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Captain America & Captain Commando

"Freedom prevails!"

During World War II, Steve Rogers was part of a secret US government project to create a super soldier. Given the Super-Soldier serum and treated with Vita-Rays, Rogers became the powerful Captain America. At the end of WWII, the Captain plunged into an icy sea and disappeared. He was discovered decades later by the Avengers, and returned to his duty. Equipped with a shield of unbreakable adamantium and a just as unbreakable spirit, Captain America continues to fight for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"Captain Sword!!"

No-one knows where the man who calls himself Captain Commando came from, but few complain. He appeared from nowhere years ago in order to destroy Scumocide, the alien criminal organization that ruled his Earth. Assembling a team of fighters and using his fortunes to supply them with the equipment they need, Cap Commando brought down the massive evil army. His gauntlets have flamethrowers and high-powered tasers built in, plus he's an expert with almost any kind of artillery. A flashy brawler with a definate showman's streak, Cap Commando charges into battle with everything he's got.


A respected chemist and plastic surgeon, Doctor Jeanat� was working on a chemical to slow the aging process. But a raid on his labs by Scumocide agents resulted in a horrible accident, the unfinished formula turning the doctor into a living mummy. Seeking his revenge, he joined Captain Commando, turning his skills to those of combat. He weilds two razor-sharp knives which can spray a chemical that radically speeds up the aging process... a good stab and a full blast of the chemical can turn a human into a pile of dust and bones within seconds. But he only uses the chemical against the agents of Scumocide... the only thing that makes this gentle soul see red.


Only a year old, but one of the most brilliant scientific minds on Captain Commando's world. Hoover lived in a science lab that was attacked by Scumocide's soldiers seeking to capture the child and drain his brain of its genuis. When Captain Commando came to the rescue, he found that Hoover was already holding his own inside a robotic fighting armor of his own design. Since then, Captain Commando made Hoover part of his team. The Baby Commando develops most of Team Commando's new technologies, even though half his inventions are toys simply to keep him amused.


When the aged leader of his ninja clan was found dead, Sho quickly grew suspicious of the successor, who began to fill the clan's ranks with thugs and criminals. Soon after he discovered the new leader was on Scumocide's payroll, and was raising an army of ninjas in his plan to rule the world. Despite his rage over the murder of a man he respected, Sho knew there was no way he could destroy this new army of ninjas alone, much less Scumocide's full forces. He soon introduced himself to Captain Commando, who was impressed with Sho's fighting skills and unshakable calm. Easily the quietest and creepiest of the Team, but a man of true honor.


Captain Commando couldn't believe it... an entire lab full of confiscated Scumocide technology has been spirited away, along with the scientists and technicians he had hired to work the lab. But he was more horrified than angry over the theft... the machinery stolen was dozens upon dozens of draining units, machines with helpless humans strapped into them, feeding them nutrients through IVs and slowly draining their spiritual energy through siphons. For months, the scientists had been trying to find ways of removing the victims without instantly killing them. Detecting a weakness in the fabric of space, Hoover is able to quickly (yes, quickly) build a portal generator, which sends Team Commando into the Marvel Universe...
Meanwhile, Captain America is himself investigating the trail of Shadowloo agents in his world, and discovering evidence of the stolen lab... the dead bodies of many of the former victims. Team Commando soon arrives as well, and the five begin their search. Little do any of them realize that Onslaught is using the stolen units on the kidnapped Legendary Wings, which further amplifies the psychic energy their powers have tapped from across the dimensions. But that's not all he plans to use them for... soon Onslaught hopes to have some of his most powerful enemies strapped into the units, their powers drained and put into him...

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Page design, layout and background images by M Sipher.

Sound bites courtesy of Deadworm.

All Marvel characters and their likenesses are the trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. All Capcom characters... well... are the property of Capcom Co., Ltd. Norimaro is the property of Noritaro Kinashi & Arrival/NTV. Strider Hiryu & Ton-Pu are the property of Moto Kikaku. This site is not intended to be an infringement on any of the copyrights and trademarks of any company whose products or characters are mentioned within its contents. This site is for entertainment purposes only, and is an entirely non-profit operation.