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Synopsis: At the beginning of their training, the young heroes learn The Code.


by Eric R. Umali


Every day for six years. Over and over, it was drilled into his head. Every instructor he had made him recite it before, during and after whatever lesson he was learning at the time. They were adamant it become more than part of his memory. It had to become part of him.

Raece rode him especially hard on it. For the first few days he was learning it, any time Jonathor's recitation faltered, Raece's wooden switch left a sting on his skin. After a few months, the words began to change. They were no longer just words to be remembered, no longer a catechism to be recited on command. They began to have meaning, and every time Jonathor said them, they drove deeper and deeper into his being.

It was called, simply enough, The Code. A handful of words that came to define Jonathor's life.

"If ye were t'gain only martial training from us," Raece had told him once, "ye would be useless. Fer you t'be victorious in yer quest, ye must believe these words, an' live by them. Ye may never be called a knight, as ye have nae lord t'serve. But if ye live by The Code, ye'll be one."

"But why?" the young man had asked. "My destiny is not to be a knight, but a warrior-- isn't that why I'm here?"

"Ah, toadwart... yer not t'be a warrior. Yer t'be a _hero_. An' The Code is how ye shall live!" He brought his sword swinging at Jonathor, who gracefully dodged and took his fighting stance. The lesson continued for quite a while after.


On the other side of the kingdom, young Jessamyn was making a discovery. She was standing among the tall shelves of books in Bentonus' library, searching for a new book of spells. The young woman began running her fingers along the spines of the books.

Her medallion glowed brightly, then faded. She moved her hand back along the shelf, the medallion flashing as she passed one heavy, dusty volume. Jessamyn pulled it off the shelf and, sitting on the floor, opened it.

It was an old book of Arthurian history. She began flipping through the illuminated pages, glancing at the stories and pictures of Arthur, Guinevere, and all of Camelot. Her fingers again found a page that caused her medallion to glow. She was just about to read the page when a voice from behind surprised her.

"And what are we doing dilly-dallying here?" Bentonus asked.

Jessamyn explained what had occured, and handed the book to her professor. "Ahh," he said, "The Code."

"What is The Code?" the young woman asked, not knowing the words would be on her lips for the next six years.

"It is the driving philosophy of the true knight. It defines his very existence and the manner in which he is to live his life." He paused, thinking. "Come to the study. You will learn The Code."

"But why? I cannot be a knight. I am a woman."

"True, but what you will be is a _hero_. And The Code is how you will live."


Raece's heavy broadsword swung inches above Jonathor's head. "What is The Code?" he demanded.


Bentonus crossed his arms as Jessamyn looked up from the book. He closed it sharply. "What is The Code?"


And as they spoke, each heard the other's faraway voice joining their own.

And they became heroes, and The Code is how they lived.


The Code is taken from the film "Dragonheart", written by Patrick Read Johnson and Charles Edward Pogue.