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Technology Timeline

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What follows is a loose system of classification used to determine the approximate level of technological and sociological advancement for sentient life on Earth and eventually elsewhere in the Universe. The time span from 30 million B.C. up to the present is based on legitimate archeological discoveries and hisorical records. Everything after that is based partly on current scientific theories and partly on my own speculations.

The Ages of Technological Advancement

Primate Age
30 million B.C. to 2.6 million B.C.
[ex. Primates]
Primate Social Organization. Hominids who evolved from primate mammals emerge in Africa around 5 million B.C.. Food gained through gathering plants. Simple tool users. Unorganized Violence common.
Scavenging Age
2.6 million B.C. to 600,000 B.C.
[ex: Australopithecine Afaraensis, & Homo Habilis]

Clan (family) social organization. Scavenging Revolution: food gained through scavenging for meat. Simple stone tools made. Fire Discovered. Transportation by foot and water.  Organized Violence Develops.
Hunting/Gathering Age
600,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C.
[ex. Homo Erectus & Homo Sapiens]

Tribal social organization. Hunting/Gathering Revolution: food gained through hunting animals and gathering plants. Simple tools in use.  Verbal and pictorial communication. Unorganized Warfare Develops.
Horticultural Age
10,000 B.C. to 4000 B.C.
[ex. Homo Sapiens Sapiens]

Village social organization. Horticultural Revolution: food gained through planting small crops and domestication of some animals. Advanced tools in use. More advanced pictorial communication: writing is invented. Transportation is primarily through animal and water. Wheel invented. Organized Warfare Develops. For a more detailed History click here.
Agrarian Age
4000 B.C. to 1700 A.D.

City and Regional social organization (city states - ie. Sumer, Babylon, Sparta, Athens, Carthage, Rome, Constantinople, and Baghdad, etc..). Agrarian Revolution: food gained through planting large crops using the plow and breeding livestock. Small scale manufactured goods. Parchment is first used, making writing common: used for keeping records, business transactions, religious documents, etc.; Machines are invented. Transportation through animal, water, and/or wind-powered means. For a more detailed history click here. Greek Dark Age (1100 to 750 B.C.). Major religions emerge: Sabaeanism, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism (modern Parsee in India), Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism. Roman Empire established (27 BC). Gunpowder invented. European Dark Age (400 to 1500 AD). Mercenary Armies and Navies established. Organized Warfare becomes common. Era of European Discovery and Colonization (1500 AD to 1900 AD).
Industrial Age
1700 A.D. to 1960 A.D.

National social organization (nation states - ie. United States, Britain, Russia, China, India, Brazil, etc...). Industrial Revolution: mass production using factories create new occupations. Standing Armies and Navies (and later, Air Forces) are Developed. Electricity is in use. Simple mechanized vehicles. In 1773, the first Stock Market is created in Britain. In 1787, the United States of America is formed. Mass produced text and communication using the telegraph (1844) (and later the telephone) is in use. New Christian religious sects emerge in the west: Jehovah's Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, and Mormonism (Later Day Saints). The Baha'i Faith emerges out of 19th century Shi'ah Persia. Newspapers are common. Radio and Television is invented. World War I (1914-1918). The United Nations is established after World War II (1939-1945) ends; Nuclear weapons are developed in 1945 thereby beginning the Cold War between the East (Soviet Union and allies) and West (United States and allies). In 1946 the Electronic Computer (ENIAC) is invented. In 1947 A.D., UFO phenomena begins after Roswell Incident shows flying saucers on Earth and captured Alien bodies (Greys). In 1957 A.D. first satellite (Sputnik 1) is launched into Earth Orbit. For a more detailed history click here.
Information Age
1960 A.D. to 2027 A.D. (Present Age)

International social organization (United Nations). Information Revolution: service-oriented and computer-based occupations. In 1969 AD Earth first landed on its moon, Luna. Petroleum for fuel is in use. Nuclear Fission power plants are in use. Mass production becomes more efficient, giving rise to advances in alloys and plastics: "High-tech" industries. Computers become common. Primitive space travel via chemical rocket technology (liquid hydrogen and oxygen fuel).

 Satellite of the late 20th Century

An example of a satellite of the late 20th century.

In 1973 the World Bank is formed. Mass transportation and communication (Radio is transmitted at the speed of light so 1 c=speed of light or 300,000 km/s). For more information on Special relativity click here. Television is common. Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" is written. Click here for a preview of some of Hawking's ideas. Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological War are developed. In 1989 the Cold War ends; the Soviet Union is dissolved in 1991.  First extrasolar planets discovered. In 2003, the potential for complete recording and summation of daily financial dealings began to be realized.
The Internet began to accept input from palmtop slate devices through infrared ports; people could make purchases, have their accounts debited, and report the transactions when they went home by passing their slate over the house port near the front door. All business transactions soon went on-line. Coins and paper money became curiosities.  Banks closed their branches by 2006.  By 2007 A.D. the European Union (EU) became a loose confederation of states with a common military and economic system; other continents soon followed suit. Holovision is invented.  Artificial Intelligence (Expert Systems) is developed; Thinkers (as they became known, became available in 2022, 7 years after the Prime Algorithm War of 2015, when major contenders Microsoft-Apple, Sun, and IBM let their top neural processors fight it out over the Internet in a contest watched by three billion people. The winner was rewarded by having all OEM vendors adhere to its standards.  In 2025 the first Universal (Molecular) Assembler (see Nanotechnology) is invented. For a more detailed history click here.

USS Independence aircraft carrier

An example of an aircraft carrier (USS Independence) of the late 20th century.

Orion Spacecraft
An example of a commercial orbital spacecraft (Orion) of the early 21st century.
Nanotechnology Age
2027 A.D. to 2300 A.D.
Continental social organization (European Union, North American Confederation, Islamic Union, Asia-Pacific Alliance, South Asian Union, African Alliance, and South American Confederation) and Global social organization (World Confederation). Nanotechnology Revolution: creation of self-replicating atom-sized machines thereby revolutionizing the agricultural, industrial, information, and service industries; cybernetic (brain implants allow transmission of information from person to person) and organic technology (living machines) developed. Nuclear fusion: (click here for new Fusion principles course & Click here for old Fusion principles course) and solar power are in use. Forcefield Technology developed. Interplanetary space travel is developed in 21st century due to low cost Solar Sail Propulsion, Ion Propulsion, and Nanotechnology-based orbital space manufacturing.

Click here to see more details on this Spacecraft

An example of a mid 21st century explorer ship (UNS Discovery) using ion propulsion.


In 2088 the first permanent Mars Colony is established. By 2130 Spacecraft with rotational centrifuges are employed traveling at sublight speeds (by 2130 it would take 53 days to travel to Mars and 150 days to travel to Jupiter using Fusion Propulsion with a 10kw/kg payload ratio). Colonies on various in-system worlds such as Europa, Io, Venus, and Titan were established in the late 21st and early 22nd centuries.

Tachyon-based communication allows almost instant communications over interplanetary distances (at 100 c). Common Global language and script developed (Terran). Common weights and measures is established: Metric System (SI). Artificial Intelligence systems become common. Holovision becomes common. Holo-rooms are invented. Nano-based and Space-based Warfare is developed. In 2053 A.D., after World War III (600 million dead), the World Confederation is established taking control of global security, overseeing global shipping/mining, space exploration/development, environmental stabilization/reconstruction, and the world economy.

By 2100 A.D. all organized warfare (medium and small scale wars) ceases to exist due to enforcement by the World Confederation. In 2150 A.D. the World Federation is established becoming the final political/judicial authority on Earth. In 2252, artificial gravity is invented: allowing residents of space habitats and passengers on spacecraft to have an Earth-like gravity. By 2300, a planetary matrix develops on Earth (Terran Federation) linking all nations and colonies into an single interconnected network or matrix. By 2300 AD, all unorganized warfare (border skirmishes, rebellions, uprisings, etc...) ceases to exist.

UNS Leonov (early 22nd century)

 An example of a deep space mining ship (UNS Leonov) of the early 22nd century using fusion propulsion.

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Quantum Age
2300 A.D. to 7000 A.D.

Stellar Social Organization (Stellar Matrices: interconnected planets and moons all functioning together in one Star System - ie. Sol Matrix, Alpha Centauri Matrix, Vega Matrix, and Tau Ceti Matrix, etc...). Quantum Revolution: Creation of matter and energy from quantum dynamics: replication technology. Highly efficient nanotech-industries used for energy prohibitive items; Cyber-organic technology becomes common: development of Starships. Jumpgate technology is discovered allowing interstellar travel (100 c using Tachyon drives). The first interstellar colony that was founded was Proxima 3 Colony in 2464 A.D, followed by her sister world Alpha II colony in 2489 A.D. Magneto-Gravitic technology becomes common: artificial gravity and propulsion. Memory can be transferred from person to person. In 2630 A.D. first contact is made with an Alien civilization (the Vaq'lar).   Interactive Holo-rooms are common.

TFS Voyager (24th century)

An example of the type of interstellar ship (TFS Voyager) of the 24th century using antimatter propulsion.
General trade is conducted with various Alien Civilizations. Hyperspace Communication Developed (10,000 times the speed of light). By 3000 A.D. all organized violence (piracy, gangs etc...) ceases to exist. By 7000 A.D. all unorganized violence (homicide and suicide) ceases to exist.

White Star starship (4th Millenium)

An example of the interstellar organic starships (White Star class) of the 4th millennium A.D. using magneto-gravitic propulsion.
Creative/Artistic Age
7000 A.D. to 300,000 A.D.
[ex. Vaq'lar and Neohumans]

Galactic Social Organization: (Galactic Matrices: interconnected star systems all functioning together in one Galaxy - ie. Milky Way Matrix, Andromeda Matrix, and Large Magellenic Matrix, etc...). Creative/Artistic Revolution: society engages in creative/artistic pursuits as primary occupation: return to nature and art. By 10,000 A.D. Empathic ability develops: the ability to read the emotions of others. Entry/exit to Hyperspace accomplished through advanced means: dimensional phasing/hyperflux (10,000 c). Subspace Communication developed (1,000,000 c). Ability to transfer 'soul' from one body to another: creation of artificial bodies - see Greg Bear's novel "Eon" for more information. Planetary-scale device construction possible (Dysan Spheres and other Megascale Engineering). Empathic ability develops: the ability to feel the emotions of others. By 100,000 A.D., Empathic ability is common and Psychic ability begins to develop: the ability to read the thoughts of others.
300,000 A.D. to 3 million A.D.
[ex. Posthumans]

Intergalactic Social Organization: Single Transgalactic Consciousness develops. PSI Revolution: Society/Consciousness engages in psychic pursuits as primary occupation. Temporal Research leads to ability to view the past. The manipulation of stars possible. Wormhole Communication develops with ability to communicate instantly anywhere in the universe. Subspace Conduits are constructed (1,000,000 c) enabling fast travel across the galaxy. Psychic ability is common and Telekinetic ability begins to develop: the ability to move objects with one's mind.
Temporal Age
3 million A.D. to 300 million A.D.

Universal/Cosmic Social Organization: Cosmic Consciousness. Temporal Revolution: Manipulation of the time stream possible. Wormhole Transportation developed allowing instant travel anywhere in the universe. Extradimensional Communication is developed. Telekinetic Ability is common. Superbeings begin to evolve existing as pure energy.


An example of wormhole transportation of 10 million years A.D.


Ascendant Age
300 million A.D. to 3 billion A.D.

Interdimensional Social Organization: Q Continuum. Superbeings, almost god-like in intelligence and power. All, in part or in whole, are extradimensional in nature. No barrier bars their passage in either space or time (at least in this Multiverse).
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Table of nearby stars and other interesting places in the universe

I have included a section in the table which calculates how long it would take to reach a given star or other locale. However, this does not take into account Einstein's Time Dilation calculations. The journey would be considerably faster (from the travelers point of view) than I have indicated here if his equations are used. Although his theories have been proved for speeds approaching the speed of light (c), I am not sure if travelling faster than light (either through wormholes or other means) would be affected by the time dilation effect of Einstein's equations. Perhaps travelling through wormholes would not take any time, as time itself would be warped by the spacetime anomaly.

Right Ascension is in hours east of the standard meridian (close to Alpha Andromedae). Declension is in degrees north/south of the equator. Distance is in light-years from the earth.

Magnitudes under 10 are given. You can see up to 6 or so by eye, and up to 8 or 9 with binoculars. Over 9, you need a telescope, and if you've got one, you have a better star chart than this anyway.

Color gives the spectral class and a rough color translation.

The x , y , z coordinates are in light-years, with Sol at the origin. The z-axis points towards Earth north (Polaris, basically -- 23 degrees from Solar north and XX degrees from Galactic north. The x-axis points towards 0 Hours Ascension (Andromeda, and the Capricorn/Pisces border) while the y-axis points towards 6 Hours Right Ascension (Betelgeuse, and the Taurus/Gemini border). These are simply the natural Cartesian coordinates which correspond with the spherical (ascension/declination) coordinates.

The Ascension/Declination figures were rounded after the x,y,z were calculated. The x,y,z are considered most useful here, because they make it easy to calculate the distance between any two stars in the table.

Star or Locale RtAsc Decl Distance from Earth (in light years) Mag Color  x y Time to Star at 100c (in days) Time to Star at 10,000c (in hours)
Sol (Our Sun) --  --  -27  G2 yellow  - -
Proxima Centauri  14:26  -62.5  4.226  11  M5 red dwarf  -1.57  -1.16  -3.74  15.4 3.7
Alpha Centauri  14:36  -60.6  4.355  -.01 
G2 yellow 
K0 orange 
-1.66  -1.35  -3.80  15.9 3.8
Barnard's Star  17:55  +4.5  5.981  9.6  M5 red dwarf  -0.2  -5.9  +0.4  21.8 5.2
Wolf 359  10:54  +7.3  7.797  - M6 red dwarf  -7.4  +2.2  +1.0  28.5 6.8
BD +36 2147  11:01  +36.3  8.209  7.5  M2 red dwarf  -6.4  +1.7  +4.9  30.0 7.2
Sirius  6:43  -16.6  8.574  -1.4 
A1 white 
DA white dwarf 
-1.6  +8.1  -2.5  31.3 7.5
UV Ceti (L 726-8)  01:36  -18.2  8.567  - M5 red dwarf 
M5 red dwarf 
+7.6  +3.4  -2.8  31.3 7.5
Ross 154  18:47  -23.9  9.56  - M4 red dwarf  +1.8  +8.6  -3.9  34.9 8.4
Ross 248  23:39  +43.9  10.33  - M6 red dwarf  +7.3  -0.7  +7.1  37.7 9.1
Epsilon Eridani  3:31  -9.6  10.67  3.7  K2 orange  +6.46  +8.46  -1.81  38.9 9.4
Ross 128  11:45  +1.1  10.83  - M4 red dwarf  -10.9  +0.7  +0.2  39.5 9.5
Luyten 789-6  22:36  -15.6  11.08  - M5 red dwarf 
M5 red dwarf 
+9.5  -3.7  -2.9  40.4 9.7
Epsilon Indi  22:00  -57.0  11.29  4.7  K5 orange  +5.2  -3.1  -9.4  41.2 9.9
61 Cygni  21:05  +38.5  11.30  5.21 
K5 orange 
K7 orange 
+6.2  -6.0  +6.8  41.2 9.9
Tau Ceti  01:42  -16.2  11.40  3.5  G8 yellow  +10.1  +4.8  -3.3  41.6 10.0
Procyon  7:37  +5.4  11.41  0.4 
F5 yellow-white 
DA white dwarf 
-4.7  +10.3  +1.0  41.6 10.0
Kapteyn's Star  5:10  -45.0  12.63  8.9  M0 orange-red  +1.9  +8.7  8.9  46.1 11.1
van Maanen's Star  0:47  +5.2  14.13  - DZ7 white dwarf  13.3  +2.7  +1.2  51.6 12.4
Luyten 145-141  11:43  -64.6  14.93  - DQ6 white dwarf  -6.8  +0.5  -14.3  54.5 13.1
BD 50 1725  10:08  +49.7  15.30  6.6  K2 orange  - - - 55.9 13.4
Omicron (2) Eridani 
40 Eridani 
DY Eridani 
4:13  -7.7  15.75  4.4 
K1 orange 
DA white dwarf 
M4 red dwarf 
+7.0  +14.0  -2.2  57.5 13.8
Altair  19:48  +8.7  16.23  0.8  A7 white  +7.4  -14.5  +2.4  59.0 14.2
70 Ophiuchus  18:03  +2.5  16.39  4.2 
K0 yellow-orange 
K5 orange 
+0.2  -16.7  +0.7  59.9 14.4
82 (e) Eridani  3:18  -43.3  20.44  4.3  G5 yellow  +9.5  +11.2  -13.9  74.6 17.9
Rho Eridani  1:38  -56.4  21.90  5.8 
K2 orange 
K3 orange 
+10.7  +4.8  -17.8  79.9 19.2
Pi (3) Orionis  4:44  +6.8  26.09  3.2  F6 yellow-white  - - - 95.2 22.9
Vega  18:34  +38.7  26.52  .03  A0 white  - - - 96.8 23.2
Delta Eridani  3:41  -9.9  31.51  3.5  K0 yellow-orange  +16.5  +23.7  -5.1  115.0 27.6
CC Eridani  2:32  -44.0  37.4  8.9  K7 orange  - - - 136.5 32.8
58 Eridani  4:45  -17.0  41.3  5.5  G1 yellow  +12.9  +38.3  -12.4  150.7 36.2
Tau (1) Eridani  2:43  -18.8  44.7  4.5  F6 yellow-white  +3.9  +29.1  -15.3  163.2 39.2
Epsilon Ceti  2:37  -12.1  47.5  5.5 
F8 yellow-white 
M0 orange-red 
+35.7  +29.2  -9.9  173.4 41.6
Epsilon Reticuli  4:16  -59.4  48.7  4.4  K2 orange  - - - 177.8 42.7
Epsilon Phoenicis  0:07  -46.0  50.6  3.9  K0 orange subgiant  - - - 184.7 44.3
Tau (3) Eridani  3:00  -23.8  52.9  4.1  A4 white  - - - 193.1 46.3
Epsilon Cygni  20:44  +33.8  62.7  2.5 
K0 orange subgiant 
M4 red dwarf 
- - - 228.9 54.9
Epsilon Scorpii  16:48  -34.3  66  2.3  K2 orange subgiant  - - - 240.9 57.8
68 Eridani  5:06  -4.5  67  5.1  F2 yellow-white  - - - 244.6 58.7
Epsilon Ursa Major  12:53  +56.1  68  1.8  A0 white  - - - 248.2 59.6
---Other--- - - - - - - - - - -
Rigel - - 900 - - - - - 9 years 33 days
Deneb - - 1500 - - - - - 15 years 55 days
Galactic Centre - - 24,000 - - - - - 240 years 2.4 years
Diameter of Galaxy - - 100,000 - - - - - 1000 years 10 years
To Edge of Observable Universe - - 10 to 20 billion  - - - - - 100 to 200 million years 1 to 2 million years

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This page was last edited on: August 23, 2000

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