Sculpting Tools
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Round Toothpicks (4)
Standard (office) Staple
Small Paper Clip
Straight Pin
X-acto Knife
Cyanoacrylate (CA) Glue
Wire Cutter
Needle Nose Pliers


Cut off one of the tapered ends of 4 toothpicks.

Step 2

Using the pliers straighten out one side of the staple. Then bend the other side all the way down to the staple shaft.

Step 3

Glue the bent staple to one of the modified toothpick as seen in the 2nd picture.

Step 4

Straighten out one side of the paperclip. Cut this long straight piece off. It will be used later.

Step 5

Take the other part of the paper clip and crimp the bend closed with the pliers. This will give you a shape similar to the staple but a little larger.

Step 6

Glue the bent piece of paperclip to one of the modified toothpick as seen in the 3rd picture.

Step 7

Take the straight piece of paperclip and glue it to a toothpick as seen in the 4rth picture.

Step 8

Use the wire cutters and snip off the head of the straight pin.

Step 9

Glue the pin to a toothpick as seen in the last picture.

Final Notes

These are the tools I used to scuplt my Duros head. You can use different sizes of wire or pins for different tools. I also use various sizes of sewing needles that you can buy at places like Wal-Mart and arts and crafts stores.

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