well I'm tossing my own story in, so maybe it's not exactly 250 words but it is under 350 =). One of the shortest I've written aside from "Too Late" actually I think I like short stories better, It means i dont have to deal with keeping the plot straight... (Please don't start spouting off about how SITC is getting too long and cumbersome agian..) oops sorry, well anyway here it is...

Disclaimer> I don't own any charcaters affiliated with JQ:TRA, HB does. Also I'm making no money from this, it was written for the pure joy of writting it.

"Blue Satin Ribbon"

by Brit

Jessie stood before the mirror,the train of her long white dress spread out behind her. Everything was almost ready. She had butterflies in her stomach, she hoped that was normal. She glanced at the door for the fifth time in as many minutes. She did not know how she could be so nervous and yet so happy at the same time...

Her musings were interrupted when Estella stuck her head in the door. "Can I come in?"

"Of course" Jessie smiled with a sense of confidence she did not quite feel "Did you bring it?"

"Yes" Estella took out a small jewelry box and opened it to reveal a tiny gold heart suspended from a faded blue satin ribbon "Perhaps we should have gotten a new piece of ribbon for it."

"No Mom, It's perfect" Jessie assured her as Estella tied the ribbon around her daughter's neck

"You know, when I wore this at my wedding I never imagined that I would see you wear it at yours. Now turn around and let me get a good look at you"

Jessie turned around and smiled into a pair of almost identical green eyes. Her dress was simple, a flowing white affair with long sleeves and a train. The only decoration a bit of lacework on the bodice, the design of which was copied along the edge of the train. The tiny gold heart rested against her neck and the ends of the ribbon flowed down her back, almost hidden in the long expanse of fiery hair. The blue of that ribbon seemed to accent her eyes and for a moment Estella could have sworn she was looking at herself.

"Something old, blue, and borrowed" she said ruefully as she gave her a hug.

"Thanks Mom" Jessie whispered.


I could be wrong, I've never been married before and I've only attended maybe 3 weddings in my entire life...