THE INNER LIGHT - Ch.7 "Interlude"

As for MY thoughts, I find it interesting that they've switched ages... and now I want to find out why.... (Lion)

I got a whole bunch of questions like that, and here is the answer. Archiving permission granted.

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of Hanna-Barbera and are used for non-profit entertainment purposes only.


Synopsis: The real nature of Surd's program is revealed.

"THE INNER LIGHT" chapter 7

by Eric R. Umali


Hadji didn't want to say anything until he was positive, so he rechecked the records. Still unsure, he checked a third time; and a fourth. He pored over the QuestWorld logs until he could not refute what he had found. He looked up from his controls.

"Dr. Quest?"

"What is it, Hadji?"

"I believe I have some disturbing news."

Dr. Quest and Race immediately ran to the young man's side. "Disturbing how?"

"I was replaying parts of the episodes we have been viewing of this... adventure. I have been reviewing them to find any information that could help us or Jonny and Jessie, and stumbled on something most unexpected and most... unpleasant."

"What?" asked Race impatiently.

"It is best to show you what brought it to my attention." He brought up a replay of Jonny's first view of the module, his training session with the highlander, Raece. "Jonny and Jessie logged onto QuestWorld at 10:41:02 AM. Look at the time elapsed index. It indicates that Jonny and Jessie had been logged on for a total of twenty-three minutes, fifteen seconds." He then switched to the beginning of Jonny's binding ceremony. "And here is the next of Jonny's episodes. The time code on the file says that the recording started at 11:16:32 AM."

"That sounds right," said Dr. Quest.

"That is what I thought when I accessed this recording. But look at the time index." He brought the file onto the screen. In the corner of the image were the numbers that indicated how long the two teens had been in QuestWorld. In now read "52621h:24m:19.55s."

Race's eyes widened. "Fifty-two thousand hours? What in blazes does that mean?" In response, Hadji highlighted the number and began altering its format. The numbers began changing, until finally, the display read, "6 years, 1 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes, 19.55 sec."

Race dropped into a chair. "I don't understand."

"While we are seeing scattered episodes from these character's lives," said Hadji quietly, "Jonny and Jessie's minds are experiencing everything. Every minute of every day. Day after day, for more than six years now. That is why we have seen them age."

Dr. Quest rubbed his eyes. "That would explain why they no longer seem to recall their real selves. After that long, their original identities would certainly be on the road to being forgotten."

Race was despondent. "My daughter's mind has spent _six years_ in that world?"

Hadji replied sadly, "I am afraid so, Race."

The main viewer came to life again. Immediately, all three pairs of eyes zeroed in on the time index as it appeared, the numbers spinning even higher.