It's time to take another trip with our heroes.  I guess I'm a lot more comfortable tossing these characters into situations as different as possible from the series and pulling the action out of that, than I am with just dealing with them in the series' context.  You can thank the exceptional film "L.A. Confidential" for being the main spark for this one.

While taking that first big step to independence, Jessie discovers the story of another young woman doing much the same.  We'll follow both of them as everything unfolds.

"The Big Goodbye"

Chapter One - "Discovery"
Chapter Two - "Big Break"
Chapter Three - "Field Trip"
Chapter Four - "Cocktails and Conversation"
Chapter Five - "Pearl River Interlude"
Chapter Six - "Midnight"
Chapter Seven - "On the #2"
Chapter Eight - "'Shotgun' Jimmy"