A shorty. A few people took this as HR. I don’t know, maybe.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, I don't make any money off this. But it's cheaper than therapy.

It's short. Even if it's lousy, it won't take much time. Archive if you like.


Synopsis: Jessie and Jonny get REAL close.


by Eric R. Umali

Jonny Quest shifted his weight. He was lying on his side, trying to fall asleep. He couldn't.

His moved his right arm slightly. Gingerly, so as not to disturb her. Jonny's right arm circled her waist, and held her close to him. He could smell the sweet scent of her hair. She stirred, and began to move. Jonny released her from his grip.

Slowly, Jessie Bannon rolled over, so that now they faced each other. She snuggled in close, nuzzling her head underneath his chin, wondering when he'd started wearing cologne.

They stayed that way for a minute. Finally, Jessie broke the silence.

"Still awake?"


"What do you think our dads are gonna do when they find us like this?"

Jonny thought it over, then hugged her closer.

"Freak. That is, until they realize there's twelve layers of clothing between us."

Jessie giggled, then zipped closed the heavy-duty sleeping bag. They fell asleep listening to the sounds of the raging blizzard outside the tent.