Like most people, I’ve got a lot of very fond memories of my four years in high school. I attended Bergen Catholic H.S. in suburban Oradell, NJ-- a school as renknowned for producing academic success as well as athletic.

My main activity was as a member of the Junior State of America, in which I participated in debates and mock government activities both at school and at conventions in Washington, D.C. We once heard a speech from a Congressmen while actually *in* Congress-- I sat in the seat reserved for the Minority Whip!

These first two pictures are from JSA Conventions in D.C. and Cherry Hill, NJ (respectively). Featured in both are my friends Kevin Tameta (the shorter) and Perry Uybarreta (the taller). Perry and I both ended up here at B.U. and are still friends. In fact, he’s the one who got me to go to my first Ballroom Club meeting!

I call this one "Young Guns - Pinoy Style." Me, Perry and Kevin.

This is the three of us paying rapt attention during a debate.
Right after Junior year, I had the honor of being invited to the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Summer Scientific Seminar, which is offered to only 500 students each year. My team, or "element," became very close friends in that short time. Taking our cue from leader Cdt. Ernie Kim, we named ourselves "The Berts." If any of you Berts have found your way here, drop me a line! For the roll call, click on the picture.


Ahh, the Senior Prom. Probably *the* seminal social event in most teenagers’ lives. We had ours in a ritzy hotel in NJ. My date’s name was Aura-Dee Pascua, and I was able to finagle an entire limo just for us! We had a good time, then headed into New York City and the Hard Rock Café afterwards.

Prom Night.
In classic New Jersey tradition, the day after the prom, a group of friends and I headed for the fabled Jersey Shore, and the town of Seaside, where our motel was literally across the street from the beach! Yes, the memories are fond, if a little bit hazy…

The party’s just starting!

"These are the days to remember,
Cause it will not last forever
These are the days to hold on to
Cause we won't although we'll want to "
-Billy Joel