ZMFTS Update Log (2006)

I'm always making little changes here and there to the site that won't merit a mention in the updates log, but just about anything new that I've added to the site can be found here.  Keep in mind that some links on this page will no longer work as the site continues to evolve (this will be particularly problematic this year as I make a half-hearted attempt to move everything to the new server).  Always start from the home page to find the most recent links!  


One of these days I really need to stop immersing myself in kitbashes and start devoting some time to other, more worthwhile endeavours.  That day, however, will not be today.





Excuse me while I rant for a moment.

I've always said that the reason I paint all these tiny little PVC figures and toy cars and things is because it's fun for me.  It's an enjoyable hobby and one of the ways in which I celebrate my love for Transformers.  The whole reason I take the time to take pictures of them and photomanipulate them for clarity and upload the images and erect web pages to display them, though, is so I can share these projects with other people in the fandom.  This may seem like a really obvious thing to say, but I just wanted to make that clear.  I don't maintain a web site for my own benefit; I do it for you, gentle reader.

The problem that I've run into from time to time is that I find it really disappointing sometimes when I go to the trouble to put together an update, but I get very little in the way of feedback.  You see, while I enjoy working on these projects very much, I also enjoy hearing what other fans think about them.  When I can see that people are visiting the site (this is why I have hit counters) but they can't even take the time to fire off a quick e-mail, even when I post updates to the newsgroups and ask specifically for feedback, it's pretty discouraging for me.

Yeah, I know that isn't the central hub of the online fandom that it once was.  I know there are people who still read the newsgroup, though.  They sure don't hesitate to pipe up when I've said something offensive, but trying to get any kind of constructive criticism is like pulling teeth.  And yeah, I know that the projects I put together are pretty esoteric in nature and probably don't appeal to a particularly wide audience.  And sure, I know that Transformers as a whole isn't the most exciting franchise in the world right now, with the prospect of a (possibly) very bad movie looming on the horizon for next year and the past few cartoon shows, if I may express an opinion, being generally lackluster.  Not everyone's an oldskool G1 fanboy like me, so it's understandable that some folks have lost interest in the fandom and moved on.  And I know that the ads on Fortunecity are annoying and are probably deterring people from visiting.  And yeah, I know that the ZMFTS having moved last year killed off a lot of my regular traffic, and I haven't made any kind of effort to rebuild the site so everything points to the correct home page.  I'm aware of all of this.

My point is that, despite all of this, I would still really appreciate it if you've come to this page and have checked out my latest work, you might take the time to let me know what you think.  It would mean a lot to me.


Here are some really fun projects that I've been planning for a while.  I insist that you click the links immediately.  No, I'm serious.  Do it right now.  Just stop reading this.  Why are you still here?



I've been spending the past few months working on some new stuff, but it's not ready yet.  So, basically, I'm being a big tease and letting you know there's all sorts of huge, exciting stuff on the horizon that you can't see yet.  I'm so naughty.  Oh, I do have a few new projects to share with you, though.  (See?  I'm not completely evil.)





Here's the latest batch of projects I've been working on lately.  (Some of this stuff is actually several months old, but I'm only just now getting around to uploading it.  No, I'm not lazy... just efficient.  You know, like Razorclaw.  And don't you dare ask me, "Which Razorclaw?"  Grr.  There's only, like, twelve of them now.  Sigh.)


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