THE INNER LIGHT - Ch.13 "Light"

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Synopsis: Resolution.

"THE INNER LIGHT" chapter 13

by Eric R. Umali


Jessamyn sobbed into the blank face of the fallen warrior, Jonathor.



*Jessamyn, the sword...*

She wiped her eyes, shaking his body. It was his voice she heard, but he remained as still as before.

*The soulsword. It holds a portion of my lifeforce...*

Turning, she saw the sword lying beside them. It glowed brighter than ever before. Holding it before her, she felt the power that resided in it.

*Only if that power is released can he be stopped.*

"Jonathor... If I release it, you will die."

*Sharing this life with you was worth a thousand deaths. Surd has to be stopped. Release the light.*

The medallion on his chest began to glow with its own power. As she held the sword above his heart, the wizard's eyes widened.

Surd flew at them, in desperate attempt to stop her. "Don't be a fool, girl!" he shouted. "You cannot contain the power! You will perish with us as well!"

The words hit Jessamyn like a hammer. Her mind raced. "Only if they truly join..." she whispered to herself. Dear Lord.

*You're right. Neither of us is powerful enough alone. Only if we join together...*

"I can't. Both our lights? I am ready to let go of life, but not of you," she whispered.

*You must. Jessie, please...*

"See you on the other side, Jonny..."

She plunged the sword down, straight into the young warrior's heart, piercing the dragon medallion. White light flooded the chamber like a great wave. It struck the wizard Surd and tore him in two, body and soul. It radiated outward, shaking the castle walls, shattering the very foundation of the mountain it was part of. It spread across the darkened land, razing the dead earth and sowing the seeds of life in every direction. The light cleared the sky of clouds, but outshone the sun itself.

The great light spread across the kingdom, erasing every vestige of the wizard's presence. Every good heart leapt for joy. Nearly every heart.

In the secluded enclave, where they had gathered to observe the final conflict, four souls mourned. Raece, Bentonus, Estella, and the dark-skinned man mourned the loss of the heroes.


The big viewing screen went blank. The energy that had surrounded Jonny and Jessie's forms for several hours disappeared, as did the bands of light from their QuestWorld headsets. They did not stir.

Benton and Race rushed to them, shaking and shouting at them, but the young people stayed still.


In a place of swirling, bright colors, a voice called out.


"I'm here."

"We did it, didn't we?"

"Yeah, we did."

"What happens now?"

"I think we have a choice to make."


Jessie's eyes fluttered open. "Dad?" she said weakly.


Benton slumped into the leather easy chair in his office. After an exhaustive search, they were positive that all trace of Surd had been wiped from the system, if not the face of the Earth.

But he was not sure about Jessie and Jonny. Physically, they had come through unscathed, if completely exhausted. They had slept for almost two days, and rarely talked of what they had seen, what they had done.

Looking out the window, he saw them walking hand in hand to the seacliffs. They had quickly returned to their lives, their experiences in the other world slowly being replaced by reality. But they _were_ different.

When he looked into his son's eyes, he still saw the mischievous sparkle that reminded him so much of Rachel. But behind them was a look he had only seen in the eyes of old, battle-weary soldiers, who had fought all their lives. Jonny's young eyes now spoke of almost nine years of conflict, and when he would suddenly go silent and stare off into space, only a single other soul could understand him. Jessie.

Her eyes held the same, almost haunted depth behind their playful gaze. True, they still enjoyed a good game of Motorized Renegade Ninja Croquet, but even in their most familiarly boisterous moments, they showed subtle signs that they were no longer the teenagers they had been. Psychologically speaking, they had lived an entire lifetime in the space of a few hours. They had been trained and taught to be the finest warriors in the world. They had fought a war. They had killed. They had died. They knew things no one their age should know; some things that no one at all should know.

According to them, the experience had deepened their appreciation for life and they were bound and determined to treasure that life. But Benton knew that it also isolated them, since only they could understand what they'd gone through.

It had also exposed the burgeoning feelings they had for one another. They spent nearly every spare minute together, often in a silence that spoke volumes. Long walks together had become their daily routine.

Race and Benton were unsure about this romance, but even they could not deny the facts, especially when they thought about the alternative: not having them anymore.

If they had failed in their quest, if their hearts didn't have the resolve, if they hadn't been strong enough-- Benton hated to think of what it would be like. Life would have lost its joy... its exuberance...

Its light.