Time for some fun, let's head for the reception.

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of Hanna-Barbera and are used for non-profit entertainment purposes only.

Archiving permission granted.


Synopsis: They're married, so it's time to PAAAARRRRTTTYYYY!!!!


by Eric R. Umali

By four thirty, most of the guests invited to the reception had made it to the tent. At a long table in the front, hundreds of red silk roses were lined up, each with the guests' name and table number. Several large guestbooks were laid out and were rapidly filled.

The inside of the tent was kept ventilated and cool. Dozens upon dozens of circular tables filled the space, arranged around three sides of a massive wooden dance floor. On the far side was the long table for the bridal party, overlooking the entire space. To its right, the band and DJ, and to the left, the gargantuan wedding cake.

The room was decorated in white and rose red, from the tablecloths and napkins to the ribbons and balloons adorning the inside of the tent. A silver vase stood at the center of each table, for the guests' roses. More take-home trinkets laid in wait for them, as well. As the guests milled around the tent, taking their seats, Hadji oversaw the massive operation. He smiled at the memory of spending hour after hour with Jonathan and Jessica, trying to work out the seating arrangements.

The young Sultan shook his head thoughtfully. This was a day he had hoped would come, but often feared would never happen. They were his best friends, and naturally, he wished nothing but the best for both of them. Unfortunately, what took them so long to realize was the thing that was best for them was each other-- a fact Hadji was well aware of for quite a while. Then, at long last, they were both smart enough to figure out they were in love.

When he came for a visit a week after the embassy party to find Jessie and Jonny kissing on the sofa, he was elated. When they called him with news of their engagement, nearly incoherent in their excitement, he demanded the family fly to Bangalore immediately. The clan was met with one of the biggest celebrations ever seen at the palace. So, he was determined that the reception go as smoothly as the ceremony had. Hadji kept a watchful eye on the army of caterers and other staff. Soon, everyone was seated and comfortable. Nodding to the bandleader, Hadji exited the tent to join the rest of the wedding party.

A fanfare sounds, and all eyes turn to the entrance of the tent. The wedding party, in couples, began to enter the reception. Hadji and the maid of honor were nearly blinded by the photographer as they entered, followed by Race and Estella, then Benton and Alice.

Once the parents had made their way inside, everyone stood, jockeying for a good view of the bride and groom. Hadji ran to the bandstand and stood at the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he said proudly, "may I present... Mr. Jonathan Quest and Ms. Jessica Bannon Quest."

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers as the newlyweds entered, arm in arm. Jonathan had changed into a more standard tuxedo, tailored slim and sharp, with a band-collared shirt. He had chosen the white jacket, stating proudly that he felt like Bogart in "Casablanca." He wore the black jacket, having been vetoed almost immediately. Jessica again wore white silk, with thin straps and a finely beaded bodice. The skirt was shorter than the one of her gown, and less full, but made her movements long and elegant. Camera flashes went off again and again as they made their way towards the main table.

"Can _you_ still see?" Jonathan asked, trying to be heard over the din.

"Follow Hadji's voice. That'll get us close enough." Jessica answered.

Rounding the end of the main table, they made it to their places at the center. But before the newlyweds can even sit, the high, sharp sound of a utensil striking a glass is heard. Hadji turns to Race in confusion.

"What in the world is that?" he asked. The sound was soon joined by many others, all tapping knives against their empty champagne flutes.

Race smiled. "Didn't anyone tell you, Hadji?" The Indian shook his head as the sound became quite loud.

"It's a Western wedding tradition," explained Estella. "When the guests do that, the bride and groom are obligated to..." She pointed to the newlyweds, who kissed, to the approval of the crowd.

Hadji nodded. "Ahh, I see. Thank you. I suspect we'll be hearing that sound quite often tonight. Though they hardly ever need a reason to kiss."

"Don't remind me," said Race, visibly wincing. Estella gave his arm a squeeze as they all took their seats.

Champagne and drinks were poured immediately, and the dinner began. It consisted of fresh fruits, then salad, followed by a small dish of lemon sorbet (causing a few of the guests to wonder why they'd skipped straight to dessert). The main course was either salmon or filet mignon. Hadji's prediction came true-- not ten minutes went by before the clinking began again and often. After the sumptuous meal, it was time for the next tradition.

The cake, a good five feet tall, was situated on a table to the side. With the photographer snapping away, Jonathan cut a small piece of the angel-food and strawberry confection, picked it up gingerly and popped it into Jessica's waiting mouth. She, on the other hand, cut a larger slice, hefting it in her hand. Jonathan smiled at the mischievous look in her eyes.

"Don't you _dare_, Jessie Quest."

"That's Jessie _Bannon_ Quest. Better remember that," she replied, separating a more manageable piece and gently feeding it to her husband.

This was followed by the usual arms-entwined-drinking-champagne pose. The bride and groom then proceeded around the tent, greeting their guests. This daunting task took nearly another hour to complete, and when they returned to their seats, it was time for the final traditions.

More than one wolf whistle escaped the gents as Jonathan retrieved his wife's garter. He shot it into the air, where, after bouncing off a couple of hands, it landed squarely in the grasp of the young Sultan of Bangalore. Hadji raised it in triumph, as his mother nodded approvingly.

The rush for Jessica's bouquet, however, proved less civil. The bride wound up like a major league pitcher, and for a moment the flowers seemed destined to be stuck somewhere in the tent's rigging. When it finally came down, there was a mad scramble for it. When the dust settled, the slightly worse-for-wear roses were clutched firmly in the hands of Alice Starseer. The ladies parted around her, leaving the well-traveled Native American staring right at a now nervous Dr. Quest, a "well whaddaya know?" look in her eyes.

The band then struck up the first dance, for the bride and groom. Jonathan and Jessica had no problem choosing their song-- the gentle ballad they'd danced to at the embassy party, Selena's "I Could Fall In Love." Standing, Jonathan removed his jacket, then helped Jessica out of her seat.

Jonathan and Jessica stepped onto the floor hand in hand, stopping in the middle. They took their dance hold.

"Isn't this where we started?" she asked.

"I think so. May I have this dance?"

"Just this one?"

Jonathan laughed. "Every one."

Slipping his foot to the left, they started to dance. The music took over, letting them move to its rhythms. Moving with long, languid gestures, they heard only their hearts and the romantic lyrics. Their movements flowed effortlessly, and the guests were spellbound. Too soon, the song faded to be replaced by applause. The parents' dances followed.

"Can you believe it, Daddy?" said Jessica, smiling. "I'm married!"

"I believe it, Ponchita," replied Race, despite the lump in his throat. "I've never seen you so happy."

"And you, Daddy?"

"I'm walking on air, Ponchita. Walking on air." They moved down the floor.

Jonathan was smiling as well. "Alice, I can't thank you enough for coming."

"Are you kidding, Jonathan?" she said. "I wouldn't miss this for the world. Any world."

Partners switched again.

Estella was nearly in tears. "Estella, are you all right?" asked Jonathan.

"I'll be fine. You just treat my daughter right, understand?"

"I promise."

Dr. Quest's mind was swimming in memories of the two children he'd watched grow up and fall in love. "Jessica," he told her, "my son is a very lucky young man."

"I'm a lucky woman, Dr. Quest."

Soon after, the guests joined in. Thanks to the newlyweds' pastime, there was plenty of good ballroom dance music played, much to the joy of many of their college friends, Kelly and Eric in particular, whom they'd met at the university's dance club.

As Eric and Kelly walked back to their table, Jonathan clapped a hand on the young man's shoulder.

"Eric, they've been asking me if I hired professional dancers as ringers."

"We're not _that_ good," said Kelly, laughing.

"But," Eric added, "you can tell them we take donations."

After a bit, Hadji again stepped to the microphone, a filled champagne flute in hand. Servers hustled throughout the tables, filling glasses.

"May I have your attention, please? As unfamiliar with American wedding customs as I am, since I am the best man, it falls upon me to make a toast to the bride and groom. I've known both of them for a very long time, very long. We grew up together, and shared good times, bad times... and the _occasional_ adventure." Hearing the laughter from the audience, Hadji visibly relaxed.

"I did not, unfortunately, have the privilege of being there the moment they fell in love-- that is, the moment they _met_. I was, however, both blessed and cursed enough to watch that love simmer under the surface of their horseplay and bickering for years. Long years. I was there at their first kiss--"

"You weren't at the lighthouse that night!" Jonathan shouted.

Hadji smiled. "Not that kiss, Jonny. The _first_ kiss-- _Jean_... _Lady Catherine_...."

Jessica and Jonathan looked at each other, confused, for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"That's the one," the best man said, nodding. There were lots of whispered "I'll tell you later"s among the guests.

"Now I am lucky enough to be witness to their marriage. Jonny, Jessie-- and you will always be Jonny and Jessie to me-- I have always endeavored to share with you what wisdom I have learned. Whether you wanted to hear it or not. So I share this with you now. Never before have I known two souls more surely _meant_ to be together. Cherish this moment, and all those to come; remember fondly what has been and look forward to whatever will be."

The young man who commanded a nation was nearly in tears. " Know now that all here are sure that whatever the future holds, you will face it with courage, strength, hope and love, together... and when you need us, your family will always be here."

Hadji turned to his best friends, raising his glass. Everyone in the tent came to their feet, doing the same.

"To hope. To love. Ladies and gentlemen.... to Jessie and Jonny."

The tent reverberated with the response. "To Jessie and Jonny," the guests said at once.

The newlyweds rushed the stage, nearly tackling Hadji with their embrace. They stood there a while, none really willing to let go.

The reception proceeded apace. Requisite numbers like the Chicken Dance, the Electric Slide, etc., happened right on schedule. By midnight, there were only a few dozen revelers left. Jessica walked to the bandstand, where the leader leaned down to hear her.

"Last dance, Ms. Quest?"

"That's right. How about--"

"A Waltz, yes?"

"Yes. Do you know the Waltz from 'Strictly Ballroom'?" asked the groom. The bandleader nodded and the musicians began paging through their books. Jessica stood beside her husband.

"May I have this dance, Mr. Quest?"

Jonathan rose and leaned in to kiss her. "For the rest of my life, Mrs. Quest."

She winced. "Well, you can get away with that tonight." They kissed, and walked out onto the floor. Seeing them, Eric and Kelly moved to the side.

"You're not going to dance?" asked Jonathan.

"Sure, but center stage is all yours, buddy," said Eric.

The bandleader cleared his throat. "Last dance of the night, folks. On behalf of the band, I'd like to thank the families and the bride and groom. We've had a wonderful time. Take your partners for one last Waltz. This is from 'Strictly Ballroom,' and it's called 'Tearful Waltz/First Kiss'."

The soft tones of the song began as Jonathan held his hand out. Jessica took it and moved effortlessly into his arms as she'd done a thousand times before. But this time was different... special. She relaxed, allowing herself to feel every tiny change in weight or direction that she would follow.

Jonathan stepped forward, and they began the long, sweeping steps of the Waltz. They traveled around the floor, turning, changing direction and swooping from one corner to the other. Jessica's skirt trailed behind her, and the couple seemed to be dancing on air, never touching the floor.

Jessica turned under Jonathan's arm, then followed him through a series of spins, their bodies moving as one. Jonathan opened himself to the sensation of moving so effortlessly, of the feel of his new bride in his embrace.

The Waltz faded, and their lips met without a thought. It was soft and sweet and they parted soon. In the best Waltz tradition, Jonathan gave her a deep bow as she curtsied back. Placing her arm through his, Jessica led them back to the mansion.


The next evening, a small group gathered to send Jessica and Jonathan on their way. After many hugs and handshakes and general good-bying, Jonathan cast off.

Benton, Race and Hadji stood at the end of the dock waving as they watched the big sailboat shrink into the distance. The newlyweds waved back from the deck of the *Lady Jessie.*

"No idea how long they'll be out?" asked Race.

"'Whenever they feel coming back'-- their exact words," replied Hadji. "But they did promise to keep in contact. I'm sure they will."

"After a while," finished Benton, and they headed home.

Jonathan was at the wheel a bit later when Jessica came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his chest.

"So, captain, where are headed?"

The horizon had begun to darken, a band of midnight blue meeting the waters of the Atlantic. The first stars had just started sparkling. Jonathan twisted, meeting her lips.

"Wherever the wind may take us, love. Wherever the wind may take us."


Well, it would've been off into the sunset, but that would be pretty much impossible, wouldn't it? I hope you enjoyed going to this wedding as much as I enjoyed the one I went to.