Just a brief respite from our terribly un-romantic world. Jonny seems distant lately, and Jessie, to her delight, finds out why.

Disclaimer: The characters (except Tommy) and locations are property of Hanna-Barbera, and are used for enjoyment and expression, not for profit.

No sudden tidal waves of love, no heart-wrenching angst, not even a single kiss. This is cute. And sweet. And oh yeah, HR. Enjoy. Archive, but brush afterwards.


Synopsis: Jessie discovers Jonny's hidden talents.


by Eric R. Umali

Exhausted, Jessie Bannon collapsed into her new chair in her new room. She had just lugged the last of her belongings into the big bedroom. Swiveling around, she looked out the window, expecting the familiar view of the rocky coast of Maine she had come to love. Instead, what waited outside her window was a breathtaking vista of palm trees and lush greenery, with the white sand beach enticingly close. The sun was setting over the ocean, and Jessie couldn't count the colors it turned the sky.

The Quest family's move back to Palm Key had taken more than a week to complete, at least physically. For the first few days following the destruction of the Maine compound, they had taken up residence in Rockport's largest hotel, which, after the luxury of the mansion, was roughing it. Phone calls were frantically made, and Race and Benton headed down early in the week to oversee the refurbishing of the old place. Jessie, Jonny and Hadji remained to help with the salvaging of the equipment in Maine, and to handle the transfer of their school credits. Finally, they were told that the residential area of the old/new compound was ready, and they flew down that morning.

Jessie looked wistfully out the window. The Maine compound had become her home, and she missed the security of a familiar place. But, she reminded herself, she was no stranger to Palm Key. She looked over to her new desk. Of everything she had brought, and there was plenty because in the destruction the living quarters had been luckier than the rest of the mansion, she had only unpacked a single object. It sat on the hutch of the desk, looking down on her protectively as it had for years. It was a little faded and a little droopy, sure, but the little stuffed tiger named Tommy had been her best friend on many an occasion.**

Her human best friend, on the other hand, wasn't acting quite the same as he'd always been. Jonny Quest had been uncharacteristically distant lately. Sure, they still hung out and joked and took verbal jabs at each other, but he seemed terribly preoccupied. While getting ready to leave Maine, he would disappear into town for a few hours, without the slightest explanation. Jessie had asked him if he was saddened by the loss of the Maine place, he shook his head and told her he'd always really considered the Florida compound home, as he'd lived there until he was twelve. *I swear, if I ever figure out Jonny Quest,* she thought, *it'll be a miracle.* Hadji didn't have any ideas, either.

There was a dull clunk and a cool breeze touched her face. It was the air conditioning switching on. She remembered the machine being much louder the last time she was here, then realized Dr. Quest must have installed some soundproofing. *Good,* she mused to herself, *I'll actually be able to study- even with Jonny next door.*

Dinner was take-out. Mrs. Evans was staying with family while she arranged her own move. As had come to be expected, Jonny ate silently, despite his father's best efforts. He ate quickly, then excused himself, to disappear somewhere.


The air conditioning gave up around ten o'clock. Luckily, it wasn't supposed to be an unbearably hot night, and Dr. Quest assured them that it would be back on before it got really hot tomorrow. After a few hours of arranging her room and setting up her computer equipment, Jessie got ready for bed.

She heard the next door open, then close. She looked at the clock. 1:23 A.M. She shrugged, figuring Jonny was out somewhere sulking, and climbed into bed. Her fan hummed, but it still wasn't enough. She kicked off her sheets, but it still wasn't cool enough. She got up and opened her window. The soft sounds of the local night life came in, and she put her head back on the pillow.

Jessie was happily sailing towards dreamland when soft music reached her ears. Sleepily, she figured Jonny was up late listening to his stereo. But it didn't sound right. It was a little too clear. She rolled onto her back, still half asleep, but now with both ears open. From nowhere at all, a soft voice began singing.

She smiled. She loved that song. It made her think of... she stopped. It wasn't the same. Something was different.
  There was just one guitar, playing a soft chords without Clapton's bluesy melody. And the voice was higher, and less sure.

And familiar.

Completely awake and her curiosity raging, she followed the music out the window. She peered out, seeing no one near, then turned her head. In T-shirt and shorts, and perched precariously on the ledge of his own open window, was Jonny. And he had a guitar. And he was playing it. And singing. She was stunned.

Jonny finally looked up from his guitar. When he saw Jessie, he nearly fell out the window.

"Jessie?!" He teetered.

"Jonny, be careful!" Jonny managed to keep his hold on the window and the guitar, but not on his composure.

"Jess, what are you doing up? I thought everyone was already sleeping."

"I _was_ sleeping, but something woke me up."

"I'm sorry. I'll go practice somewhere else." He began to lower the guitar back into the room.

"No!" she said, much louder and much faster than she had intended. "I mean, it was nice. I that what you've been doing all this time by yourself? Learning to play guitar?"

"Yeah," he answered, sheepishly. "Actually, re-learn. I took some guitar lessons in school a while ago, and I wanted to do it again. I've been meaning to for a long time."

"Then why hide it?"

"Because I stink."

"You don't! That was really beautiful. Your singing, too."

Jonny lowered his head, but Jessie knew he was blushing. Truth be told, she felt her cheeks warm as well.

"You really liked it?"

"Oh, yes. It was almost like, well..." she searched for the right word.

"Like what?"

"Well, like you were... serenading me." Okay, now _she_ was blushing, too. She looked down, trying not to meet his eyes. "Do you know the rest?" She turned back, but Jonny's head was already down, fingers finding their positions on the neck of the guitar. He strummed, and Jessie leaned back against the window frame, watching him.

He finished, and looked up. Jessie looked back at him, silent. She smiled. He smiled back. She turned back into her room.

"Good night, Jonny," she called.

"Good night, Jessie," he answered, and headed for his own bed.

Jonny awoke the next morning to find a small piece of paper near his door. It read simply "Jonny" on top. He opened it, recognizing Jessie's neat, flowing handwriting.

"Tonight. Same time. Same song. Jessie."

The signature was framed by a scarlet imprint of Jessie's lips. Jonny lightly pressed his own to the card, then decided it was a good idea to practice a little extra today.


**See Winnie Lim's "First Contact." If you haven't read that particularly good story, you can find it on The Unofficial JQ:TRA Homepage.