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Storm & Jin Saotome


After her parents were killed during a bombing in Cairo, Ororo Munroe wandered as a master theif even though she was only a child. When her mutant ablity to control the weather began to manifest itself, she found herself worshipped as a storm goddess. Professor Xavier soon traveled to find her and recruit her for the new team of X-Men. Sharing leadership duties with Cyclops, Storm carries herself with a regal air. Her weather-control powers make her one of the most powerful mutants alive.


Jin's father was a war hero, who lead a team of Variant Armor pilots against an alien invasion, saving the world. However, he was killed shortly after. Jin took on his father's Variant Armor Blodia BX-02 and continues the fight against the alien warlord Shadow. Jin feels the only way he can live up to his father's legacy is to become not only the best VA pilot ever, but also to develop his mind and body to its limits. His mood swings from stoic and introspective to raging fury with little warning as his rage over his father's death takes over.


Storm is investigating the re-appearance of the Sentinel "Warrior" models, smaller but just as powerful machines designed to take on mutants one-on-one without the problems encountered by the previous giant-sized Sentinels. After fighting her way through one of Onslaught's depots, she is thrown into a portal generator that sends her to a world full of giant machines...
Onslaught has chosen the Earth that Jin lives in as the perfect testing grounds for the Sentinel robots Wily has reprogrammed. A team of Sentinels interrupt Jin's Variant Armor duel with Princess Devilot, destroying her Super 8 and seriously crippling Blodia. He is rescued by Storm, and the two return Blodia to Jin's base in order to plan the destruction of the Sentinel depot. But more Sentinels are on their way to silence Storm forever...

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