QUARTET - Chapter 6

Disclaimer: Characters and associated details property HB and Ten Thirteen Productions, etc., etc.

Now the fun begins. Archive permission granted.


Synopsis: The set-up.

"QUARTET", chapter 6

by Eric R. Umali

Quest Compound 3:12 PM

Agent Scully and Race Bannon began loading their magazine clips, one bullet at a time. Race held one up to the light. It glinted in the bright flourescent lights.

"I never thought I'd see the day I'd be using silver bullets," he said, finshing a clip and moving on.

"I agree. It's certainly an experience for me."

"I was led to believe you and your partner have faced plenty of strange siutations."

"I was led to believe the same thing about your family."

"Good point."

Benton, understandably, had completely refused to allow his best flatware to be melted down, so the silver weaponry being used that day was on the U.S. Government's tab.

Jessie and Scully had been unable to raise their respective partners in crime all day.


Outside, a slim dark figure made its way across the grounds. It paused near a large tree, its senses reaching out in all directions. Detecting nothing in its path, it headed for the mansion.


Beyond the main gates, another dark figure waited paitiently in the passenger seat of a large black sedan with tinted windows, one of which opened slightly. A Morley cigarette butt flew out, and the window closed again. Two large black vans, also with tinted windows, sat nearby.


The helicopter made its way up the rocky coast. Neither Mulder on the radio nor Jonny with his wrist comlink could raise the Quest Compound or the local authorities.


By 3:44 PM, the sky had begun to darken, not unusual for late in the year New England. Inside the mansion, the four began debating the creature's next target.

By 4:41 PM, they had reached the same conclusion as Jonny and Agent Mulder. They decided to prepare the compound's defenses for the creature.

By 4:53 PM, the sun had set.

By 4:56 PM, the compound's power had been disabled.

By 5:01 PM, the pounding on the front door had begun.


Yeah, I cheated and made this one a shortie, but I don't want to break the action in the middle. At least not if I can't make it suspenseful. The action really gets going next chapter (I hope).