Episode 5X18

The Pine Bluff Variant

X-Files Episode 5X18

During our trip to Vancouver, BC for Spring Break 1998, my friend Kris and I were lucky enough to catch the X-Files filming near our hotel. The following pictures are the shots we took before the actors asked that no more pictures be taken.
If you are unfamiliar with this episode, or need a refresher, click here.

Set Sign
Click on the image to get a close up of the sign.

Above: The X-Files Vancouver crew sets up for a scene in which Mulder (David Duchovny) will drive his car almost into the military guy, flash his badge, then rush inside the building (which for this episode is posing as a bank).

This picture is the crew (+David Duchovny now) waiting in between shots. It's kind of hazy, but if you look hard enough, you can see David with his sunglasses on in the middle of the picture.

A better picture of the crew with better focus on David. Still not the best picture in the world, but it's still better than nothing.

Tom Braidwood scrambling around the set (he did this quite often). By the way, the license plates on the cars are from Pennsylvania, but those are only mounted on the front. On the back of the cars are the trusty British Columbia tags.

David Duchovny is standing front and center between the two guards in front of the plastic hallway while the crew is setting up for a scene in which Mulder enters the bank building and approaches Scully (Gillian Anderson). Gillian was in the building most of the time or else she hid behind a large tarp. Therefore, not pictures of Gillian were obtained on this outing.

More waiting between shots. This time Jaap Broeker (The Stupendous Yappi and David's former stand-in) is running through the scenes for the director. He is standing in front of the guard to the right of the crew crowd.

This is the crowd control guy coming over to tell us that the cast and crew have requested that no more photographs be taken. In the background (left of center) Tom Braidwood is trying to get everything on the set right again.

During the Lunch Break...

...We approached Jaap Broeker for an autograph and picture and he hosted us on the set. He's a very good man.

Kris with David Duchovny's chair. She got to sit in it too!

Me in back of Mitch Pileggi's chair. It's actually very comfortable!

Want to take a gander at people we met while on the set?
Or would you care to go back to The Haven?

Send me e-mail.

This page was last updated on January 23rd, 2000.