It may not look like much now, but just you wait until I paint it!Kitbashes and Repaints


"And wait'll you see the new throne I built!  It's really special."

Welcome to Zobovor's Kitbashes and Repaints.  This web page features links to the many three-dimensional projects I've been creating for over ten years.  Here you will find links to sub-pages showcasing over 475 different action figures, die-cast vehicles, model kits, and other collectibles that I've modified meet my own specifications.  Some of these are simple repaints, while many have been substantially rebuilt or redesigned, and a select few have been constructed entirely from scratch.  Most of my projects were inspired by characters from Transformers, Star Wars, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or other media.  Many of these projects are representations of characters or likenesses that have never been released commercially by the official toy companies, though I've also done plenty of characters whose existing, official versions have failed to meet meet my admittedly exacting standards.  A select few of these are characters of my own creation that I just decided would be really nice to have in three-dimensional form.

The following list of projects is categorized first by license and then broken down by sub-group.  I've listed them alphabetically, but a few of the names listed below are placeholders for projects I'm in the middle of working on or plan to get to eventually (or I've already finished, but the page is offline for maintenance).  If you see a hyperlink, though, the project is completed.  I've given up trying to keep track of the file sizes, so be warned that many of these pages are image-intensive.

Some folks have reported issues with Fortunecity's advertising blocking the text or images on some web browsers.  If you're having difficulty viewing pages on this site, write me an e-mail and I can send you the images you want in a zip file.


Downloadable Movie!

This project includes a downloadable movie.


There is an easter egg hidden on this page.

Under Construction!

This page is currently down for repairs.

For Sale!

This item is available for sale.  Inquire by e-mail.


Indicates the newest additions to this page.

Transformers (G1)


Halloween Costume
My first attempt at building a Transformers costume, this prize-winning representation of Soundwave as he appears in the G1 cartoon includes a rifle and shoulder cannon with laser light effects!

Repaints, Customs, & Kitbashes
Sometimes all it takes is a simple paint job to improve a toy, while others require more extensive modifications.  The projects below range from old toys with new paint jobs, to minor cosmetic changes, to completely new designs.




Transformers Universe

Classic Pretenders

Action Masters

Other Characters

Quick Fixes
Some toys can be improved with very simple modifications that require little or no skill.  These aren't full-fledged projects by any stretch of the imagination, but I wanted to share these ideas with the fan community.  Can you guess what kind of modifications I made before you click the link?

Super Collection Figure and Heroes of Cybertron PVC Figurines
These small, cartoon accurate figures made by Takara in Japan made their debut in the year 2000 under the name Super Collection Figure, and were later brought to America by Hasbro and sold as Heroes of Cybertron.  I began these projects as representations of the generic background characters from the G1 cartoon, but I have since expanded my scope to include alternate versions of canonical characters from other media.
  • A-3
  • Alpha Trion (Matrix Vision)
  • Arcee (Headmaster Concept) Soo-Prize!
  • Arcee (Takara Prototype)
  • Autobot X
  • Bumblebee (Marvel Comics)
  • Cerebros
  • Fortress Maximus (Base Mode)
  • Fortress Maximus (Marvel Comics)
  • Huffer (Vehicle Mode)
  • Ironhide (Marvel Comics)
  • Jazz (Marvel Comics)
  • Metroplex (City Mode)
  • Optimus Prime (Action Master)
  • Optimus Prime (Quintesson Zombie)
  • Perceptor (Microscope Mode)
  • Ratchet (Marvel Comics)
  • Ultra Magnus (Marvel Comics)
  • Wheeljack (Action Master)


Other Characters


Autobots (Background Characters)
  • Asphalt (Marvel Comics #4)
  • Crankshaft ("Desertion of the Dinobots" part 1)
  • Double Feature (Marvel Comics #2)
  • Fender Bender (The Transformers: the Movie)
  • Freeloader (Marvel Comics #2)
  • Hindsight ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 4)
  • Peepshow ("Starscream's Ghost")
  • Quickdraw (Marvel Comics #15)
  • Sweep ("Thief in the Night")
  • Tire-Iron ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 5)

Decepticons (Background Characters)

  • Aftershock ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 1)
  • Bandwidth ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 1)
  • Bobcat ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 2)
  • Blue Moon ("Divide and Conquer")
  • Brain Drain ("Hoist Goes Hollywood")
  • Darkstrike ("The Ultimate Doom" part 3)
  • Deadbolt ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 1)
  • Elegy ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 5)
  • Faultline ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 2)
  • Feedback ("Fight or Flee")
  • Freakshow (Conceptual Background Character)
  • Goldwing ("Divide and Conquer")
  • Grudgematch ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 1)
  • Hailstorm ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 3)
  • Harbinger ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 2)
  • Heatwave aka Sunstorm ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 1)
  • Herald aka Air Warrior ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 2)
  • Jetlag ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 5)
  • Limelight aka Acid Storm ("Divide and Conquer")
  • Midnight ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 2)
  • Nosedive ("Starscream's Brigade")
  • Orbit (The Transformers: the Movie)
  • Overcast ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 2)
  • Phantom ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 3)
  • Rustbucket ("Divide and Conquer")
  • Seafoam ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 2)
  • Slaughterhouse ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 3)
  • Starcraft ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 3)
  • Starlight ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 3)
  • Steelcuff ("The Ultimate Doom" part 3)
  • Strikezone ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 1)
  • Symphony ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 1)
  • Toughstuff ("The Ultimate Doom" part 3)
  • Turbine ("S.O.S. Dinobots")
  • Twilight ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 3)
  • Wasteland ("More Than Meets the Eye" part 1)
  • White Noise ("Five Faces of Darkness" part 4)
  • Yellowbelly ("S.O.S. Dinobots")

Titanium Series Figures
Similar in scale and concept to the Heroes of Cybertron figures, Galoob released a series of PVC figures with die-cast metal parts, encompassing multiple aspects of the Transformers mythos.  Some of them made ideal fodder for projects.
  • Galvatron (Marvel Comics)
  • Skywarp
  • Sweep (Robot Mode)
  • Unicron (as "The Entity")

Robot Heroes Figures
Designed in the style of the Star Wars Galactic Heroes figures, the Robot Heroes are super-deformed action figure versions of popular Transformers characters.  I've turned a handful of them into projects of my own, most of them based on Generation One characters from the comic or cartoon.
Autobots Decepticons

A Handful of the Decepticon Jets

Die-Cast Vehicles
This is my ever-growing collection of 1:64 scale cars, along with other assorted vehicles n' things, repainted or rebuilt to look like Transformers characters from the original cartoon show, comic book, or toy line.  There are so many of them that they get their own sub-page!  The above link will take you to a menu of over 170 individual die-cast projects.

CybCon Toys
The Cybertronian Conference is an unofficial Transformers convention held annually in Washington state and hosted by Greg Gaub and Richard "ViceGripX" Mistron.  Traditionally, the convention has also offered limited-edition, hand-crafted, exclusive collectibles.  During the conventions for which I was involved in creating and designing the exclusives, they were usually repaints (and later, kitbashes) of existing Hasbro toys.

Sticker Sets
Toys that I've customized using only consumer-applied labels, of my own design or imagining, rather than paints and elbow grease.  Delta Star of reprolabels.com printed these for me, and many of them were based on his existing designs.

Die-Cast Autobots

Transformers (Human Characters)

The human characters in the Transformers universe got seriously short-changed.  Despite their importance to the story of both the Marvel Comics stories and the G1 cartoon series, only an incredibly small number of them have ever been produced as toys.

Comic Book Characters Animated Series Characters

Neo-Knight Kitbashes

Beast Wars

I've also done a handful of projects based on characters from this popular spin-off of the original Transformers series.  Most of them are representations of the characters from the show, but a few of them are G1 characters reimagined as Maximals or Predacons.
Beast Mode PVC Figurine Repaints Hasbro Toy Repaints and Kitbashes

Beast Wars PVC Figures

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I developed a strong fondness for the original Ninja Turtles cartoon series and toy line back in the day, and many of my TMNT projects are attempts to make the action figures look more like their animated counterparts.
The Turtles and Allies

Friend or Foe?

The Foot Clan and Other Bad Guys

Die-Cast Scale Vehicles

  • Footcruiser
  • Dask's Neutrino Starcruiser (Blue)
  • Zak and Kala's Neutrino Starcruiser (Red)
  • Transport Module
  • Turtle Blimp
  • Turtle Van

TMNT Vehicles

  • Neutrino Starcruiser (Red)
  • Technodrome
  • Transport Module
  • Turtle Van

TMNT Kitbashes

Star WarsSoo-Prize!

My fondness for Star Wars is largely due to the two mechanical heroes of the films, C-3PO and R2-D2, and as a result most of my projects here revolve around those two lovable droids.
Halloween Costume
My Halloween costume for 2005 was a store-bought Darth Vader costume that I heavily modified to make it more accurate, including custom armor panels and blinking control panel lights.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  • C-3PO (Conjectural Unfinished Version)
  • C-3PO (Film Version)
  • C-3PO Model Kit (Tarnished)

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • R2-D2 (Lava Reflection)


  • C-3PO (Animated Version)
  • IG-88 (Animated Version)
  • R2-D2 (Animated Version)
Episode IV: A New Hope
  • C-3PO (Electronic Power F/X)
  • C-3PO (Marvel Comics)
  • C-3PO Model Kit
  • C-3PO (Tatooine Mission)
  • R2-D2 (Electronic 12" Scale)Downloadable Movie!Under Construction
  • R2-D2 (Carbon Scoring)
  • R2-D2 (Multi-Colored Flashing Lights)
  • R2-D2 Model Kit (Tatooine)
  • R2-D2 (TIE Fighter Damage)

The Star Wars Holiday Special

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Boba Fett (LEGO Figure)
  • Boba Fett (Marvel Comics)
  • Bossk (Marvel Comics)
  • C-3PO (Removable Leg)
  • R2-D2 (Battle Buddies Plush)
  • R2-D2 (Dagobah)
  • R2-D2 Model Kit (Dagobah)

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Star Wars: Wraith Squadron

The Astromech Droids of the Marie Celeste

Knight Rider

You can't deny the appeal of a TV show where one of the main characters was a talking car.  K.I.T.T. was the star of the show, as far as I was concerned, and while there have been a number of toys in his likeness, I wanted to build a few versions of the character that were never officially (or accurately) represented as merchandise.

Repaints and Kitbashes
  • K.A.R.R. (Season Three) NEW!
  • K.I.T.T. (1/64 Die-Cast Scale)
  • K.I.T.T. (Convertible)
  • K.I.T.T. (Model Kit)
  • K.I.T.T. (Super Pursuit Mode)

Disney/Pixar's Cars

This delightfully film series anthropomorphizes cars and trucks in a cute and whimsical way.  I'm fond of collecting the Mattel toy line, but despite the literal dozens of official iterations of some cars like Lightning McQueen, there are a handful of character representations that don't exist—so I took it upon myself to create them.

  • Hudson Hornet (Crash of '54)
  • Lightning McQueen (Crazy Wheels)
  • Mater (Vintage)
  • Ramone (Hydraulic Lifts)
Cars 2
  • Finn McMissile (Oil Platform Escape)
  • Finn McMissile (Grappling Hooks)

Darkwing Duck

"I am the terror that flaps in the night!  I am the lawyer who prematurely cancels your licensing agreement!"  Due to a dispute with Disney, Playmates Toys prematurely cancelled the toy line before several key characters were ever mass produced, so here are my painted figures and sculptures representing those characters.

Quick Fixes
  • Thunderquack
Repaints, Kitbashes, and Sculptures


The Smurfs was one of my favorite cartoons as a youngster.  To commemorate their 50th anniversary in 2009, Jakks Pacific produced an assortment of action figures.  This gave me a chance to come up with my own versions of characters whom I wanted to add to my collection.

Repaints and Kitbashes

Video Game Characters

There are times when the characters in a game manage to surpass the limitations of the medium, when they become far more meaningful than the collection of colorful pixels that comprise their existence.  One of my all-time video games is Final Fantasy II for Super Nintendo (so much so that I steadfastly refuse to call it Final Fantasy IV, the name of the game in Japan) and I wanted to immortalize the main characters in action figure form.
Final Fantasy II (SNES) Half-Life 2 (PC)
  • Alyx Vance

Portal (PC)

  • Chell
  • GLaDOS

Super Mario Bros. (NES)

Wizards & Warriors (NES)

Final Fantasy II Characters

Tales of Torlynn

These are projects based on characters that my sister and I created for a role-playing campaign, which I've since appropriated for eventual use in stories/comics of a similar genre.  Obviously, I made these more for my own amusement than anything else, but I thought they were nifty enough to share with the rest of the universe, so here they are.

Sesame Street

Long before I became obsessed with transforming robots and that galaxy far, far away, Sesame Street was very much a part of my childhood experience.  Projects based on characters who made a profound impact on me can be found below.


Leftovers?  Perish the thought!  These are simply other projects that don't fit into any of the above categories.


Model Kits
Store-bought kits that I have assembled and painted, and to which I have occasionally made some structural improvements.

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Kitbashing Guide


ZMFTS Home Page

Last Update: 2/24/2012
Page layout and content are ©2012 Inspiration Studios
Transformers® and related characters are the property of Hasbro, Inc.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® and related characters are the property of Nickelodeon
Star Wars® and related characters are the property of Lucasfilm
Cars® and related characters are the property of The Walt Disney Company and Pixar Animation Studios
Darkwing Duck® and related characters are the property of The Walt Disney Company
Tales of Torlynn™ and related characters are the property of Inspiration Studios
Sesame Street® and related characters are the property of the Children's Television Workshop
All other licensed names, characters, and/or institutions mentioned on this page
are the property of their respective copyright holders.
