ON BROADWAY - Pt.7 "All That Jazz"

Well, it wouldn't be a good musical if it didn't end with a big company number, would it?

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Archiving permission granted.


Synopsis:  Now for the big finish!


by Eric R. Umali

Part 7 - "All That Jazz"

The Learjet touched down gracefully on the tarmac at Kennedy International Airport at exactly 5:39 PM.  It took another ten minutes for it to taxi its way to its assigned area near the private hangars.  Waiting just a few yards away was a long, black limousine with darkened windows.  Its shiny exterior flashed when the nearby searchlights passed their beams near it.

With a hiss of hydraulics, the hatch opened, and the ladder lowered.  As usual, Race Bannon was the first out, sharp eyes scanning the area for safety.  When he spotted the limo, he stopped, and turned his head slightly towards the cabin.

"Hey, Benton-- did you call for a limo?"

"Not me," came the answer.

"That's what I thought."  Race descended the steps, instructing the others to stay inside.  His hand casually rested on his hip, just inches from the small concealed pistol in the small of his back.  The door to the limousine opened, and Race watched as a tall, slim figure emerged.


The woman sashayed her way towards him, a short black dress hugging every curve.  "How've you been, Bannon?"  Race hugged her tightly.

"All right, I guess.  What are you doing here?"

Jade smiled playfully.  "Well, I was in town, and when I heard you were going to be dropping in, well..."

Race turned to find the rest of the group already beside him.  Jade shook Benton's hand and hugged the three teenagers warmly.

Hands on her hips, she surveyed the Quest Team.  "Okay, everyone into the limo-- we've got just enough time to get you all to your hotel and freshened up before we head out tonight."

"So have you got in store for us?" asked Race.

"A night at the theater, Mister Bannon.  I've got tickets for the hottest show in town, and reservations at the best Ristorante on Restaurant Row.  What do you think?"

"It sounds like a fine night on the town."

Jade led the way.  By a little after seven, the whole crew was dressed to the nines, ready to take on whatever the Big Apple could throw at them.

Come on, babe,
Why don't we paint the town?
And all that jazz
I'm gonna rouge my knees
And roll my stockings down
And all that jazz

Start the car,
I know a whoopie spot
Where the gin is cold
But the piano's hot
It's just a noisy hall
Where there's a nightly brawl
And all

Slick your hair
And wear your buckle shoes
And all that jazz
I hear that Father Dip
Is gonna blow the blues
And all that jazz

Hold on, hon,
We're gonna bunny hug
I bought some aspirin
Down at United Drug
In case you shake apart
And want a brand new start
To do that-



And all that jazz

(Hotcha! Whoopie!)

And all that jazz

(Hah! Hah! Hah!)

It's just a noisy hall
Where there's a nightly brawl

And all

Find a flask,
We're playing fast and loose

And all that jazz-

Right up here
Is where I store the juice

And all that jazz-

Come on, babe,
We're gonna brush the sky
I bet you Lucky Lindy
Never flew so high
'Cause in the stratosphere
How could he lend an ear
To all that jazz?

Oh, you're gonna see your sheba shimmy shake

And all that jazz-

Oh, she's gonna shimmy till her garters break

And all that jazz-

Show- her where to park her girdle
Oh- her mother's blood'd curdle
If she'd hear
Her baby's queer
For all that jazz

Velma:                                     Company:
And all that jazz-
Come on, babe                             Oh, you're gonna see
Why don't we paint                      Your
The town                                      Sheba
And all that jazz                           Shimmy shake
                                                    And all that jazz
I'm gonna                                     Oh,
Rouge my knees                           She's gonna shimmy
And roll my                                 Till her garters
Stockings down                           Break
And all that jazz                          And all that jazz

Start the car,                                Show her where to
I know a whoopie spot                Park her girdle
Where the gin is cold                  Oh, her mother's blood'd
But the piano's hot                       Curdle
It's just a noisy hall                      If she'd hear
Where there's a nightly brawl      Her baby's queer
And all that jazz-                         For all that jazz-

No, I'm no-one's wife, but
Oh, I love my life



"All That Jazz" from Chicago: The Musical
Lyrics by Fred Ebb, used without permission
Music by John Kander
I really lucked out when I saw this one. More than half the cast were originals: Bebe Neuwirth, D. Sabella and the incomparable Joel Grey.  The new folks were the great Karen Ziemba and 3-time Tony winner Hinton Battle. Not much on stage but a few chairs, the cast, and the band, and it didn't need any more.