FORTUNE'S WIND - Ch.5 "Midnight"

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of HB and are used for non-profit, entertainment purposes only.

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Synopsis: J, J & H have gotten away, but what now? Plus a surprise.

"FORTUNE'S WIND" chapter 5

by Eric R. Umali


Jonny left their hiding spot early the next morning to raid the galley. Hadji and Jessie sat across from each other, in an uncomfortable silence.

"It seems you're Jonny's best friend, after 'Black Dog', of course."

"Yes. We have grown up on this ship together. All that Captain Wildey did for him, he did for me."

"I never imagined a pirate could inspire such loyalty."

"I imagine Captain Wildey was not at all the kind of pirate you thought he was. What we take doesn't belong to those who have it. Most of the crew is already well off enough. We do it to lighten Their Majesties' purses." He paused, looking her straight in the eyes. "Did you know that while under his command, the crew was under strict orders to kill only if necessary? We left many crews in their lifeboats, or ashore. They often fought amongst themselves and blamed the deaths on us."

"Why should I believe that?"

"You may believe what you wish. It is the truth." More silence. "May I ask you a question?"

"Ask. I cannot promise an answer."

"You are a claustrophobe, are you not?"

"What makes you say that?"

"You acted most... uncomfortable when we hid ourselves here."

"I do not enjoy tight spaces, it's true."

"Yet now, you seem quite well. How?"

Jessie paused before answering, wondering if she really believed what she was thinking of saying. "Jonny," she said, gesturing towards the loose panel. "I can't believe him. His adopted father just died, he's lost his ship, and we're all on the verge of stretching at the end of Surd's noose. Yet he has the strength inside to comfort a scared stranger who's just tried to kill him? How? Why?"

"Because," Hadji answered calmly, "that is his nature. I have watched Jonny grow up into the finest man I have ever met, 'Black Dog' included. Though I have no doubt helping you is helping him. He is most fond of you."

"Oh, I'm sure-- which is why he called me 'she-devil' and wanted my head."

"Ha!" laughed Hadji. "You are too much the same."

"What does that mean?"

"Your words are almost the same as his last night, when I told him how much you liked him."

"I don't--" she started, but was cut off by the sudden pulling away of the panel. Hadji immediately drew his dagger, then lowered it when Jonny's blonde head popped inside, a bright red apple sticking out of his mouth. Jonny scrambled inside, then shut the panel.


The *Talon* and the *Bandit Queen* docked side by side in Kingston Bay. Surd had what was left of Wildey's last booty off-loaded and placed into his own coffers. Quest and Bannon, gagged and chained hand and foot, were marched up to the deck. They blinked and squinted, having spent the intervening time in the darkness of the *Talon*'s brig. Their faces were bruised and bloodied.

Surd stood by the top of the gangplank as they clanked their way towards him. "Take these blackguards to the jail and make them ready. They stretch at sunrise." Bannon and Quest were shoved down the plank, nearly falling over each other doing it.

Lawrence came up beside him. "Governor Surd-- don't they stand trial?"

"They stood trial at sea, Lawrence. They were observed and caught in the treasonous act of conspiring with known pirates, plain and simple."


Benton Quest and Roger Bannon were unceremoniously heaved into a small, musty space before their blindfolds and bindings were removed. Bannon immediately assaulted the closest person, but was rewarded with a solid blow to the temple for his trouble. The iron gate slammed shut.

Quest looked first to Bannon's head, determining he was merely unconcious, then took in his surroundings. They were imprisoned in a tiny cell, no more than six feet square. Slightly rotting hay lined the floor, and there was a dampness to the stone walls that said they were well underground. Much of the hay showed signs of gnawing-- they'd have rats to deal with soon enough. Benton arranged the long limbs of his first mate into a semblance of a comfortable position, then settled himself.


In the bustle of the *Bandit Queen*'s unloading, no one noticed the three pairs of eyes staring furtively from belowdecks at the action on both that ship and the *Talon*.

When Bannon and Quest had emerged from the darkness of the other ship, it required both Jonny and Hadji to restrain their new friend. Jonny clamped a hand over her mouth.

"Quiet! Damn you, girl-- be quiet or they'll swing for sure with us alongside!" Her struggling ceased. "Finished?" She nodded. Jonny relaxed and she bit his hand.

"Aaagghh!" he cried, and his hand flew back. Jessie glared at him without so much as flinching. His hand dropped. "That was a warning. Cross me again and my hand flies on its own."

They sat in silence for a few more minutes to wait out the last of Surd's men.

"All right, let's go."

The three young people crept silently from their hiding place. The *Bandit Queen* had just taken a heavy Spanish galleon, so by the time she was fully unloaded and sitting high in the water, the sun was setting once more.


Benton Quest shifted his weight. His eyes closed, his mind went back to the deck of the *Bandi Queen*. He saw and remembered vividly the last moments of Doug Wildey, and recalled as vividly his past.

Young Lieutenant Commander Benton Quest was one of the most promising officers in Her Majesty's Navy. He was on every admiral's short list for fast promotion. It was a surprise to all of society, of course, the banns were annouced of his impending nuptials to one Rachel Wildey, a woman of no station and little dowry.

He met Doug Wildey right after they moved into a small cottage overlooking a quiet bay. The man disapproved of the marriage, and Benton disapproved of him. It was only after his departure that the house knew peace.


Jonny led the way through the dark alleys near the docks of Kingston Bay. Jessie bit her lip to keep from constantly inquiring about their situation. Jonny's threat of reprisal earlier had given her a glimpse of the young man's character she did not trust, and so she kept her mouth shut and her hand on the pommel of her sword. Hadji followed a short distance behind, eyes constantly searching for signs of trouble.

They wound their way through the alleys to a hole-in-the-wall marked with a simple wooden sign overhead reading "The Porthole Tavern." Jonny stopped before the entrance and gave a quick look around. He nodded to the others and disappeared inside. Jessie hesitated until a gentle nudge in the back from Hadji bade her follow. She entered, Hadji right behind her, into the dimly-lit tavern.

Jessie was greeted by the sight of Jonny caught in the arms of a woman. She patted him on the back and cooed like a mother bird. Hadji smiled and cleared his throat. The woman released Jonny.

"Ahh, Jonny my boy, it's so wonderful to see you again! And you, Hadji-- you're both so handsome. And who," she said warily, "is this?"

"A, uh, new member of the crew," Jonny answered. "Patti, this is Jessie Bannon. Jessie, Patti, proprietress of the Porthole."

"I see. 'Black Dog's crew, or your own?" asked slyly. She succeeded in bringing a slight flush to Jonny's skin with that. Began to smile at him until his face turned dark. "Why what's wrong, Jonny?"

"Haven't you heard, Patti? 'Black Dog' Wildey is dead."

Instantly, she flew into a rage. "By whose hand?"

"Surd," he responded coldly.

"What do you need from me?" asked.

"The Governor holds two good men in his jail. We mean to break them out. Can we talk in back?"

"Of course," replied, and put her arm around his shoulder, leading him to the back rooms. Jonny motioned for them to follow. "So, who's the girl?"

"I told you: she's a new member of the crew. And yes, it's _my_ crew now. One of the men Surd holds is her father."

"Wait, Jonny--" she said. "Those wouldn't be those two British tars that were seen in the jail, would they?"

"Aye, that's them."

"So, you're a pirate who's going to bust free a pair of British officers-- one of whom's daughter you've taken up with? You make a very interesting captain, Jonny."

"Will you help me, Patti?"

"Of course. Let's talk about what you'll need."

They sat in the small storage room and readied their plan.