Tablets to 'Ali Pasha [Lawh-i-Ra'is], (second to) Napoleon III, Czar Alexander II, Queen Victoria, Pope Pius IX, Government of the United States (then President Grant).

1869: 17 year old Badi arrives in 'Akka after 4 months journey on foot, meets Bahá'u'lláh, requests and is given the Tablet to the Shah for delivery; 1 May, Nabil meets Bahá'u'lláh; July, Badi delivers tablet to Shah, is tortured and executed. Named "Pride of the Martyrs" by Bahá'u'lláh.

1870: Napoleon III defeated by Kaiser Wilhelm I, goes into exile in England and dies in 1873: France becomes a republic again (3rd Republic); 23 Jun, Mírzá Mihdí (the Purest Branch, Bahá'u'lláh's youngest son) falls through a skylight in the prison. Bahá'u'lláh offers to heal him but Mírzá Mihdí instead offers his life as a sacrifice so that those who desire may undertake pilgrimages. Bahá'u'lláh accepts and the Purest Branch dies at age 22. 70 years later, his body is entombed in the Monument Gardens on Mount Carmel; July, The Roman Catholic Vatican Council & Pope Pius IX declare doctrine of papal infallibility. Shortly afterwards Italian forces attack the Papal State, seize Rome and place the Pope under house arrest; 4 Nov, Release from prison barracks to house within 'Akká (the house of 'Udí Khammár). This house was attached to the house of 'Abbúd. The partition between them was later removed and became known as simply the house of 'Abbúd

1871: Sep, Bahá'u'lláh transferred to the house of 'Udi Khammar in 'Akka. Late in the year He reveals the Fire Tablet; Rome becomes official capital of Italy after Papal States are absorbed; German Empire is formed with William I as Emperor; Charles Darwin publishes "Descent of Man"

1872: 23 Jan, Murder of Siyyid Muhammad (the one who had constantly manipulated Mírzá Yahyá into his cowardly acts), Aqá Ján Big and another companion Covenant-breaker in 'Akká in retaliation for their persecutions. Bahá'u'lláh had forbidden any act of retaliation, but seven of His tormented companions succumbed. An army of men descended upon the Bahá'ís. The seven guilty men were confined for several years. The remainder were confined for six months. The distress caused to Bahá'u'lláh of this event was immeasurable: "That which can make Me ashamed is the conduct of such of My followers as profess to love Me".

1873: 8 March, Marriage of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Munírih Khánum. Four of their daughters survived the long imprisonment and distinguished themselves in their lives dedicated to service. Shoghi Effendi was born to the eldest daughter later. Five other children died very young; A new governor of 'Akká is appointed. This one was captivated by 'Abdu'l-Bahá and saw through the ploys of the antagonists. He asked Bahá'u'lláh what he could do of service: Bahá'u'lláh requested that the aqueduct be restored to operation. Bahá'u'lláh reveals the Kitab'i'Aqdas [the Most Holy Book, the Book of Laws and Ordinances of the Bahá'í Faith]. In this Book is also found many more addresses to the rulers of the world and is the culmination of His formal declaration. The Bahá'í community transformed into a respected community and Bahá'ís were allowed to open up shops. Late in the year, Bahá'u'lláh acquires the house of 'Abbud adjoining their house and makes it one residence; The Three Emperor's League is formed by Austria, Russia, and Germany; the typewriter is invented by Christopher Latham Sholes

1875: The new governor is transferred, expresses his sorrow at his separation from Bahá'u'lláh and His son. 'Abdu'l-Bahá writes The Secret of Divine Civilization on the establishment of a just and divinely-based government. Bahá'u'lláh sends Bahá'ís to India to spread the Faith.

1876: 30 May, Sultan 'Abdu'l-Aziz is deposed and is either assassinated or commits suicide; 31 August 'Abdu'l-Hamid II becomes Sultan. Hereafter, the banishment decree of the dead Sultan is relaxed; The telephone is invented by Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray, who developed a similar device at about the same time

1877: June, Departure from 'Akká for the Mansion of Mazra'ih and His first visits to the Ridván Garden; Russo-Turkish war begins

1878: Congress of Berlin in which Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro become independent and Africa is partitioned among the European powers

1878-1903: Roman Catholic Pope Leo XIII

1879: 17 March, Martyrdom of Haji Siyyid Muhammad-Hasan (the King of the Martyrs) and Jahi Siyyid Hummad-Husayn (the Beloved of the Martyrs). Death sentence was pronounced by Shaykh Muhammad-Baqir, "the Wolf". They were put in chains, decapited and dragged for public viewing; Sep, Occupation of the Mansion of Bahjí [Joy]. Bahá'u'lláh increasingly delegates affairs of the Bahá'í community toward 'Abdu'l-Bahá, helping the community to become gradually accustomed to 'Abdu'l-Bahá's role after Bahá'u'lláh's passing; Germany and Austria form the Dual Alliance; the first incandescent light bulb is invented by Thomas Edison

1879-1955 Albert Einstein, German Physicist, was one of the most creative scientists in human history. He initiated a revolution in scientific thought with his theory of relativity. Its basis was the identification of gravity with inertia. His work provided the theoretical expectation that vast amounts of energy could be released from the nucleus.

1881: 24 Mar, Mirza Yahya is freed by the British administration in Cyprus. He is denied British citizenship and remains in Cyprus until his death; Russian Emperor Alexander II is assassinated and Alexander III become Tsar

1882: 15 Sep, Death of Khadijih-Bagum, wife of the Báb in Shiraz; Italy joins Austria and Germany to form the Triple Alliance

1882-1883: Tehran upheaval - leading members of the community are arrested and condemned to death

1882-1903: First large-scale Jewish immigration to Palestine occurs, mainly from Russia

1883: August, Second visit by Bahá'u'lláh to Haifa; Bismarck establishes social welfare in Germany

1886: Death of Bahá'u'lláh's wife Navváb in 'Akká. 'Abdu'l-Bahá writes A Traveller's Narrative

1887: Mirza Musa, faithful brother of Bahá'u'lláh, dies in 'Akká

1888-1918: William II is Emperor of Germany

1889: March, E.G.Browne gives first lecture in the West on the Faith after spending 1887-1888 in Persia; 17 July, The "Son of the Wolf" drives over a hundred Bahá'ís out of their cities near Isfahan

1890: Nabil presents his book The Dawn-Breakers to Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá for approval; 15-20 April , Edward Granville Browne of Cambridge University, interviews Bahá'u'lláh four times and visits with 'Abdu'l-Bahá at Bahjí;  a visit by Bahá'u'lláh to Haifa

1891: A visit by Bahá'u'lláh to Haifa; revelation of the Tablet of Carmel; Bahá'u'lláh's identification of the site of the future Shrine of the Báb; Bahá'u'lláh's revelation of the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf. A Traveller's Narrative is published by the Cambridge University Press, facilitated by E. G. Browne; 19 May, Execution of the Seven Martys of Yazd

1891-1892: Revelation of the Kitáb-i-'Ahd [the Book of the Covenant], the last Tablet revealed; 24 May 1891  Bahá'u'lláh calls all the believers to His bedside for their last audience with Him

1892: 29 May, Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh at 8 hours after sunset (approximately. 3AM) in Bahjí, 'Akká. 'Abdu'l-Bahá telegraphs the Sultan: "The Sun of Bahá has set."; 7 Jun, Unsealing and reading of Bahá'u'lláh's Kitáb-i-'Ahd at Bahjí. 'Abdu'l-Bahá ["the Centre of the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh", "the Master", "the Most Mighty Branch", "the Exemplar"] is appointed as the interpreter of His teachings and the source of authority in all affairs of the faith

Third Epoch of the Heroic Age: 1892-1921: The Ministry of 'Abdu'l-Bahá

1892: 16 June, 'Abdu'l-Bahá sends first message to the Bahá'í world calling for steadfastness

1892-1893: Nabil commits suicide because he could not bear separation from Bahá'u'lláh

1892-1896: Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí [also a son of Bahá'u'lláh, designated The Greater Branch, second in rank to 'Abdu'l-Bahá and half-brother of 'Abdu'l-Bahá] undertakes covert campaign to discredit 'Abdu'l-Bahá and assume leadership of the Bahá'í Faith. 'Abdu'l-Bahá chooses to keep silent and protect the community

1893: 23 Sep, First public mention of the Bahá'í Faith in the West. In a session of the World's Parliament of Religions, the Reverend George A. Ford, a Syrian missionary, reads a paper talking about Bahá'u'lláh

1894: Feb, Dr. Ibrahím George Khayru'lláh, having arrived in New York in 1892, moves to Chicago and seeks out people interested in the Bahá'í Message, eventually establishes several Bahá'í communities; Thornton Chase becomes first American Bahá'í. 'Abdu'l-Bahá confers upon him the title "Steadfast"

1896: 19 April, Nasirid Din Shah is assassinated by an originator of the constitutional movement in Iran and Bahá'ís are blamed

1897: 21 May, Louisa A. Moore becomes a Bahá'í, given the title "Banner", i.e. Banner of the Cause, and is later designated by the Guardian as "the mother teacher of the West". She marries Edward Getsinger and becomes Lua Getsinger; 1 Mar, Shoghi Effendi, eldest grandson of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, is born of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's eldest daughter in the House of Abdu'lláh Pasha. He is descended from Bahá'u'lláh on his mother's side and related to the Báb on his father's side. 'Abdu'l-Bahá gives him the surname Rabbani (Divine); Mirza Aqa Jan, Bahá'u'lláh's amanuensis for 40 years, joins Mirza Muhammad and becomes a covenant breaker

1898: Khayru'lláh arrives in New York and begins classes on the Bahá'í Faith. 141 new believers enroll by June; Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, wife of Senator George F. Hearst, was taught by Lua Getsinger during one of Mrs. Getsinger's extensive travels throughout America; 11 Nov, Khayru'lláh arrives in Akka. 'Abdu'l-Bahá calls him "Bahá's Peter"; Phoebe Hearst organizes historic pilgrimage of 15 early American Bahá'ís to meet 'Abdu'l-Bahá. By now there are hundreds of Bahá'ís in America. The pilgrims arrive in 'Akká 10 Dec 1898. The hearts of the pilgrims are set ablaze by the love of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, so much so that some believe 'Abdu'l-Bahá is the return of Jesus Christ. 'Abdu'l-Bahá corrects them, saying that He is the Servant of Bahá. Robert Turner, the black butler of Mrs. Hearst, shown great kindness by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, later becomes the first black Bahá'í on the American continent. May Ellis Bolles is asked to teach the Faith in Paris. Dr. Khayru'lláh, also among the pilgrims, sought 'Abdu'l-Bahá's endorsement of his presentation of the Bahá'í Faith. 'Abdu'l-Bahá corrects his misconceptions and urged him to seriously study the Bahá'í Writings, Khayru'lláh refuses

1899: 31 Jan, Remains of the Báb finally arrive at Mt. Carmel. 'Abdu'l-Bahá begins construction of a befitting resting-place; 9 April, Upheaval at Najafubad; First Bahá'í group in Europe established in Paris by May Bolles. The precursor of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran is established; 3 Dec, Charles Mason Remey becomes a Bahá'í; Hague Peace Conference

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1900: Dr. Khayru'lláh violates Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant, establishes pact with Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí and works against 'Abdu'l-Bahá, trying to seize control of the Faith in the West. Almost none of the American Bahá'ís follow his lead; they remain faithful to 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Khayru'lláh would continue spreading his poison for two decades, but unsuccessful, finally returns to Syria. 'Abdu'l-Bahá sends other great teachers to America to help heal the rift. Bahá'ís of Chicago divide into two groups

1901: 'Abdu'l-Bahá and His family, until this time free to venture in the area, are once again confined to the prison walls of 'Akká as a consequence of His enemies representation to the authorities that 'Abdu'l-Bahá was constructing a fort (in reality, the mausoleum) and building an army (in reality, just visiting pilgrims). He directs attention to correspondence while in prison and visits and assists the needy and the sick of 'Akká; May Ellis Bolles teaches Thomas Breakwell, first British Bahá'í, also teaches Hippolyte Dreyfus, first French Bahá'í; 20 Aug, Sultan 'Abdu'l-Hamid re-imposes confinement of 'Abdu'l-Bahá et al within the walls of 'Akká; 26 Nov, First celebration of the Day of the Covenant in North America ('Abdu'l-Bahá's Day celebrated at his behest instead of celebrating his birthday); Marconi sends the first message over the transatlantic wireless telegraph; the World Court is created

1901-1908: 'Abdu'l-Bahá writes will in three parts

1902: May Ellis Bolles weds William Sutherland Maxwell, designer of the superstructure of the Shrine of the Báb, becomes May Maxwell. They establish their home in Montreal, Canada. Bahá'í group establishes in Hawaii. Shanghai is re-opened to the Bahá'í Faith; 15 Sept, Mirza 'Azizu'llah visits Count Leo Tolstoy and speaks at length about the history and teachings and the station of Bahá'u'lláh; 28 Nov, Cornerstone laid for the first Bahá'í House of Worship (Ishqabad, Turkmenistan). A meeting hall and two schools, a hostel, a medical dispensary and a national center had been erected prior to 1900

1903: Upheavals at Rasht, Isfahan, and Yazd in Persia; Feb, Mirza Badi'u'llah, son of Bahá'u'lláh, announces his break with Muhammad-'Ali and pledges loyalty to 'Abdu'l-Bahá - details covenant breakers plots; 7 Jun, 'Abdu'l-Bahá reveals Tablet calling for the erection of a Temple in America

1903-1914: Roman Catholic Pope St. Pius X

1904: First commission appointed by the Turkish government investigates the charges leveled against 'Abdu'l-Bahá by Muhammad-'Ali. The Spanish Consul offers Him safe passage to any foreign port, but 'Abdu'l-Bahá refuses, saying He must abide by whatever the ruling. 'Abdu'l-Bahá's replies to the commission cause it to collapse; The Anglo-French Entente is formed

1904-1906: Laura Clifford Barney makes a number of long visits to 'Akka. Answers to her questions asked of 'Abdu'l-Bahá are later published as the book "Some Answered Questions"

1904-14: Second large-scale Jewish immigration to Palestine, mainly from Russia and Poland

1905: A Bahá'í group is established in Germany; 23 May, First Nineteen Day Feast in the West held in New York City, consisting of devotional and social parts. The administrative aspect was developed in the 1930's; the Theory of Relativity is discovered by Albert Einstein

1905-1911: The Constitutional Revolution occurs in Persia. Bahá'í involvement was slight, yet believed to be strong by Europeans. When re-established, the Bahá'í Faith was not among the recognized religions

1907: A second commission, composed of four corrupt officials, finally reaches a decision and announces that the charges against 'Abdu'l-Bahá have been substantiated and that He was to be exiled or executed. Upon their return to Turkey, the Young Turk Revolution seizes hold and the four commissioners flee; Six rooms of the Shrine of the Báb completed; 19 July, The Chicago Bahá'í Assembly files for incorporation, the first Bahá'í community to achieve legal status; the Triple Entente is formed when Russia joins Britain and France

1908: Apr, Purchase of some land for the future House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois; Some Answered Questions by Laura Clifford Barney published, based on her interviews of 'Abdu'l-Bahá encompassing her four pilgrimages; the Young Turk Revolution frees all prisoners of the Ottoman Empire, including 'Abdu'l-Bahá in September, Who is finally free to leave Palestine. 'Abdu'l-Bahá drafts His Will and Testament, detailing the two principal institutions of the Faith (the Guardianship - the sole authority for the interpretation of the Bahá'í teachings, and the Universal House of Justice - the primary legislative and administrative authority of the Bahá'í community). He begins to focus on building the international community and the establishment of spiritual assemblies in North America and Persia, the forerunners of the future local Houses of Justice; 28 Nov, Construction begins on the first Bahá'í House of Worship ('Ishqábád, Turkmenistan)

1909: 21 Mar, 'Abdu'l-Bahá inters the remains of the Báb on the spot chosen by Bahá'u'lláh years earlier. First American Bahá'í convention held in Chicago at the home of Corinne True; 27 April, `Abdu'l-Hamíd II, the Ottoman Sultán, is deposed; 16 July, Muhammad-'Ali Shah abdicates after an armed revolt. Ahmad Shah, the boy-king, takes the throne on July 18; First of the tablets of  'Abdu'l-Bahá published in the West. 'Abdu'l-Bahá begins to move his family from 'Akka to Haifa; first kibbutz, Degania, and first modern all-Jewish city, Tel Aviv, are founded in Palestine

1910: 21 March, First issue of Star of the West magazine (first named simply "Bahá'í News"); 10 Aug, though in very poor health due to his long imprisonment,  'Abdu'l-Bahá journeys to Egypt to spread the Faith accompanied by Shoghi Effendi

1911: 11 Aug, 'Abdu'l-Bahá sails for Marseille and later journeys to London (September 4) and Paris (October 3). December2 , He returns to Egypt; 25 March, 'Abdu'l-Bahá sets sail for America on board the slower S.S. Cedric, prefering it over the more modern Titanic

1912: 11 Apr, 'Abdu'l-Bahá arrives in New York City 'City of the Covenant' at the request of the American Bahá'ís. Visits many cities including Chicago where He laid the cornerstone for "the Mother Temple of the West", Eliot Maine where Sarah Farmer, founder of Green Acre, later opened her facility for Bahá'í training, and Montreal where He was the guest of William and May Maxwell, whose home later became the first Canadian Bahá'í centre, and whose daughter Mary was to become the wife of Shoghi Effendi. During the next 239 days, 'Abdu'l-Bahá spoke at countless churches, halls and homes on many topics such as the basic principles of the Faith, philosophical , moral and spiritual topics, and spoke to church congregations, peace societies, trade unions, university faculties, etc. The talks are later published as "The Promulgation of Universal Peace"; 1 May, 'Abdu'l-Bahá lays the foundation stone for the first Bahá'í House of Worship in the West at Wilmette, Illinois; 19 Oct, 'Abdu'l-Bahá visits the grave of Thornton Chase in Inglewood, California; 29 Jun, 'Abdu'l-Bahá hosts first Unity Feast at the Wilhelm properties in W. Englewood, New Jersey; 5 Dec, 'Abdu'l-Bahá sails for England, visits Liverpool, London, Bristol and Edinburgh. He visits Paris, Stuttgart, Budapest and Vienna. 'Abdu'l-Bahá meets with E.G.Browne in London; the Balkan wars begin

1913: Jan, 'Abdu'l-Bahá visits Paris, Budapest, Vienna, Stuttgart, Paris and Marseilles; May, 'Abdu'l-Bahá returns to Egypt; 5 Dec, 'Abdu'l-Bahá returns to Haifa

1914: Hippolyte Dreyfus and Laura Barney travel around the world teaching the Faith. 'Abdu'l-Bahá grows and stores corn in the years before in preparation for the great conflict; 28 June, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian  throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, is assassinated in Sarajevo. 'Abdu'l-Bahá instructs all pilgrims to leave the Holy Land. He had predicted a great world conflict; 28 July, Austria declares war on Serbia. 4 August England declares war on Germany. World War I (WWI) begins: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey oppose Triple Entente of Britain, France, and Russia and contact between 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the West is cut off. 'Abdu'l-Bahá again becomes a prisoner of the Turkish government as a result of the machinations of Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí and again lives under the constant threat of execution. 'Abdu'l-Bahá's corn soon becomes the food of the local people and the British army

1914-1922: Roman Catholic Pope Benedict XV

1915: Jamal Paha, Commander in the Turkish army, threatens to crucify 'Abdu'l-Bahá; 19-25 April, First Bahá'í International Congress, held in San Francisco; a secret Turkish military directive ordered the arrest and prompt execution of Armenian community leaders. 1.5 million people perished in this first genocide of the 20th century. Another wave of massacres occurred in Baku (1918). Shushi (1920) and elsewhere

1916-1917: Tablets of the Divine Plan, the mandate for the global expansion of the Faith, is sent to America

1917: 6 April, United States enters WWI; 9 Dec, General Allenby enters Jerusalem: 400 years of Ottoman rule in Palestine ended by British conquest; British Foreign Minister Balfour pledges support for establishment of a "Jewish national home in Palestine"; Major Wellesley Tudor Pole risks court martial to alert the British Cabinet to the danger of 'Abdu'l-Bahá; the Russian Revolution: Bolsheviks (Communists) take control and withdraw Russia from World War I

1918: Shoghi Effendi receives Bachelor of Arts degree from the American University at Beirut; 23 Sep, 'Akká is liberated by British and Indian cavalry and 'Abdu'l-Bahá is again freed; World War I ends after Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey capitulates

1919: First Convention of the Covenant held in New York City. Later that year, Shoghi Effendi Rabbani was acting as the Master's secretary, translator and right-hand man. Shoghi becomes known in "high" circles. Kheiralla dies, abandoned by all of his followers. Phoebe Hearst dies. Amelia Collins becomes a Bahá'í; 26 April-1 May , The 14 Tablets of the Divine Plan are unveiled at the Convention of the Covenant; 22 July, Martha Root leaves New York on the first of many teaching journeys for the Faith (goes to Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Panama, Cuba); J. E. Esslemont visits for ten weeks, and in 1927 publishes Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era; the League of Nations is created

1920: 10 April, Clara and Hyde Dunn arrive in Sydney, Australia; 27 Apr, 'Abdu'l-Bahá's humanitarian services, having saved thousands of people from famine in Palestine after the War due to His personal organization of extensive agricultural operations near Tiberias, results in British Government knighthood. He accepted the honor from a "just king" but never uses the title; 24 Sep, Excavation begins for the foundation of the House of Worship, Wilmette, Illinois; 'Abdu'l-Bahá sends Shoghi Effendi to Oxford to perfect his english. Shoghi Effendi believes his lot in life to be that of a translator and servant of  'Abdu'l-Bahá; 20 Dec, construction begins on the House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois

1921: 28 Nov, 'Abdu'l-Bahá dies after a brief illness at 1AM in Haifa. Over ten thousand people, including Muslim, Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jewish and Druze dignitaries, the British High Commissioner and governors of Jerusalem and Phoenicia attend. Nine speakers, prominent representatives of the Muslim, Christian and Jewish communities, eulogize His pure and noble life. By now the Bahá'í community has spread throughout the Middle East, India and North America but most Bahá'ís still resided in Persia.  'Abdu'l-Bahá's last instructions are in an envelope addressed to Shoghi Effendi. Following His death, Mirza Muhammad falsely publishes in newspapers that he is His successor. Egyptian Bahá'ís publish a refutation; 29 Dec, Shoghi Effendi arrives in Haifa, accompanied by Lady Blomfeld and his sister Rouhangeze. He was delayed by passport difficulties. the first wirephoto (electronically-transmitted photograph) is sent by Western Union

First Epoch of the Formative Age: 1921 - 1947

1922: 3 Jan, Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá formally read. The Guardianship is inaugurated and Shoghi Effendi is appointed the first Guardian of the Bahá'í  Faith: the sole authoritative interpreter of the Bahá'í Writings. As interpreter, the Guardian analyzed world events in the light of Bahá'í  Scriptures and sent lengthy letters to Bahá'í communities throughout the world with his results. He was asked numerous questions on a broad range of topics. His answers comprise a significant portion of the interpretation of the Bahá'í Writings. Shunning any personal acknowledgement or praise, the Guardian forbid any commemoration of events associated with his life and fulfilled his role largely outside of public view; a stark contrast to the charismatic style of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Generally speaking, the Guardian concentrated on: the development of the Bahá'í World Center, the translation and interpretation of Bahá'í Teachings, the expansion of the administrative order, and the implementation of the divine plan of 'Abdu'l-Bahá; 15 Dec, Shoghi Effendi returns to Holy Land to resume duties as Guardian; the communist Soviet Union (until 1991) is formed out of the old Russian Empire; The Republic of Turkey is established from the old Ottoman Empire

1922-1939: Roman Catholic Pope Pius XI

1923: 16 Feb, Declaration of the first native Hawaiian Bahá'í on (Mae Tilton Fantom, Maui); 12 Mar, Shoghi Effendi calls for the establishment of Local and National Bahá'í Funds; National Spiritual Assemblies are formed in British Isles, Germany and India; the Treaty of Lausanne formalized the division of Kurdistan between Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. Kurds of Persia, meanwhile, were kept where they were by Tehran.

1924: National Spiritual Assembly is formed in Egypt

1925: National Spiritual Assembly is formed in the United States and Canada (one mutual assembly at this time)

1927: 1 Aug, Bahá'í Summer School opened at Geyserville, California

1929: 14 Feb, Work begins on three additional chambers of the Shrine of the Báb; 3 Mar, League of Nations Council resolution upholds the Bahá'í Community's claim to Bahá'u'lláh's house in Baghdád; 27 Nov, Restoration of the Mansion at Bahjí begins; the stock market collapses in the United States triggering the Great Depression (until 1939)

1932: 15 Jul, Passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf (Bahíyyih Khánum), Bahá'u'lláh's daughter, in Haifa. She was the loyal stalwart supporter of the Faith and provided Shoghi Effendi with invaluable support after his appointment as Guardian

1933: Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party come to power in Germany: begins Genocide (Holocaust) of approx. 6 million Jews between 1935 and 1945

1934: National Spiritual Assembly is formed in Persia (Iran) and Australia; 10 May, Tax exemption for Bahá'í properties on Mt. Carmel announced

1937: 21 Apr, First Seven-Year Plan launched. Goals: to establish at least one local spiritual assembly in every state of the United States and every province of Canada; to make certain that at least one Bahá'í teacher was residing in each Latin American republic; to complete the exterior design of the first Bahá'í house of worship in North America. The plan was successfully completed in 1944, the centenary of the Báb's declaration

1939: 25 Dec, Remains of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Mother (Navváb - The Most Exalted Leaf) and Brother (The Purest Branch) interred together on Mt. Carmel; World War II (WWII) starts as Nazi Germany invades Poland

1939-1958: Roman Catholic Pope Pius XII

1942: The first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction occurs (Manhattan Project) by a team working under Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago

1945: The first atomic bomb is invented; World War II ends in Europe as Germany (partitioned and occupied) and Italy capitulate. The war ends in Japan (occupied) after the dropping of the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki (with a total loss of 100,000 lives); the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States begins; The United Nations Organization (UN) is created

1945-1946: Nuremberg Trials in which war (WWII) criminals are tried by the Allied judges

1946: 21 Apr, Second Seven-Year Plan launched. This plan focused on Europe, which only had national spiritual assemblies in Great Britain and Germany. It also called for the formation of local spiritual assemblies in Latin America and a vast increase in assemblies in North America. The plan was successfully completed in 1953, the centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's Intimation; 15 Dec, Completion of plans for erection of arcade of the Shrine of the Báb.

Second Epoch of the Formative Age: 1947 - 1963

1947: UN partition plan (rejected by Arabs) for Palestine devised (Jewish and Arab controlled areas)

1948-1949: Israel becomes independent after Arab forces (the Arab League) invade (1st Arab-Israeli war)

1948: 7 Mar, Shoghi Effendi decides to commence work on the Shrine of the Báb superstructure; Distinct National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada formed

1949: Special Act of Canadian Parliament is the first official recognition of the Bahá'í Faith by any government.

1950: 9 July, Completion of the Arcade and Parapet of the Shrine of the Báb; 16 Dec, Mazra'ih leased from Israeli authorities

1951: The Guardian begins appointing Hands of the Cause of God (distinguished believers who were assigned tasks to teach the Faith and protect its institutions)

1953: Apr, Formal dedication of the house of worship at Wilmette, Illinois, designed by French-Canadian architect Jean-Louis Bourgeois; 21 Apr, Ten Year World Crusade launched, to conclude in 1963: the centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's declaration in the Garden of Ridván.The goal was to extend the Faith to 132 more countries and the existing 120 countries and territories were to be expanded; Oct, The Shrine of the Báb is completed

1956: 2nd Arab-Israeli war

1957: 4 Nov, Shoghi Effendi, The Guardian, dies in England of Asian flu while on a visit to purchase furnishings for the Bahá'í archives building on Mt. Carmel. Although provisions permitted successive Guardians, Shoghi Effendi had not appointed one (no living direct descendants of Bahá'u'lláh were faithful to His Covenant). The Guardian had indicated that at the completion of the Crusade, conditions were ripe for the election of the Universal House of Justice. The Hands of the Cause of God, collaborating with the national spiritual assemblies, worked to complete the goals of the Ten Year World Crusade; the Soviet Union launches the first satellite, Sputnik 1, into orbit and Sputnik 2 carries the first animal (a dog) into orbit; European Economic Community (EEC) established

1958-1963: Roman Catholic Pope John XXIII

1959: 1 Feb, Completion of the Bahá'í Home for the Aged in Wilmette, Illinois

1960: Beginning of Information Revolution

1961: 15 Jan, Dedication of the House of Worship in Kampala, Uganda; 16 Sep, Dedication of the House of Worship in Sydney, Australia; First human in orbit (Yuri Gagarin)

1962: Cuban Missile crisis occurs between Soviet Union and the United States: highest nuclear alert during Cold War

Third Epoch of the Formative Age: 1963 - 1986

1963: 28 Apr, First Bahá'í World Congress in London, England. The Hands of the Cause of God, in an unprecedented gesture of renunciation, disqualified themselves from eligibility for the election of the Universal House of Justice. The nine members of the first Universal House of Justice are elected by the members of the 56 existing national spiritual assemblies of the world. The first membership included Bahá'ís of Jewish, Christian and Muslim backgrounds and several ethnic origins.The Bahá'í Faith, having withstood the attacks of those who would destroy it, and those who would fragment it into dozens of sects, emerges as one unified Faith with one sole living authority: the Universal House of Justice; truly the Day that shall never be followed by Night referenced in the Bible; 30 Apr, Presentation of the members of the first Universal House of Justice; reading of its first message in London, England; first woman in space (Valentina Tereshkova)

1963-1978: Roman Catholic Pope Paul VI

1964: 21 Apr, The Universal House of Justice launches a Nine Year Plan which was to be completed in 1973, the centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's revelation of the Kitáb-i-Aqdás; 26 Apr, Election of the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands; 4 Jul, Dedication of the Mother Temple of Europe in Langenhain, Germany

1967: Israel extends its territory by capturing the Sinai, the West Bank (incl. Jerusalem), the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights from the Arabs in 3rd Arab-Israeli war

1968: 19 Feb, First Ruling Monarch to become a Bahá'í accepts the Faith: His Highness Malietoa Tanumafili II - Head of State of Western Samoa

1969: by April, The Universal House of Justice had appointed 11 Continental Board Counsellors to serve the Faith in roles of protection and propagation; United States launches Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin become the 1st humans to walk on the Earth's moon

1970: 21 April, Eleven more national spiritual assemblies are formed, bringing the total to 94

1971: 21 April, By now, 10,360 Local Spiritual Assemblies exist,and Bahá'ís reside in 46,334 localities; 19 Dec , Erection of Obelisk on Mt. Carmel to mark site of future Mashriqu'l-Adhkár; First space station is launched by the Soviet Union (Salyut 1)

1972: 29 April, Dedication of Mother Temple of Latin America in Panama; the Spiritual Assembly of Iraq has been dissolved because of persecution against Bahá'ís in that land

1973: 15 Mar, Mazra'ih is purchased; 21 Apr, The Universal House of Justice launches a FiveYear Plan;  5 Jun, Announcement of the establishment of the International Teaching Centre in Haifa; 1973 4th Arab-Israeli war (October 6 - Yom Kippur); the first US space station is launched (Skylab 1)

1974:  7 Feb, Announcement of the design for the Permanent Seat of the Universal House of Justice; 13 July, Dedication of the John Bosch Bahá'í Summer School in Santa Cruz, California

1975: 14 Jan, Purchase of the house of 'Abdu'lláh Páshá, 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Holy House in 'Akká and birthplace of Shoghi Effendi; 17 Jun, Announcement of beginning of excavation for the Seat of the Universal House of Justice

1976: 12 Sep, His Highness Malietoa Tanumafili II of Western Samoa visits Shoghi Effendi's grave in London, England; Viking 1 probe lands on planet Mars: 1st pictures of surface of Mars

1978: Religious fanaticism in Irán sparks the beginning of persecution against the Bahá'ís of Irán; Roman Catholic Pope John Paul I (August to September)

1978-Present: Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II

1979: 27 Jan, Foundation Stone Ceremony, site of future House of Worship, Western Samoa, with His Highness Malietoa Tanumafili II; 21 Apr, The Universal House of Justice launches a SevenYear Plan; Islamic revolution in Iran leads to religious theocracy being established: religious persecution of Bahá'í faith; Voyager 1 and 2 make closest approach to Jupiter relaying first images of planet and its moons

1980-1990: As a result of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, members of the Faith were beaten, many businesses were confiscated or destroyed, hundreds of houses burned, and efforts began with a view to forcing Bahá'ís to recant their faith. Bahá'ís were hunted out and discharged from all forms of government employment. Prominent members of the community were dragged before revolutionary tribunals and, in June of 1980, after summary mock trials, a series of executions began. Bahá'í girls kidnapped from their families and raped, the bodies of highly-respected Bahá'ís dragged through the streets, cemeteries bulldozed, their tombstones auctioned, widows forced to pay the price of the bullets which had been used to execute their husbands, and appalling tortures practiced on prisoners in the unending attempt to force the Bahá'ís to recant their faith. Bahá'í marriages, regardless of duration, were declared null and void, Bahá'í marital life was deemed prostitution (itself punishable by death), and Bahá'í children were judged illegitimate. A "Law of Retaliation" exempted crimes against Bahá'ís from any punishment under the law. Bahá'í holy places were seized and publicly desecrated, Bahá'í children were expelled from schools throughout Iran, and retired Bahá'ís were summoned to repay not only the pensions to which they had contributed during government service but also the salaries that had been paid to them during their years of employment.

1980: Iran-Iraq war begins

1981: First reusable manned space shuttle launched (USS Columbia); Voyager 2 flies by Saturn relaying first images of planet, the rings, and its moons

1982-1985: Israel invades Lebanon in order to expel Palestinian terrorists

1983: 31 Jan, Universal House of Justice occupies its Permanent Seat on Mt. Carmel; 21 April, In the last five years, the House of the Báb and the ancestral home of Bahá'u'lláh in Tákur were razed and scores of Iranian Bahá'ís were executed: their crime - being Bahá'í; 18 June, the Islamic revolutionary authorities in Shíráz hanged ten Bahá'í women and teenage girls who had refused to recant their Faith and convert to Islám. Three days earlier the same authorities had hanged six men, including the husbands, fathers, and sons of four of the women; August, Iran's Prosecutor-General announced the formal banning of all Bahá'í religious institutions in the country, and declared membership in them and service to them to be criminal offences. In accordance with the Bahá'í principle of obedience to government, the Iranian community immediately complied, dissolving both its National Spiritual Assembly and all of its local Assemblies throughout the country. In an open letter to the government, some two thousand copies of which were audaciously distributed by hand to the ministries, the press, and other public agencies, the community announced its complete submission, protested the treatment accorded to their Faith, and called on the government to fulfill the promise made by the Prosecutor-General that Bahá'ís would at least be permitted, as individuals, to practice their religion in the privacy of their own homes. In fact that promise was not kept.

1984: 21 April, Nine new National Spiritual Assemblies are formed, bringing the number to 143. The Bahá'ís of Irán continue to be persecuted. Some six hundred men, women and children are currently in prison. The administrative functions have long been disbanded there; 1 Sep, Dedication of the House of Worship in Apia, Western Samoa

1985: Oct, The Universal House of Justice publishes "The Promise of World Peace". This statement on peace is formally presented to virtually all rulers, whether individuals or parliaments, of the world and to the leading thinkers of the world; 17 Nov, Universal House of Justice announces reinterment of the remains of Mírzá Muhammad-Qulí (faithful half-brother of Bahá'u'lláh) in new Bahá'í  cemetery looking towards the Qiblih of the Faith (i.e. the resting place of Bahá'u'lláh).

Fourth Epoch of the Formative Age: 1986 - Present

1986: 21 Apr, The Universal House of Justice launches a SixYear Plan; 3 Aug, Historic visit to Bahá'í World Centre by Sir Thomas Davis, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands for a consultation with the Universal House of Justice on world peace; 24 Dec, Dedication of the House of Worship of the Indian Subcontinent in New Delhi, India; Voyager 2 arrives at Uranus and sends back images of the planet and its moons; Soviet space station Mir is launched into Earth orbit

1987: 21 April, more than 1 million copies of "The Promise of World Peace" had been distributed. 200 Iranian Bahá'ís are still in prison in Irán; 3 Oct, Bahá'í Faith becomes sixth world religion to join Network On Conservation and Religion of the World Wide Fund for Nature

1987-Present: Arab Palestinian uprising ('Intifada') in Israeli occupied territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip)

1988: Sep, Opening of the Maxwell International Bahá'í School in British Columbia, Canada; Iran-Iraq war ends

1989: Cold War ends (the Berlin Wall is torn down); first launching of a space probe (Magellan) from the space shuttle; Voyager 2 arrives at Neptune and sends back images of planet and its moons

1990: 21 April, By now, two Knights of Bahá'u'lláh had settled in Sakhalin Island, the last remaining territory named by Shoghi Effendi in his Ten Year Global Plan. A two-year subsidiary teaching plan is introduced by the Universal House of Justice. The United States House of Representatives unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the emancipation of the Iránian Bahá'í Community; West Germany (The Federal Republic of Germany) reunites with East Germany (German Democratic Republic)

1991: 'Gulf War' between Iraq and Western Coalition after Iraq invades Kuwait in 1990; Soviet Union ceases to exist (Commonwealth of Independent States is created); European Union (EU) Treaty is signed in which member states agree to merge there currencies and eventually establish a common defense and foreign policy

1992: 18 March, Word of the secret execution of Mr. Bahman Samandari in Irán is made known, the first execution since 1988; 21 April, The Holy Year begins, in commemoration of the centenary of the passing of Bahá'u'lláh. The Faith is now represented in every nation on earth. Law of Huququ'llah takes effect. Last known execution of a Bahá'í in Irán took place this month; June, A Bahá'í is murdered by members of Iran's Disciplinary Forces; September, two more death sentences were passed in Iran; 27 August, The 44th session of the Sub-Commission of Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities passed a resolution drawing attention to the renewed persecution of religious minorities and summary killings of Bahá'ís; 22 Nov, Second Bahá'í World Congress held in the City of the Covenant (New York City) - attended by 30,000 Bahá'ís; 23 November, The Special Representative's report to the United Nations General Assembly was released and, in relation to the Bahá'ís, was the strongest one to date; 18 December, the United Nations General Assembly passed a strong resolution making special reference to the treatment of the Bahá'í community and expressing regret that "the Islamic Republic of Iran has not given adequate follow-up to many of the recommendations contained in the previous reports."

1993: 10 March, A further strong resolution was passed at the 49th Session of the Commission on Human Rights by a margin of 22 votes to 11, with 14 abstentions, noting "that there was no appreciable progress in the Islamic Republic of Iran towards improved compliance with human rights standards in conformity with international instruments."; 21 March, The Most Holy Book (Kitáb-i-Aqdás) is published in English for the first time; 21 Apr, The Universal House of Justice launches a ThreeYear Plan; 15,000 Bahá'í graves were desecrated in Iran. More than 10,000 have been dismissed from positions in government and public education, pensions have been revoked, and in some cases Bahá'ís have been required to return salaries and pensions received. Bahá'í farmers are prevented from joining farmers' cooperatives, often the only source of credit, seeds, pesticide, and fertilizer. Private companies have often been compelled to discharge members of the Faith, and in some locations Bahá'ís have been prevented from operating their own businesses

1993-1994: Israeli-Palestinian Oslo Peace Accords signed giving autonomy to Palestinians in the Israeli occupied territory (West Bank and the Gaza Strip)

1995: March, World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen involving 250 Bahá'ís from more than 40 countries. "The Prosperity of Humankind", produced by the Bahá'í International Community's Office of Public Information, was distributed and discussed; 21 April, 172 National Spiritual Assemblies are existent; Sept, The Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing, attended by more than 500 Bahá'ís and an official delegation from BIC. Also in 1995, the Bahá'í International Community's United Nations Office produced and distributed a statement, entitled "Turning Point for All Nations", containing proposals for the development of the United Nations

1996: March, In the past seventeen years, 201 Bahá'ís have been killed or executed, fifteen are missing and presumed dead, and hundreds have been imprisoned. Property confiscations (totaling 150 in the city of Yazd last year alone), dismissal from public sector employment, expulsion from institutions of higher learning, discriminatory treatment in the judicial system, arbitrary arrests, and prohibition of all forms of religious community life, including worship meetings, are some of the difficulties experienced by this beleaguered community. In recent years, more than one hundred Bahá'ís throughout the country have been arrested, detained for periods ranging from 48 hours to six months, and then released, in an effort to create an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear in the community. Numerous cases of torture and summary trials have been documented. As of now, eight Bahá'ís were in prison, three under sentence of death. The situation of the Iranian Bahá'í community continued to receive the close attention of the United Nations, particularly in reports issued by the Special Representative on Iran and the Special Rapporteur on Religious Intolerance, and the sentencing of another Bahá'í to death on the charge of "religious apostasy" prompted a number of governments around the world to further action; 21 Apr, The Universal House of Justice launches a FourYear Plan. "The structural framework of the Centre for the Study of the Texts and the Extension to the International Archives Building has been raised up and the work on these buildings has advanced towards initiation of the exterior and interior finishing work. The erection of the permanent seat of the International Teaching Centre, the third structure currently being built on the Arc, is progressing rapidly. Seven terraces below the Shrine of the Báb are now completed, foreshowing the unfolding splendour from the foot to the ridge of God's Holy Mountain."; July, "The Bahá'í World" website of the International Bahá'í Community is launched. In its first eight months it received over 50,000 hits from more than 90 countries and territories

1997: March, Although the executions of Bahá'ís have ceased, harassment continues. Between 1993 and 1997, some 200 Bahá'ís were arrested and detained for periods ranging from 48 hours to 6 months. As of now, fourteen Bahá'ís were still being held in Iranian prisons solely because of their religious beliefs. Four of these are under sentence of death; 21 Apr, National Spiritual Assembly of Rwanda is reformed, bringing the number of NSAs to 175. "...the construction projects on Mount Carmel maintained a dazzling momentum highlighted by the completion of the marble colonade of the Centre for the Study of the Texts, by the rise of the International Teaching Centre building towards its seventh level, and by the ongoing emergence of the far-stretching features of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab."

1998: May, Three new National Spiritual Assemblies are formed: Sabah, Sarawak, and Slovakia. The National Spiritual Assembly in Liberia is re-established, for a total of 179 National Spiritual Assemblies; July, Execution of a Bahá'í in Mashhad, Iran; September, 32 faculty members of the Bahá'í Institute of Higher Education are arrested and the Bahá'í Open University is shut down. This was the only source of higher education for Bahá'í youth who are denied educational opportunities by the Iranian authorities. A world-wide outcry is heard from educators in response; 2nd Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty; International Wars Crimes Tribunal is established

1999: NATO forces attack Yugoslavia in order to allow Kosovo semi-independence

2000: In February, death sentences were reconfirmed for two Bahá'í's who were arrested in 1997 for holding monthly “Family Life” meetings; a third Bahá’í arrested in June 1999 was also sentenced to death. A Bahá’í was executed in 1998; two were killed in 1997. More than 200 Bahá'í's (mostly elected community leaders) have been executed since 1979, solely on account of their religion.

Eleven Bahá'í's are now in prison (compared with nearly 750 in 1986); four of those are on death row. Individuals throughout the country continue to face harassment and arrest on account of their religious beliefs.

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This is a work in progress. More details on the development of the World Center will be added when I can do so. For further information on the religious persecution of the Iránian Bahá'í's, check out Religious Persecution of Iránian Bahá'í's, The Situation of the Bahá'ís in Iran (link1), The Situation of the Bahá'í's in Iran (link2).  Also, hyperlinks cross-referencing the Writings will be included at a future date.1

It is my hope that this chronology provides you with an overview which will aid your understanding of the extraordinary circumstances in which the Bahá'í Teachings have been revealed. This is by no means an exhaustive work; myriads of details have been left out for the sake of brevity. As a suggestion, try viewing this chronology when you pick up one of Bahá'u'lláh's works. Look at His trials and tribulations and peruse the words from The Pen of Glory. How else could such outpourings of wisdom and love have emanated under such circumstances from an uneducated Man except through the Power of God? This is the first and foremost proof of the Manifestation of God: His Revelation.
--J. Thomas Pawlowski

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this brief history. If you discover any errors, believe that a significant event should be included, or have any suggestions please contact J. Thomas Pawlowski.

© 1999 by the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Boise.

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43:1    Afterward he brought me to the gate, even the gate that looketh toward the east:

43:2    And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east: and his voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with his glory.

43:3    And it was according to the appearance of the vision which I saw, even according to the vision that I saw when I came to destroy the city: and the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar; and I fell upon my face.

43:4    And the glory of the LORD came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east.

43:5    So the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house.

From the Book of  Ezekiel


Comments, criticisms, suggestions, and additions welcome! E-mail Dan Fournel at [email protected]

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This page was last edited on: June 25, 2000

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