ON BROADWAY - Pt.5 "Luck Be A Lady"

If there's one consitent comment I've gotten about this story it's "What are you going to do for Race?"  Well, here you go-- the macho man himself, singin' and dancin'.

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of HB and are used for non-profit, entertainment purposes only.

Archiving permission granted.


Synopsis:  Sometimes, you've got to gamble to win.


by Eric R. Umali

Part 5 - "Luck Be A Lady"

"Everybody strap down!" yelled Race over the intercom.  A bolt of lightning had grazed the wing just seconds before.  It hadn't caused any physical damage or started a fire-- not yet, anyway-- but it had shorted out some of the electrical systems attached to the control surfaces.

Now, Race struggled to heave the sluggish control yoke into position as the jet began its speedy, turbulent and unplanned descent.  Beside him, Benton pulled against his own controls, trying desperately to level the aircraft.

The yoke shuddered beneath his hands as the plane was wildly buffeted by the wind.

"Dad!" shouted both Jonny and Jessie simultaneously.

"It'll be all right, kids," replied Race over the intercom, his voice far calmer than his expression.  The two men strained to bring the plane back under control.

Benton turned to him.  "Race-- try to roll the plane right!  The aerodynamic pressure may build up enough to shove that elevator back into place!"

"Are you sure, Benton?"

There was a pause.  "No."

"Then it's time to roll the dice."

With trust in his longtime employer's intellect and his own piloting skills, Race gambled on the maneuver.  He gambled his own life, as well as that of his daughter and of the friends he thought of as family on one single move.

Time seemed to slow, almost stop as the plane began to turn on its side.  The engines roared in a crescendo that grew louder and louder as Race contemplated his desperate bet.  For a brief moment, Race Bannon thought of the gambler with the equally colorful name of Sky Masterson.  Sky had bet his reputation and his heart on a single roll of the dice.

Race and Sky made the same desperate prayer.

They call you 'Lady Luck'
But there is room for doubt
At times, you have a very
Unladylike way of running out
You're on this date with me
The pickings have been lush
And yet before this evening is over
You might give me the brush
You might forget your manners,
You might refuse to stay-
And so the best that I can do
Is pray-

Luck be a lady tonight
Luck be a lady tonight
Luck if you've ever been a lady to begin with
Luck be a lady tonight

Luck let a gentleman see
How nice a dame you can be
I know the way you've treated
other guys you been with
Luck be lady with me

A lady doesn't leave her escort--
It isn't fair, it isn't nice
A lady doesn't wander all over the room
And blow on some other guy's dice

So let's keep the party polite
Never get out of my sight
Stick with me, baby,
I'm the fella you came in with
Luck be a lady-
Luck be a lady-
Luck be a lady tonight-

Luck be a lady tonight
Luck be a lady tonight
Luck if you've ever been a lady to begin with
Luck be a lady tonight

Luck let a gentleman see
How nice a dame you can be
I know the way you've treated
other guys you been with
Luck be lady with me

A lady wouldn't flirt with strangers--
She'd have a heart, she'd have a soul
A lady wouldn't make little snake eyes at me,
When I've got my life on this roll-

So let's keep the party polite
Never get out of my sight
Stick with me, baby,
I'm the fella you came in with
Luck be a lady-
Luck be a lady-
Luck be a lady tonight

The Learjet was nearly inverted when the controls stopped shaking, and the plane began flying straight, though upside down.  Race whooped in triumph as he finished the roll, bringing the plane right side up and level.

Race had won, just like Sky.

"Benton," Race sighed, "remind me to bring you along next time I head for Vegas."


"Luck Be A Lady" from the musical Guys and Dolls
Lyrics and Music by Frank Loesser, used without permission
I love this album-- I have the revival Broadway recording, with Peter Gallagher as Sky.  If you've only seen the movie, you won't believe the great stuff you're missing, especially with that character (they cut a whole solo and a duet for the movie, probably because Brando can't sing).