About Me


About Me

Fun, Fun!

Dreary wanderers, restless souls, come in! Come in! You are all welcome here...

FAQ: Just what is an English Yew? Does it mean you're English or something?
A: Well, an English Yew is a breed of tree. It's bark, berries and leaves tend to be poisonous, but are now being used in lab studies as a possible cure for certain cancers. And no, I'm not English. In fact, I am proudly American!

What about hobbies you say? Hobbies, I say? I have time for hobbies? Well of course I do! It's just my way of trying to idealize procrastination in its best form: LIFE. When I'm not at school or work, I watch the X-Files, read books, write poetry or fiction, listen to music, hang out with friends, and lurk over the net. Sounds exciting doesn't it? I bet you wish you were me right now...

And now, the more usual suspects, should you wish to know about me.

And now, the more usual suspects... I live in Portland, Oregon. City of Roses. Bridgetown. It's cool here. I have a great time hanging out in the downtown Park Blocks just talking with people, reading books and drinking primo coffee from Coffee People. I just recently got my car fixed and am scampering about town doing all the things there are to do here in Portland. You ought to visit.

What is the phenomenon behind Spoon?
But then again, there are always options to go back.
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This page last updated on April 15th, 2000.