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Lightning Bolt [Top]


Cho-Vaq Image1 Type: dead world

Position: Outer Edge of Galactic Centre(~10,000 ly away)

Star Type: survey data unavailable*

Length of Year: survey data unavailable*

Moons: 1*

Atmosphere: Thin/survey data unavailable*

Cho-Vaq Image2 Hydrosphere: none

Gravity: survey data unavailable*

Cho-Vaq Image3 Population: unknown*

World Profile: Cho-Vaq is the homeworld of the Vaq'lar.

Located near the burning heart of a nebula, Cho-Vaq has a rarified atmosphere. The surface is desolate, with raging dust storms lashing the rocky surface. Stone obelisks covered in Vaq'lar runes pierce the land. The obelisks appear to be concentrated in areas near cave entrances where Vaq'lar dwell.


* = exact data unavailable

See Also: