Well, not too long ago, Susan Howe, Archive Goddess, challenged the writers to detail a part of Benton Quest’s romance with his wife, Rachel Wildey Quest. So, here’s my entry.

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details are property of Hanna-Barbera and are used for non-profit entertainment purposes only.

Archiving permission granted.


Synopsis: Oh, come on, with a tag line and title like that, you can't guess?


by Eric R. Umali

Benton Quest got up and out of bed rather slowly. Still mostly asleep, he headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As steam began to fill the air, he reached down to the side of the sink for his razor. He found only cold porcelain.

Blinking his eyes, he looked down, and sure enough, there was no razor in sight. He looked back up into the mirror. The sight of the rust-red beard and mustache gave him a start. Even after nearly a month of having the thing, he was still getting used to it. But, Rachel said she liked it, so it stayed.


Benton's thoughts wandered to the woman he'd be meeting in a few hours, Rachel Wildey. They'd been seeing each other very seriously for quite a while, and he was on his way to her family's ranch to meet her father, Doug. Benton also had his own plans.

Sitting on the hotel's nightstand was a small velvet-covered box. He had made this extra layover in New York expressly for the purpose of getting the box and its contents. Inside, under the gold "Tiffany & Co." lettering sat an eight-carat brilliant cut diamond, in a simple, elegant gold setting. Even closed, the tiny box screamed "engagement ring." He just hoped he could manage to get the words out before he lost his nerve.

Benton still couldn't believe it. He had been more than content to live the life of the reclusive scientist, devoting his life to the betterment of mankind. He was familiar with love as a theory, but had little empirical data to work with and almost no practical knowledge on the subject. But then came Rachel. Years his junior, her attention bewildered him. He knew enough not to consider himself what Cosmo would call a "catch," so he could hardly write it off to a youthful infatuation.

But Rachel, bless her, was persistent. And beautiful. And brilliant in so many ways.

After letting his mind wander to a few more... familiar thoughts of Rachel, he opened his eyes only to find he couldn't see. Cursing himself for having let the water run so long, he stepped inside the shower.


Four days later, Benton and Rachel were sharing an evening ride out on the western edge of the Wildey Ranch. The sun was setting, turning the sky into a blaze of reds and oranges and yellows. The horizon looked like it was on fire.

Shifting uncomfortably on his horse, Benton turned to Rachel. He stared, taking in every detail with a scientist's eye. The way her hair shone in the setting light, how her eyes sparkled.

"Rachel, dear?"

"Oh, Benton, isn't it lovely?"

"Oh, yes. Rachel, there's something-- "

"Before you say anything, there's something very important I have to say."

"But Rachel..."

"Benton, I love you. More than I thought I could love anyone."

"I love you, too, Rachel, and that's why-- "

"Benton, will you marry me?"

Benton blinked. He swallowed. He breathed and opened his mouth, but no sound escaped.

"Benton, darling? Is there something wrong? Don't you want to get married?"

The only thing he could manage in response was to fumble around in his vest. Rachel looked on, confused, until finally he produced the little velvet box. Rachel's eyes widened as he handed it to her.

"Oh, Benton... you were going to..." she said, then opened it. She gasped. Carefully removing the ring, she held it up to the setting sun. They both sat there, marveling at how it sparkled. Rachel placed the ring on her right ring finger, then leapt from her saddle.

She hit Benton full force, and they both fell to the ground, rolling in the dust. Rachel ended up atop him, grinning like a fool.

"I take it this means 'yes'?" Benton said. Rachel's answer was to kiss him liked he'd never been kissed before. He could swear he felt it in his toes and the ends of his hairs.

When they arrived at the main house two hours later, Doug Wildey looked them both up and down. They were covered in dust and dirt, their clothes were disheveled, and they were both grinning like fools.

"Go get washed up for supper," he said, turning away.

"Daddy?" Rachel said, walking up to her father.

He looked at her sternly. "You're having the wedding _here_, you understand?"

Rachel wrapped her arms around him as he shook Benton's hand. Benton almost winced, but didn't, and Doug smiled. *Yeah, he'll be all right, that one. They both will.*