QUARTET - Chapter 3

Disclaimer: Characters are property of Hanna-Barbera and Ten Thirteen Productions.

Hee hee hee! Boy, is this fun! At least, now that I've gotten the plot straightened out.


Synopsis: Call this one "Meanwhile, back at the ranch."

"QUARTET", chapter 3

by Eric R. Umali

Quest Compound Rockport, Maine 10:21 PM

Dr. Benton Quest was not a happy man. The doorbell had rung as he was preparing for bed, and irritated, Dr. Quest had touched the controls to the mansion's security computer.

"Computer, who is at the door at this exceptionally impolite hour?"

"Four individuals: two identified as Quest, Jonny, and Bannon, Jessie. Two unidentifed. Both armed."

Well, that certainly woke him up. Immediately lucid, Dr. Quest leapt from his bed and threw open his bedroom door only to see a white-haired blur zoom past him. *Apparently,* he thought, *Race has gotten that particular piece of news, as well.*

Race Bannon had indeed been informed that two of their late visitors were armed, and so was he. Race leaned against the door, his pistol at the ready. Benton was a second behind him. Cautiously, Benton activated the intercom and outer camera. On the small monitor near the door, he saw both Jonny and Jessie waiting patiently. For some reason, Jessie was carrying an antique spear from his collection.

Behind them stood two young adults in long overcoats. Race identified them immediately as government types, but not the usual kind.

"Jonny, what's going on?" asked Benton.

Over the intercom, Jonny was very obviously uncertain. "Well, Dad..."

The young man behind them spoke up. "Dr. Quest, I believe my partner and I can help explain."

"And you would be?"

They both flashed federal badges straight at the camera. "FBI, sir. May we come in?" On the words "FBI," Benton had glared at Race. The younger man's eyes widened, and then he shook his head. Race put his gun back into his waistband. Benton opened the door.

Jonny and Jessie smiled sheepishly as they entered. "Hi, Dad," said Jessie, handing Race the spear.

Benton sighed. "Come on into the kitchen. I'll put on the coffee."

As they walked further into the house, Scully tapped Jonny on the shoulder. "Your fathers seem to be taking this rather in stride. You'd think they did this every night."

He and Jessie shared a look. "Only about once a week," Jessie answered, smirking.


11:23 PM

The coffee had been poured, more than once, the credentials scrutinized, and the stories told. Rubbing his temples for the hundredth time, Benton turned to his son.

"Now, Jonny, you can tell me why you didn't inform either Race or me about your suspicions."

"You weren't there in New Orleans-you don't know what we're up against," said Jessie.

"Besides," added Jonny, "would you have let us investigate?"

"What kind of answer is that? Of course not. You three very nearly died when you faced this creature, and I am not going to let you risk your lives again."

"Dr. Quest," said Agent Scully, "we have yet to determine that this death was caused by this... entity."

"True, but that's not an excuse for what Jonny and Jessie did." He sighed. "What am I going to do with you two now?"

Race drummed his fingers on the kitchen table. "I've got it, Doc. I know the cruelest punishment for these two. It'll just kill them." He had an almost malicious gleam in his eyes.

"What would that be?"

Race smiled. "Jessie, Jonny, you're off the case. We're letting the FBI handle this from this point on."

The teenagers began a barrage of "Ohh, but"'s and "Couldn't we"'s, but Benton was intractable. Race marched them up to their bedrooms.

Mulder cleared his throat once Race rejoined them. "Dr. Quest, we were able to take a tissue sample from the body. We understand you might have some of the forensic evidence from the bodies in New Orleans on file."

"That's correct."

"Would you be able to verify whether we're facing the same situation?"

"Of course," replied Benton. "Although I really would prefer to begin tomorrow morning." He saw the frustration creep onto Mulder's face. "_Early_ tomorrow morning."

"Understandable. You'll call me when you have an answer?" He handed Dr. Quest his card.

Agent Scully shifted slightly. "Dr. Quest, I have some experience in this type of analysis. I'd consider it an honor if you'd let me assist you."

"Certainly," replied Benton. "Come by at eight."

They began discussing Scully's scientific background. Mulder's cell phone rang and he thankfully excused himself outside.


"Mister Mulder, I believe I have something that might interest you." Mulder recognized the voice immediately. Marita Covarrubias, the government insider who had stepped into the informants' shoes of the late Deep Throat and X.

"Do you want to talk?"

"There's a park downtown. It's quite lovely. I believe a morning stroll would be in order."

"Is this a date?"

"I'll see you at eight." And the line went dead. Scully and Dr. Quest were just finishing up.

They left and headed back for their motel.

Upstairs, the teenagers had reconvened in Jessie's room. They sat close together, listening to a single pair of headphones. "I'll see you at eight," they heard, then silence.

"I still can't believe we're doing this," whispered Jessie.

"You hooked it up."

"It was your idea."

"You going to help Agent Scully in the lab?"

"You going to follow Agent Mulder?"

Without another word, they dismantled and hid the equipment. "G'night, Jess."

"Good night, Jonny."


And yeah, yeah, I know it's "*Special* Agents Mulder and Scully." Oh, well. It's getting hard to keep all my unfinished fics straight. I'm trying to concentrate on this one, though. Oh, what a tangled web...