Boy, I *really* wish I knew who sang this song originally. I heard it performed on the Disney Channel’s "Mickey Mouse Club" sometime around 1994 or so, where it was sung by a young man named JC Chasez, and I thought it was one of the best ballads I’d ever heard. Here, I’ve turned it into a duet between a Jonny and Jessie who are trying to come to terms with their new feelings for each other.

Update: Well, thanks to someone close to the story, I've been told that "Walls of Love" was written especially for JC Chasez to sing.  And yep, that's the same JC Chasez that's breaking teenyboppers' hearts and making lots of money as part of 'N Sync.

Disclaimer: Characters and assoc. details property HB.

I heard this song and started seeing a scene involving J&J, as if it was in a musical. I wish you could hear the song, because I don't know how well it works if you can't hear the music as you read. When you do, think of the song as a really strong, soulful ballad, with a strong electric guitar, but not a like an '80s thing. It has a really powerful feel. Archiving permission granted.


Synopsis: A musical scene.


by Eric R. Umali

The front door flies open. Jessie storms through, shouting.

JESSIE: I can't believe you!

Jonny follows right behind. He hooks the door with his foot and slams it closed.


JESSIE: Yes, you! You had no right to do what you did!

JONNY: Jess, you don't know what that guy is like!

JESSIE: He was a perfect gentleman. At least until you punched him!

Jonny is steaming.

JONNY: You haven't heard what he's said about you...

JESSIE: I don't care! Even if he was gonna try anything, I can take care of myself just fine! I do not need you!

JONNY: I don't know why I even bother to care!

JESSIE: Well, neither do I! Jonny, I don't know what kind of screwed-up knight in shining armor hangup you've got, but you'd better drop it!

JONNY: I will! You can do whatever you want with whomever you want!

JESSIE: I will, and I don't need your permission!

She slamms the door of her bedroom. Jonny shouts in frustration and does the same.

Inside, he takes off his jacket and hurls it to the floor, not even bothering to turn on the lights, since the moonlight streams into the room the lighting it with alternating shadows. She just doesn't get it! [Guitar riff starts; music follows]

JONNY: _I_ don't get it! What the hell am I gonna do?!

He pounds his fists on his desk. He looks up, realizing that the wall he's staring at is all that separates them. At least physically. He walks to the partially window and stares out at the dark sea and clear sky as a breeze stirs the drapes.

JONNY (singing):

I stand by-
My window
I feel the-
Cold wind blow
Between the shadows
Of night-

He looks angrily at the shadowy image of his face on the glass.

Are fading
Alone and-
Still waiting
The silence cuts like
A knife-

Oh, time-
Slips through my hands
I've gotta make a stand
But I'm in too deep
And I'm much too weak
Oh, ohh and

Can't make it on my own
Standing all alone
Inside the walls of love

Jessie lays on her bed, lights out as well, as silimlar shafts of bluish light play across her room.

JESSIE: Damn that Jonny! How do I let him get me so angry?! Why can't he see...

She sits up and stares at the dividing wall, fists to her temples.

JESSIE (singing):

By moonbeams
I don't need-
Eyes to see
I've gotten everything
But you-ooh-

She covers her face, then her heart, as if to hold in the feelings.

Are blinding
Each heartbeat-
I'm binding
There's nothing more
I can do- ooh-

A heart-
Turned into stone
It chills me to the bone-
'Cause our love's so cold
And I want you-ohh-
Can't make it on my own
Standing all alone
Inside the walls of love
Oh, I'm lost
Within a faceless crowd
My heart is crying out
Inside the walls of love

They stand on opposite sides of the wall, every emotion feeding their voices. They sing as if to break the wall down in order to reach each other.

JONNY/JESSIE (singing):

A heart-
Turned into stone
It chills me to the bone-
With a love so cold
And I
Can't make it on my own
Standing all alone
Inside the walls of love
Oh, I'm lost
Within a faceless crowd
My heart is crying out
Inside the walls of love

They place their hands at the same spot on opposite sides of the wall. The more they stare, the more it seems to disappear from their sight.

Whoa, I
Can't make it on my own
Standing all alone
Inside the walls of love
Oh, I'm lost
Within a faceless crowd
My heart is crying out
Inside the walls of love...

They stand, still staring through the wall.

JONNY: You know that I can't stand the thought of you being with anyone but me...

JESSIE: You know that I couldn't stand to be with anyone but you...

A knock at Jonny's door, then Jessie's. They open their doors to find their fathers staring them both down.

BENTON: All right, you two. What's wrong?

They look at each other. Jessie holds out her hand. Jonny takes it and squeezes tenderly. They look up.

JESSIE: Nothing... now.