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Venom & Morrigan

"We want to eat your brain!"

Eddie Brock was a newspaper reporter on the trail of a serial killer. Shortly after he interviewed someone who confessed to the killings, Spider-Man tracked down the real killer. The paper and Brock were made laughingstocks. Brock contemplated suicide, seeking out churches that would forgive him? but in one he ran across an alien sybiote that had at one time been Spider-Man?s costume. Brock and the symbiote became Venom, driven by hatred of Spider-Man. But Brock?s sense of justice prevailed, and now Venom protects the innocent from those who would harm them.


Centuries old, Morrigan is a succubus who survives by draining the soul power of her victims. Through she prefers to seduce handsome males and drain their power that way, she is more than happy to drain power from anyone by fighting them. For centuries she was held in check by her master Beirol, who held a piece of Morrigan?s own soul. But as Morrigan grew more rebellious, Beirol gave the piece of soul life and form as Lilith. But her only hope for survival was to defeat Morrigan and claim her body as a permanent place for Lilith?s waning spirit. Beirol's plan backfired however? the two became one, growing in power, and broke free. With Morrigan in the ?driver?s seat?, the two seek out more power to give Lilith her own permanent body, and to take over both the demon and human worlds.


The Earth of the DarkStalkers is shrouded in eternal night, the sun blocked out by the vampire Demitri Maximov nearly a century ago. The humans fear and resent all DarkStalkers, and Onslaught knows how to use those emotions to further his own goals. He has Bison arm the humans of this world and send them to kill any Dark Ones they can find? but each dead DarkStalker?s power is siphoned into Onslaught.
Onslaught also sees this world as the perfect place to dispose of a potential threat? he manages to trap Venom in it, hoping that if the humans don?t kill him, the constantly-feuding DarkStalkers will. New power is a beacon to Morrigan, and she goes after him like a bat out of hell. She drives off a mob of humans bent on killing Venom, planning to have him all to herself. But upon hearing of the power contained within Onslaught, Morrigan instead teams up with Venom and teleports them back to the Marvel Universe, hoping to tap into that power for her own use?

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Sound bites courtesy of Deadworm.

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