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Jubilee & Roll


A mutant with the ability to generate fireworks, Jubilee spent most of her time hanging out in malls entertaining the patrons. However, mall management had other ideas, and hired a team of so-called mutant hunters to take care of what they considered to be a pest. The very same day, the X-Men?s female members came to the mall for some fun and relaxation, and ended up sparring against the inept but nonetheless dangerous mutant catchers. Jubilee snuck away with the X-women after the fight, and soon became a member herself. Smart-mouthed and fun-loving, Jubilee is often found in the company of Wolverine.


Although she was activated only seconds after her brother Rock, Roll has always been considered the little sister of the two. When Rock became MegaMan to prevent Dr. Wily?s robots from taking over the world, Roll stayed home to take care of the forgetful Dr. Light. But like Mega, her programming is considerably more advanced than the other ?Humanoid?-programmed robots, and she has a strong sense of justice. Recently she has begun to get more and more directly involved in the constant fight against the mad Wily.


As Xavier?s mansion burns around them, the Beast, Jubilee and Roll manage to escape the inferno through a dimensional portal sent by Dr. Light. However, the power drain leaves the Doctor incapable of creating a new portal to bring MegaMan and Rogue in for nearly twenty-four hours. As Beast and Light work together to solve the energy problem, Roll takes Jubilee out for some entertainment at Megalopolis? shopping centers.
But Wily sends one of the newly-reprogrammed Sentinel robots to wreak havoc on Megalopolis. He plans to unleash a second Sentinel, this time on Light?s lab, when MegaMan leaves to fight the first one. But with Mega still in the Marvel Universe, only Roll and Jubilee are around to face the menace...

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