>> (Can't you picture it, though?  Benton Quest as 'Q', Jonny as James
>> Bond... and there's the potential for SO many jokes about Jonny not having
>> a driver's license so he can't drive the Astin Martin (or for the new
>> films, the BMW)...)
>::snicker:  Now there's one with some crossover potential if I've ever
>seen one!
>Debbie Kluge

No.  No... don’t... don’t do it, Eric... You’ve got finals and enough unfinished stories to choke a river...
Fight it... Don’t do it...

Ba-da- ba-daa--

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of Hanna-Barbera and are used for non-profit entertainment purposes only.

Archiving permission granted.


Synopsis:  Action.  Suspense.  Gadgets.  Good looking people.

Categories: E, V, ALT(?), JQ/JB HR(?)


by Eric R. Umali

The Mediterranean, halfway between Corsica and Monaco.
10:15 PM, aboard the luxury liner *La Belle Dame*.

Inside the casino, the cacophony of ringing machines and shouts of elation and disappointment surrounded the young man who entered.  By this time of night, the crowds of elderly American retirees had thinned somewhat, and the serious gamblers were just getting settled at the tables.

The young man paused to give the sleeves of his tuxedo jacket a tug before striding confidently towards the center of the casino.  There, in a lowered pit, were the highest stakes tables, where an average person’s life savings could double or vanish altogether with a roll of the dice.

He stopped again to survey the table before him.  A slick-haired croupier sat with a commanding view of the eight players’ spaces, four of which were currently occupied.  The gamblers all carried a palpable air of confidence.  Three men-- two European, one American-- and all “high rollers.”  The last was a woman.

A hell of a woman.  Fiery red hair, twisted up elegantly, set off the pale cast of her skin.  A simply tailored silver dress followed the athletic lines of her figure and glittered under the crystal chandeliers overhead.  The shoe was before her at the moment, as was the largest pile of chips.

The croupier began the next hand, and started passing a long wooden paddle in front of the players.  “Any bets, ladies and gentlemen?” he asked in a strongly French-accented voice.  The men shook their heads.  “Any players, then?”

The young man drew up to the empty chair opposite the woman.  He slipped a pair of 10,000 Franc chips on the table before him.

The woman smiled.  “We meet again,” she said, her voice a clear alto.

“Face to face this time,” replied the young man.

“As I recall, it was not my face you were interested in looking at on the beach at Corsica.”

She dealt two hands of two cards, keeping one to herself.  The croupier lifted the other with his paddle and deposited them in front of the young man.

The young woman turned her cards over to show the ace of clubs and seven of diamonds.  “Huit pour le banco,” announced the croupier.

The young man did likewise as she looked him over.  Despite his obvious self-assurance, there was a definite reckless charm behind his sparkling blue eyes.  His blond hair and tuxedo were immaculate.  His hand revealed the queen of diamonds and the six of hearts.

“Seis.  Ma’m’selle wins.”

She smiled again.  “Unlucky again, I’m afraid.”

“You know what they say-- ‘Third time’s the charm’ and all that..”

“We shall see.”

A waitress appeared from nowhere, placing a flute of Cristal champagne before him, then circled around and placed another before the young woman.  She raised an eyebrow.

“Your doing, I assume, Mister...?”

“Quest.  Jonathan Quest.”

“Jessica.  Jessica Bannon.”

“Enchante, Jessica.”

Jessica placed a stack of 100,000 Franc chips down.  The croupier turned to Quest.  “Suive,” Quest said, accepting, and noted how the casino manager, watching silently, nodded in approval.

Jessica dealt the two hands.

“Carte,” said Quest.  Jessica drew another card from the shoe, and slipped it to him.  The king of spades.

Jessica turned her cards over.  The four of clubs and the four of spades.

“Huit pour le banco.”

Quest turned his over, with only one showing, the jack of hearts.  He slipped it aside, revealing the nine of diamonds.

“Neuf.  Mam’selle loses.”

“It would seem my luck is changing,” said Quest.

Jessica rose.  “You know what they say-- ‘Lucky at cards...’ and all that.”  She could feel Quest hot on her heels as she walked away.  She stopped only when they’d left the casino behind and found their way to the window-walled observation deck.

“You’re certainly persistent, Mister Quest.”

“One of my better qualities.”

“Then what would be one of your worse?” she teased.

Quest saw the dark figures flying towards the glass.  He’d been waiting for this.

“Timing,” he answered as the glass exploded.  He grasped Jessica by the shoulders and they both dove out of the room.