Disclaimer: Even if I did own the characters, I'd still want all the JQ fans to write to their hearts' content, because none of them do it for money, just love.

What with the great response to my fan fic challenge, I thought it'd only be fair if I joined in the fun myself. I admit, it smacks a little of Lion's story, but oh well. At least I admit I'm an HR. Archive away.


Synopsis: Jonny finds out a few things about his mom, from the source.


by Eric R. Umali

Jonny fired the giant cannon. A few thousand feet away, a featureless grey block disintegrated.

"Okay, Hadj, what's next?"

From nowhere, his friend answered. "Quadrant two, sector 113. Part of the buffers."

Jonny took off like a shot across the terrain of QuestWorld. They were on maintenance duty, clearing out files in the comm sytems.

Finding his way to the files, Jonny checked to determine what they were. They were the remains of deleted files from their video memo system. With Hadji's help, was able to reconstruct a few. On the first one, he found exactly what he wanted.

The wall of the block before him crackled to life, displaying the image of a beautiful woman with sparkling blue eyes. Jonny wiped a digital tear from the cheek of his QuestWorld form when he saw her. She was Rachel Quest, Jonny's mother. The image came to life.

"Hi, Benton, it's Rachel again. Can you pick up Jonny's prescription? Love you, bye."

"Hi, honey. The musuem board meeting's going to run pretty long tonight. Love you, bye."

The next file was a personal message.

"You're going to need to have your first big talk with Jonny, dear. He's asking about girls lately." Rachel smiled. "He's going to be some young lady's handful someday. She's going to have to be smart. And lively. With plenty of energy. And patience. If she's got what it takes to love this kid, he'd better be smart enough to love her back. I love you, Benton. Bye."

Jonny saw the blue shimmer of light as another person entered QuestWorld. Jessie's virtual form stood before him. She smiled, then looked up at the screen.

"Your mom. What was she like?"

"Beautiful, funny..." he looked from Jessie to his mom, then back. "And very, very smart."

"Hi, Jonny! I know you wanted to feel grown up and important like your daddy, so I'm giving you your own message. I love you!"

Jonny looked up. "Hadj-archive these, please?"

"Already done, my friend."

"Come on, I'll race you to the next sector!" Jessie leapt onto her speeder and took off. As Jonny mounted his own and watched Jessie zoom away, he closed his eyes and thought of Rachel.

"Thanks, Mom."


Yeah, it's longer than 250 words, so what? I said that as a general guideline, not a rule. (Yeah, whatever.)