Well, I held out as long as I could.  When "Babylon 5" premiered, I immediately dismissed it, being a good Trekker, and proceeded to ignore it for four years.  Then I started seeing the promos on TNT, and hey-- I was looking for something to watch at 7 o'clock.  It took just a couple of episodes and it was all over.  Now I've got yet another place to play, and yet another story that may never be finished.  But who cares?

If you've been here before, you know that my original stories were based around a premise that directly contradicted events in the amazing finale to B5, "Sleeping in Light."  After briefly considering throwing the whole thing out, I decided to give it another try.  And so, the "reboot" version of "The Babylon Project: Legacy".

It is the year 2281.
For almost two decades, the Interstellar Alliance
has stood, united and strong.  Founded upon
the ideals of justice and equality, and on
the belief that, as children of the universe,
we are all one.
Now, the Alliance will once again face an enemy
that threatens to extinguish the light from the galaxy.
And once again, the hope for victory lies
in the hands of heroes, gathered to stand
against the darkness,
inspired by heroes past and a legend
called Babylon 5.
The wisdom to see...
The courage to stand...
The strength to fight...
These are their legacy.

THE STORIES: (in chronological order)