Justin Yu is a real person
Justin Yu does not exist. He is simply a person that Kim Chee created in order to look cool. Instead, Kim Chee's plan backfired, and he looks more like a loner.
Beatricel Olli is fake
Beatricel Olli is a real person. Not only have multiple people met him, but he has an ACTIVE ICQ account, and has spoke on the phone.
Justin Me is half-real, half-fake
Justin Me is as real as Justin Yu.
Bafkag's middle name is John
Bafkag's real middle names are Grant and Saferson.
Frog is tall.
Propaganda is not actually a reality, and was never used in World War One.
The Gooferation is a cult, and eventually, all members of the Gooferation will participate in a mass-suicide.
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