Yew's X-Philes Haven

Yew's X-Philes Haven



Hey, if it's not apparent by now that The X-Files is my favourite show, here's the time to show you that it is! Check out these great sites to learn more:


BlueSwirl's Crash Pad fic fic and more fic. It's happy there.
Spoilerville It's all about the spoilers.
Scully.Mulder.Com What would it be like if Mulder and Scully got married? VERY funny. Check out this site to find out why...
X-Files In Jokes From each season through the movie and the cd-rom game, this site carries inside jokes, lists, comparisions, and a great deal of script differences!

See? It's not just me who likes Alex "Ratboy" Krycek! Visit her site and check out my Krycek artwork!
Alien Ice Picktures Presents...the web adventures of Mulder and Scully! My favorite? A Boy and His Cow...SQUISH!
Join Weekly or Monthly The X-Paper Online is here to serve all your X-Needs!


I attended an Offical Creation X-Files Convention on June 22, 1996.
A gag Lone Gunman Newsletter that somehow made its way to me from the AOL "Tex-Files" Convention way back when...
Aching to see where Mulder and Scully lived while filming took place in Vancouver? Look no further.
Vancouver, land of many lands. Click here to see places in Canada where the X-Files filmed.
My friend in Canada lives in Langley, B.C. where the infamous episode "Home" was shot.
During Spring Break 98 my friend and I managed to catch the filming of "The Pine Bluff Variant" in downtown Vancouver, B.C.
While watching the X-Files film, we met Mitch "Skinner" Pileggi and Jaap "The Stupendous Yappi" Broeker.
A couple weeks later, my friends and I attended "The Cure Is Out There", a benefit for the Canadian Cancer Society.
We met Nick "Krycek" Lea and Chris "Spender" Owens on the street! It was a lucky weekend.
And we also managed to get Gillian "Scully" Anderson's autograph (along with a few pictures).
My X-Files Fan Fiction and Links
I also have photoshop generated X-Files art of my own. Check it out!

X-Files Logo


The Official X-Files WebsiteThis is where it all begins. Now updated regularly and well kept. Beware, you need plug-ins for this site and it is graphics intensive.
Dean Haglund's HomepageHe's funny, he maintains his own site and answers his own e-mail...New news is the Lone Gunmen spinoff...
The Official X-Files Movie Website The Official FOX movie site.


I Want To Believe

Other XF Sites of Interest:

The X-Files Rogue Gallery
The X-Files University Scully's thesis was Einstein's Twin Paradox: A New Interpretation. What will yours be?
X-Files Game Central hints, cheats and other neat factoids about the X-Files CD Rom Game.
X-Files CCG Swap Page Find those rare cards and get rid of those unsightly commons here!
XF Free Speech Site help combat against Fox so easily shutting down the audience's resources for the good stuff that they won't put on the Official Site.

Send me e-mail.

This page was last updated on May 9th, 2000.