If your browser were capable of handling applets, you'd could hover over the buttons right here. If your browser were capable of handling applets, you'd could hover over the buttons right here. If your browser were capable of handling applets, you'd could hover over the buttons right here.

Information Technology

Lightning Bolt [Top]

Network Computers

Storage Devices

Removable Media - 'Superfloppies'


Other WORM and fully erasable optical formats

Hard Disk Cartridges

Floptical disks - magnetic storage, optical tracking

EEPROM memory

Main Storage


New processor technologies may delay or avoid the crumbling of Moore's Law:

GaAs (Gallium Arsenide) chips


Vacuum Tubes!



Input and Output

Speech recognition systems - the end of the keyboard?

Future of output - electronic paper? The Electronic book?

Virtual Reality

Artificial Intelligence

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Lightning Bolt [Bottom]

Comments, criticisms, suggestions, and additions welcome! E-mail Dan Fournel at [email protected]


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This page was last edited on: June 08, 2000

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