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Rogue & MegaMan


Formerly of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has long since joined the X-Men. Though her most visible mutant powers are flight, super-human strength and near-invulnerability, her ?signature? power is that she can temporarily steal someone?s strength, super-powers, even memories and personality simply by making skin contact (whether she wants to or not). Because of this the Southern Belle has grown tough as nails and fairly independent (since getting too close to someone has proved dangerous at times), but feels the X-Men are her family.


?Born? as Rock, MegaMan was one of eight robots built as a test of Dr. Light?s ?Humanoid? personality program, which gives robots thoughts, emotions and behavior similar to those of humans. Six of the robots were industrial workers sent to do jobs too hazardous for humans but too delicate for ?dumb? robots, Rock and his sister Roll stayed with Dr. Light. When Light?s former assistant Dr. Wily went mad and turned the six industrial robots against mankind, Rock volunteered to be made into a warrior robot. MegaMan has the ability to temporarily replicate the weapons of any other ?Humanoid?-programmed robot, and relies on help from his robot helpers like Rush the robo-dog to bring Dr. Wily?s schemes to an end.


MegaMan?s faithful friend, Rush is more than a robot pet. He?s one of MegaMan?s greatest support robots in the field. Rush can turn into a wide variety of vehicles, including a drill tank, motorcycle, one-robot submarine, and flight modes for both atmospheric and space travel. With the proper adaptions, Rush can form power armor for MegaMan, carry items, even use his powerful nose to seek out valuable items.


With most of the X-Men scattered across the Marvel and Capcom Universes, Onslaught knows that now is the perfect time to destroy those who remain at the Xavier Mansion. He has Dr. Wily send a squad of his toughest robots, and using Xavier's memories, directs them to the Mansion's vulnerable spots...
Back in Megalopolis, Dr. Light has been working on a portal generator of his own to track down Wily. He traces Wily's robots to the Marvel Universe, and sends MegaMan to stop them, with Roll in tow. MegaMan and Rogue team up to take on the waves of Wily?s machines while Jubilee, Roll and the Beast work frantically inside the mansion on restoring the X-Men?s portal generator? both teams unaware of the small squad of Wily?s robots now under the mansion with a LOT of explosives?

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