Planet Afkag
Did you really think you were alone in this universe?
Justin Yu is a real person
Justin Yu does not exist.  He is simply a person that Kim Chee created in order to look cool.  Instead, Kim Chee's plan backfired, and he looks more like a loner.
Beatricel Olli is fake
Beatricel Olli is a real person.  Not only have multiple people met him, but he has an ACTIVE ICQ account, and has spoke on the phone.
Justin Me is half-real, half-fake
Justin Me is as real as Justin Yu.  
Bafkag's middle name is John
Bafkag's real middle names are Grant and Saferson.
Frog is tall.
Frog is NOT tall.  He is short.
Propaganda is not actually a reality, and was never used in World War One.
The Gooferation is a cult, and eventually, all members of the Gooferation will participate in a mass-suicide.
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