Well, here it is, a little place for me to stash my Gundam pics. Wow. Oh well, either way, enjoy these. If I got a image from a site, it should be on the Links page. But, if it's not, just email me with you site's name and URL. And don't just put the image on your site and say you made it or whatever, cause that's just rude :P


Quatre Images

-- I love Quatre, he is so compassionate. But, for the people who've talked to me before, you already know that! Any way, if you don't like Quatre, I probably won't force my ways on you. It depends.....


Duo Images

-- This is my second fav pilot...well..it's between him and Trowa. But, I just love Duo's hair and nickname..Shinigami..sounds cool, ne?


Group Images

-- Do I really nned to go into this? This where I'm going to put up all the left over images that don't go any where else. Like my few lone Trowa pics ::sighs:: oh well...