Meeting Nick Lea

Nick Lea & Chris Owens


The picture I took of Nick Lea outside of the Orpheum Theatre after The X-Files Cancer Benefit, "The Cure Is Out There."

Nick Lea onstage during his question and answer session. The roses are from a female fan. He kissed her on the cheek as a thank you.

Another shot of Nick.

This shot Chris Owens took when we met Nick and Chris on the street on the way back to our hotel from the benefit. From Left to Right: Kris, Nick, Amber and Kate.

The Rare Krycek CCG card that Kris got signed for me when she attended one of the X-Files Expos in Dallas.

Our picture with Chris Owens. Nick Lea actually took the picture.

A rather fuzzy shot that Nick snapped of Chris Owens and myself while he played with my camera.
I just found a copy of the meeting Nick and Chris story on a disk at home, so I will post that one soon!

Want to see more benefit pictures?
You can also go back to my X-Philes Haven.
We also met Gillian Anderson that night.

Send me e-mail.

This page was last updated on January 23rd, 2000.