Last Modified 10 August, 1999 - What's New?

Greetings and welcome, traveler. You have pierced the mists and found my peaceful isle of diversions, Avalon. Here you will find things which interest me, and, I hope, you as well. From examples of literary pursuits to artistic dabblings to that which makes me me, I have tried to provide as many diverse topics as I am intersted in. Without further ado,

You can now reach AVALON by a shorter route!
        The address to follow is

So who in the Sam Hill am I? An introduction-- my PERSONAL INFO.

Fancy Footwork My take on the best activity on earth, DanceSport(aka Ballroom Dancing).

Forays into Literature:

Artistic Leanings Drawings, doodles, etc. Workings of a fevered mind.

The Great White Way Believe it or not, I'm quite a fan of Broadway Musicals.

This page is under constant construction, so please excuse my dust and do mind the falling links.

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