Gundam Wing
In the year After Colony 195, a violent group called 'The Earth's Sphere Alliance' had taken over all of the space Colonies and was advancing on the Earth. Rebels from certain Colonies sent Mobile Suits - called Gundam - to Earth via capsules, hidden to look like shooting stars. this was Operation Meteor. In side each capsule, was a young boy and a huge suit. Once the Gundam reached Earth, they reacked havoc against the Alliance and they soon became enemies. But, when the Alliance fell, OZ took over. A much more sinister group with stronger pilots and better technology. OZ "freed" the colonies, but a few rebels knew better than to trust another organization like. These people were older citizens of the Colonies. And five scientists, that created the Gundam. The Five boys from the Colonies - Hiro Yui, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, and Chang Wufei - all headed back for space to save their home.
Fanfic Quatre's Shrine |