THE INNER LIGHT - Ch.4 "Sorceress"

Disclaimer: Characters are property HB and are used for entertainment purposes only.

As ever, I encourage comments, questions, etc. Archiving permission granted.


Synopsis: Jessie's turn to learn her destiny.

"THE INNER LIGHT", chapter 4

by Eric R. Umali


The Royal Lady Jessamyn was led to a coach at sunset. Its windows were covered with black drapes, and after just a few minutes, she no longer was sure in which direction they were headed. It came to a stop after perhaps a half an hour, and she exited onto a neat forest path. Professor Bentonus followed her out and took her hand, leading her to a large clearing.

A large, ancient stump at the center of the clearing served as an altar. Behind it stood a tall hooded figure. Bentonus led her before the altar, and she knelt.

Jessamyn was dressed in fine clothes for the ceremony, but not her best. Estella and she had wisely decided to eschew her truly magnificent, but definitely impractical ballgowns. She wore a cream-colored blouse, and belted over it was a long vest jumper that reached to her knees. It was a rich forest green, decorated with gold threads and narrow braiding. Over her tan leggings, kid boots laced from instep to knee. A braid of her fiery hair was clasped back with a gold clip, and Estella had woven baby's breath into it near her temples, like a laurel.

The figure removed his hood. Jessamyn looked up into the strong dark features, seeing the lineage of some distant land. Thick black hair was held back by a broad white band adorned by a jewel.

"Lady Jessamyn, you have prepared your entire life for a very special reason, yes?"

"Yes, but I have not been told of this destiny. Am I to learn tonight?"

"You are. But before this, a final ceremony must be performed. Rise." She stood. The robed figure held out his hands, and Jessamyn grasped his wrists as he did the same.

Softly, the figure began murmuring an incantation. Jessamyn joined him moments later, followed soon by Bentonus. The dim torches circling the clearing burst ablaze, flooding the clearing with shifting golden light. Their voices grew louder and louder.

Soon, the figure's grip tightened. The jewel on his forehead began to glow as his voice became nearly a shout. The magickal light soon surrounded him, then began moving toward Jessamyn. His hands were like vices, and once the glow had surrounded her, her entire body felt afire. She struggled to keep her grasp and continue the incantation. She became aware of a coppery taste on her tongue, then realized she'd bitten her lip. The heat was almost too much, and the squeeze on her wrists was becoming extremely painful. Tendrils of energy wrapped themselves around her arms. There was a flash of light, and they separated. Jessamyn dropped back to her knees.

The three rested for a few moments, trying to regain their breath. Jessamyn brought her hands up. Her forearms were now sheathed in soft gauntlets of a leather she'd never seen before. They were both intricately embossed and inlaid with gold designs, with a few small jewels encrusted as well. The gauntlets glowed with eldritch energy.

When she looked up again, the dark figure was standing next to Bentonus. He spoke. "Your powers as a mage have been bound to the earth, and its energy to you. The gauntlets you wear will amplify and control your powers. And you will need this on your quest."

Her eyes widened.

"What am I to do?"

"An ancient prophesy says that a shadow will fall over this kingdom in the form of a terrible wizard who will enslave the people. This has come to pass. The wizard Surd..."

*Surd?!* The name triggered a flush of anger in Jessamyn, but she didn't know why.

"...has amassed an unprecedented amount of dark power, and is using it to grind this kingdom under his heel."

"And I am to face this... Surd?"

Bentonus rested a hand on her shoulder. "My Lady, it is written that the only force that can defeat this wizard is the combined power of two great warriors. They and only they can face Surd, and by truly joining their abilities, can they find victory. Lady Jessamyn, _you_ are one of those warriors."

She stood. "Who is the other?"

"All we know is you will meet your companion when you least expect. And though you know nothing the other, it will be as if you had known each other for a lifetime. The medallion you wear will guide you."

Jessamyn held the gold dragon symbol up to the light. "I understand." She turned and walked back to the path, Bentonus a step behind her. They got back into the coach and drove away.

She watched the sunrise through her window as she packed. It had taken quite a while for her and Estella to pare down her extensive wardrobe to the most practical and portable pieces, though the doting nurse insisted she cram one gown into her already bulging saddlebags.

Jessamyn swung the bags over the back of her horse, Iris. Slung next to them were her broadsword and walking staff. A pair of long daggers were strapped to her belt. She swung her leg over and settled into the saddle. Estella and Bentonus stood to the side.

Estella watched her mount, and shook her head. "Such an unladylike way to ride," she sighed, sniffing and dabbing at one eye. Bentonus put a comforting arm around her. "Good journey, milady," he said as Jessamyn rode out the gate.

She turned towards the main road and started off at a canter towards her unknown companion and her fate.


In the QuestWorld lab, the viewing screen turned to static for the second time.

"Benton, what's going on?" Race was quite ready to start tearing his hair out. "One minute, the kids are, well, kids again, and the next, they're older than they are in real life!"

Dr. Quest placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I believe we are seeing episodes from the lives of the characters Jonny and Jessie are portraying. Episodes that are central to the purpose of the program."

"Dr. Quest," said Hadji, "does it not appear that Jonny and Jessie no longer remember who they really are?"

"Perhaps, Hadji. I think their minds are adapting to the storyline of this program. It will probably help them if they completely immerse themselves in the setting."

"But will they still be _our_ Jessie and Jonny when they get out?" Race asked quietly.

Neither of the other two answered.