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Shuma-Gorath vs. Dhalsim

"Chaos Dimension!!"

A horrible creature of unimaginable power, Shuma-Gorath lives only to consume. Having devoured the entirety of his universe, he soon set his sights on others... leading him soon to the Marvel Universe. However, he found himself facing the powerful mystic Doctor Strange, who eventually sealed Shuma-Gorath back in his own dimension. His unstoppable hunger keeps him going, endlessly trying to find his way back both to feed on the universe, and to exact slow, painful revenge on Doctor Strange.


A Yoga Master from India, Dhalsim entered the Street Fighter tournament in hopes of raising the money to aid his people. The three skulls which hang from his neck are those of the young children in his village who died of disease and hunger, and a constant reminder of what he is fighting for. His meditations have given him many superhuman skills, among them the ability to breathe fire, teleport, and what he is most known for... the ability to stretch his limbs to nearly four times their true length, making it very hard for his opponents to get close to him. Dhaslim hopes that his young son can grow up in a world free of the horrors that plague his village, and free of evil men like M. Bison.


The fabric of space weakened by Onslaught's frequent use of portals between the Marvel and Capcom universes, Shuma-Gorath has managed to create a "pinhole" through the barrier set by Doctor Strange. Though it only lasts for the briefest second, he is able to create a physical body for a fragment of his power outside his prison. Through this avatar, Shuma-Gorath plans to travel through all the worlds he can reach, seeking out beings of incredible stength so he can consume their power... eventually to gain enough power to break the prison from the outside and bring his full might into this reality.
Already on a journey to fight the evil power of Onslaught, Dhalsim finds himself facing a much more immediate threat... Shuma-Gorath has entered the Earth of the Street Fighters, and has targeted the Yoga Master as his next meal. Though he is able to fend off the horror for a time, Dhalsim soon realizes it will take more than himself to banish Shuma-Gorath, especially if he is able to consume the powers of Street Fighters around the world. Aid does come, in the form of Doctor Strange of the Marvel Universe, and the magician Tessa from Red Earth in the Capcom Universe. The three begin their hunt for Shuma-Gorath...

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Sound bites courtesy of Deadworm.

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